Public transport
Categories: englishenglish sociologysociology

Public transport (British vs. Russia)

1. Public transport

(British vs. Russia)

2. The main thing

Of course public transport is important
for society in this time. They are used by
most of people in different countries. Now
we look at them on the example of two
Great Britain and Russia

3. Russia

In our country is the most popular
transport bus. They have about 13 billion
passengers per year. Trams and trolley
buses has about 2 billion passengers.
Trains has 1 billion.

4. PAZ-32054

In Krasnoyarsk, a lot of buses PAZ brand.
They are small, but can drive so fast. In
PAZ you can ride like a horse.

5. Great Britain

In Great Britain most popular transport
was buses too. Only in London they have
about 2.4 billion passengers in year.
That’s more than half of all bus journeys
taken in England. More than 1.3 billion
passenger journeys were made on the

6. Double-decker

Sight of London and accordingly sight of
England is Double-decker. This is bus with
2 floors. This bus is very popular for
tourists. Have you ever rode the bus on
the second floor without a roof and look
at stars? Not? I’m too :c

7. Comparison

Public transport in Great Britain is not
different from transport in Russia.
Subways, buses, taxi, trams. They are
everywhere. But it is possible to allocate
one distinctive feature. Transport in GB a
few comfortable than Russia. May be they
have a new vehicles?


Presentation made by:
George Bykov
Vladimir Grachev
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