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«sociology»: top viewed presentations in english, page 1
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Teenagers’ society problems
Детский фонд ООН (ЮНИСЕФ). Город, дружественный детям
Social work and Social Pedagogy
What is discrimination
Empirical tools
Planning and designing social research
Problems in the family
Political Socialization and Political Culture
United nation development programme
Why do teens join subcultures?
Ways to make a friends and sweethearts
Sampling methods in research
Global problems of humanity
Outline introduction
Descriptive statistics (chapter 2)
Writing ielts academic
Why do teens choose a subculture?
IIntroduction to Social Media
Family Violence as an Acute Problem in Contemporary Society
Punks subculture
Awareness training for support staff working in a disability employment service
Organization Advit
Choose the right tools to build your retirement savings
Municipal investment plan
What causes Euroscepticism
The ideal family
Problems of teenagers
Statistics. Identify the population and the sample in the following study
Presentation about cis survey results
Gary Becker
Cruelty to animals
Social Development and Working Mothers
Social Cognition
Discrimination. Ageism - is when a person is treated badly only because of their age
The social self
Contemporary HRM. Flexibility
The Elementary Structure of the Population
The Citizen at the Centre in the EU. Global Developments in the Social Sector and the role of NGOs
The Professional competences
Methodology. Assessment
Cohesive group
Turkey, 2nd Prize, Ayça Yazıcı Ferhat Bulduk. Social svy
Research Seminar. Critical review - criteria
Transpacific fund for cataclysms
Main stages of formation and development of social and political science
The social problems
MMSA Macedonia. International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations SCOPE
Social Class and Mobility
Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change Results of the SI-DRIVE Project
Brexit: reasons and possible implications
The problems of teenagers
Social and regional policy of the government
Pension Report. Social Security
Job hunting instructions
Youth movements
Jаmes s. Holmes. The name and nature of translation studies
Gender stereotypes
Smoke-as a social problem among 6th year students KazNMU
Kärcher Global Employee Survey 2017, Moldova
Teenagers: their life and problems
Международное волонтёрство. Как попасть и куда поехать?
Social partnership in labour sphere: lecture 1
Social partnership in labour sphere: lecture 2
Political culture and socialization
Types of Migrant Groups
Rating system in Russia
Cultural identity
Sociology is
Human adaptation
Teen activities
Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things
Values, interests, norms as the spiritual basis of personality (lecture 6)
Family Values
Television consumption in France
Ntroduction to intercultural communication
Causes of conflicts in the family
How do teens express their individuality?
Food foundation Rus
Regulation of Social Norms
Pie charts
Modern youth subculture
Television for youth
Student Council. Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, Russia
Sustainable transportation
Hobby horsing
Evolution of youth Groups in Russia
Hippies. Rainbow children
American society
Communication theory and practice
Hippie is a specific subculture
Public transport (British vs. Russia)
Problems of teens in Finland
Experimental design. (Section 1.3)
PLS 140 Introduction to comparative politics. Basic concepts in CP
Intro to Comparative Politics. Ethnic and national identities
Do we have the same hobbies
General communication skills. Communication & employability skills