Category: sociologysociology

Problems in the family


Prepared Darya Bazhenova


The modern family due to socio-economic turmoil the country is
experiencing great difficulties. Russian society in the socio-economic
crisis, is unable to help and support the institution of the family. Unable
to withstand external destructive onslaught, the family is falling apart.
The main goal of the modern family today to survive.
- Low level of culture of family relations
- Increasing mutual demands of the spouses to each other (This is why
specialists are usually called in last turn)
The above qualifications and delineation of the causes takes place only in
the theoretical analysis. In real life, psycho-emotional, physiological and
social factors are closely interrelated.
Along with the negative phenomena in family-marital relations, leading
to family breakdown, there were also positive trends in the growth of
self-consciousness spouses.
It should be noted that the objective of social cause of the deterioration of
the family relations is the low level of social services, social work with the
family mi.


Problems of families with children
who are prone to consumption of
Cohesion is defined as emotional connection, closeness, or
affection of family members. The concept of hierarchy used
in the study of the structure of roles, rules within the family,
as well as to determine the degree of influence of each
family member on the other. The term "frontier" is used to
describe the relationship between a family and its social
environment (external boundary), as well as between
different family members (the inner boundary). If the outer
boundary is too rigid, limited to the exchange of information
between the family and the environment, there comes the
stagnation in the system, if weak, member of the family is
more associated with the external environment than
between them. If the internal boundaries between parents
and children hard, the parents are concerned only with
themselves; if weak, then there is a redistribution of roles in
the family and intervention in the intimate sphere of each
other. At internal borders there is also the notion of the
"border generations", which reveals the nature of
relationships within each of the generations of the family. In
well-functioning families rules that govern the interactions
between parents and between children differ from the rules
of the parent-child relationship. Parent dyads show a higher
degree of cohesion.Almost 95% of cases of drug abuse in
adolescents, we are faced with families where these options
are disrupted and have a negative impact on the personality
development of the child.In the structure of families include
relationships: marital, parent-child, between brothers and
sisters (refer to sibs), and between relatives.


The structure of the relationship is
controversial, friendly-hostile in nature.
Both partners are characterized by the
immaturity of family roles and fail to
take responsibility for the behaviour of
the couple as a whole. Conflicts can be
represented as contradictions, mainly in
the areas of care and protection, as well
as emotional acceptance when facing
significant needs of the partners. One of
the areas where manifestations of rivalry
between spouses the most dangerous
consequences is the education of the
children. It is the mismatch of
educational positions, requirements in
relation to the child.


Families with disturbed
As a result of prolonged conflict in family members,
reduced social and psychological adaptation, you
lose the ability to work together (inconsistency in
the upbringing of children). The level of
psychological stress in the family has a tendency to
rise and, eventually, may lead to the formation of
drug dependence at the teenager.
The representatives of the humanistic direction in
psychology, consider breaking the marital
relationship as a lack of satisfaction of needs in
emotional relationships. They make attempts to
analyze the family as a whole, drawing an analogy
with the structure of the neurotic personality, using
the category of protective mechanisms in the family.
To prevent awareness of the negative aspects of life
at the level of family system formed the protective
mechanisms (family myths, irrational beliefs, etc.).
Protective mechanisms based on the splitting: if the
couple disharmony are similar, the reasons for
rejecting aspects of family life found outside the
home. If disharmony is different, each partner
unconsciously support of your spouse or child are
the qualities which correspond to his own repressed
tendencies. The existence of such a family of
protective mechanisms leads to the fact that even
clear signs of anesthesia a child to remain for a very
long time "not noticed" parents.


Often adults do not pay attention to how they
behave in relation to the child or in society. But
many reasons the children of disobedience
rooted in that child becoming a person, and
focuses largely inherits the basic behavior
patterns of their parents. If one spouse passes
on deaf ears most of the comments or
suggestions other then the little man formed an
inner feeling that to do so normally. He is also
responding to the just demands of adults and
does not listen even in situations when parents
behave very correctly. Thus, the first group of
factors of the children of disobedience can be
called causes associated with attention deficit.


Misunderstanding of
At some point this conflict is the main
issue in family relations. Parents
clutching his head, not knowing what to
do with a rebellious child. All words
and actions that were previously
successful, at this stage are completely
useless. The child is ready to explode
for any reason, he reacts negatively to
all the suggestions from their ancestors.
In the end, parents and children fight.
This can lead to very sad consequences
(the hunger strike, leaving home,
suicide). Even temporary alienation can
dramatically change relations between
relatives. If "cold notes" in the behavior
of Chad are already visible, it's time to
take action.


Alcohol addicted
Alcohol can destroy the health and psyche of an
individual at any stage of development. This toxic
substance causes many irreversible disturbances in the
body, mutilates man. And if adults are alcoholics
themselves doomed to such an existence, what is to
blame for their children? Consider the actual problems
such as diseases of the offspring of alcohol-dependent
parents and the future life of the children of chronic
alcoholics. Disturbed psyche holding a baby in
constant tension, pushes to condemn in society
actions, such as constant lies. Over time, the child
notices that it was used as a "stabilizer" capable of
deterring the parent appetite for alcohol. But
something did not work and contacts with the glass
only intensified, and the child remained at "zero". Or
conversely, it is plagued by excessive attention.
Thus, the alcoholism through the eyes of children is a
reality with significant refraction. He is initially not
perceived as adults – a way to relax, to "fill in" grief in
vodka, etc. furthermore, alcohol directly affects the
mental development of the child, which actively
manifests itself during the school years remains for a
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