Categories: englishenglish sociologysociology


1. Hippie


The history of hippie subculture began in the 60-ies of the last century. U.S.
representatives were called "flower children", acknowledging thus their ideology,
their passion for natural decorations and floral patterns. In addition, hippies always
advocated free love, and loyalty for all living things, denied the primacy of material
values and opposed violence and war.

3. Hippies believe that:

people should be free;
to achieve freedom only by
changing the internal state of the
internally uninhibited actions of man
are determined by the desire to
preserve their freedom as the
greatest treasure;
beauty and freedom are identical,
and that the implementation of both
— purely spiritual problem;
all who share the above, form a
spiritual community;
spiritual community — the ideal
form of a hostel;
all that think differently are wrong.

4. Hippies and politics

If under the policy to understand
elections, meetings, voting and
promotion, initially apolitical
hippies. Living outside the "civil"
society in the world, based on love,
friendship and mutual assistance,
hippies prefer to change the world
with their creativity, including
creative social.

5. Famous hippie

6. Joan Baez

American singer
and songwriter,
performing music
primarily in the
styles of folk and
country, left
political activist.

7. John Lennon

English rock musician,
singer, poet,
composer, artist,
writer. One of the
founders and member
of the Beatles, a
popular musician of
the XX century . After
the breakup of the
Beatles began a solo
career, but in 1980
was killed.

8. Steve Jobs

entrepreneur, widely
recognized as the
pioneer era of ITtechnologies. One of
the founders,
Chairman of the Board
of Directors and CEO
of Apple. Co-founder
and CEO of the Studio

9. The slogans of the hippies of the 60s

«Make love, not war» («Занимайтесь
любовью, а не войной!».)
«Off The Pig!» («Выключи свинью!») (игра
слов — «свиньёй» назывался пулемет M60,
немаловажный атрибут и
символ Вьетнамской войны)
«Give Peace A Chance» («Дайте миру шанс»)
(название песни Джона Леннона)
«Hell No, We Won’t Go!» («Ни черта мы не
«All You Need Is Love!» («Всё, что тебе
нужно, — это любовь!») (название песни The
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