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«chemistry»: top viewed presentations this week in english, page 3
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Primary Batteries. The zinc-carbon cell
Primary Batteries. The zinc-carbon cell
Сharacteristics of Chemical power sources (CPS)
Carbohydrates and their metabolism. Digestion of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates and their metabolism. Digestion of carbohydrates
Interest in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles by explosion
Obtaining oxygen
Group theory. Symmetry in coordination chemistry
Seminar on kesterites
Structural, substructural properties and chemical composition
Apparatus of installations with circulating ball catalyst
Chemical ecology
Sm-Nd метод
Dense Yttria Film Deposited on a Plasma-Sprayed Al2Oз Coating by Aerosol Deposition
Методы исследования взаимодействий с участием белков (Co-IP, equilibrium microdialysis, ITC, MST, SPR, BLI, QСM)
Plastics слайды
Чистые вещества и смеси
The Molecules of Life
The Eicosanoids: Prostaglandins (PG) Thromboxanes Leukotrienes Related Compounds
Respiration Module
Aluminium – the Most Abundant Metals
Mixture Separation (Qualitative Analysis)
Галогенидные и полигалогенидные комплексы постпереходных элементов
Si - Silicon. Distribute Properties
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
Extremely hazardous chemicals
Responsible Aluminium Framework
Proteins. Functions, structure, classification
Metals Properties and compounds
The nobel prize in chemistry 2020
Nanofibers of aluminum oxide
“Nafen” alumina nanofibers as support for “Iriotec” antistatic pigments
Chiral carbon
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Solid waste biotreatment. Ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials. Lecture 4
Investigation of the conditions for the synthesis of a silver - containing composite
Causes of Failure Analysis of Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries
General properties of metals
Atom overview and subatomic particles
Monomers and building blocks (glucose, fructose)
Radioactivity. Atoms which are prone to decay
Elements, mixtures, compounds
The pattern of changing the properties of elements in periods and groups
Dynamic equilibrium
Food Additives
Chemical reaction rate. Influence of conditions on the rate of chemical reactions. Topic 3.2
Chemical reaction rate. Influence of conditions on the rate of chemical reactions. Catalysis. Topic 3.2
Vitamin like substances
Nucleic Acid Templated Chemistry (NATC) for the treatment of cancer
General Chemistry
It’s not rocket science
Chemestry of scandiute compounids
Nobel Prize Winner Paul Sabatier
Theories of acids and bases. Ionic equilibria in electrolyte solutions. Buffer solutions (topic 3.4)
Elements of group 2 (IIA)
The structure and properties of the nitrogen and ammonia molecules. Industrial production of nitrogen fertilizers (topic 4.4)
Phosphorus and its compounds
Michael Faraday
Control of gene expression
Trends in periodic table
Extraction of semivolatile organics from solid matrices
Process Design. Increasing Plant Capacity. Process Trouble Shooting
Development of technology for extracting copper from cyanide-containing solutions of processed gold and copper ores
Phase structure and chemical stability of LSFW oxide
General characteristics of halogens. Halogen compounds
Synthesis of thin- film structures of vanadium oxide by spray- pyrolysis
Amino acid Structure and Functional Group Properties
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834 - 1907)
Fission and Fusion Reactions
Radioactive Decay
Half-Life and Activity
Science in English
Гальванические элементы
Hydrochloric acid HCl
Alcohols. Learning Objectives
Dehydration of alcohols
Reach - lecture
Nitrogen compounds. Production of ammonia
Halogens and their compounds (lecture 5)
Phosphorus and its compounds (lecture 4)
Electrochemical Cells
Standard Reduction Potentials
Kinbio - Analysis of common problems in the development of colloidal gold test strip
Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Solutions. Understanding Environmental Pollution
Mercury in the Environment
Organic chemistry