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«economics»: top viewed presentations this month in english, page 5
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Topics in Macroeconomics
Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050"
Prospects of development of the Ukrainian agricultural sector under conditions of globalization challenges
The EU – Russia business cooperation
The new economic logic of CAP
Economic systems a set of rules made by a country that governs the production and distribution of goods and services
Impact of 2013 banking crisis in Republic of Cyprus on national economy
The program “Kazakhstan-2050”. A new development strategy
Global partnership for sustainable development goals
Diamond and water paradox
Factors of territorial investment attractiveness
Unemployment or joblessness is a situation in which able-bodied people who are looking for a job cannot find a job
Innovation attractiveness of the region
Returning of Nokia to the global market of the mobile industry
Market research. Benefactor
Job market review
The European Union and the United States. Global partners, global responsibilities
The European Union: 500 million people – 28 countries
Macroeconomics. Classical theory. The monetary system
The China Model and Its Implications
Circuit and the circulation of Capital. Costs and revenue of the company
Effects of the sanctions on business
Digital transformation of national economy of the republic of Belarus
Export assistance center of samara region (EAC)
Economics. The teacher
What is Research. Types of Economic Research
Introduction to microeconomics
What is a standard of living
Financial markets: Debt market in details. Lecture 6
All it IHMAllied. Market Research
Influence of tourism industry on the economy of UK. Introduction
Influence of tourism industry on the economy of UK
Ukraine, open for investors
I.E. Canada Controlled Export Webinar Series
Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915-2009)
Regional Blocks
The Digital Economy. Analysis of the 21st century phenomenon on the UK example
Economic policy
Международные компании и инновационное развитие мировой экономики
Susan Strange’s International Economics and International
City of London Swot Analysis
Cultural diplomacy and creative economy
International Economics. Analysis 1.2
The Financial System: Opportunities and Dangers. Seminar 10
International economic analysis
Supply and Demand
Supply and demand
Exhibition of Economic Achievements
Insider trading
Nontariff Barriers to Imports
Moscow power engineering institute
News. Хоу Жотун
First Simple world economy indicators
Economics news
Customer behavior specifics in the access economy: comparison of Russian and Italian carsharing customers
Economic impact pandemic COVID-19
Chartered Financial Analyst® exam (level 1). Study Session 5. Economics
Research of investment activity and investment projects attractiveness during coronacrisis
International Trade Centre
Closed projects. Global target of projects
Fundamental Concepts
Random walk theory and GBM
What is Crisis?
Analytical overview of the poultry industry in Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus
Pie chart
Macroeconomic indicators in the system of national accounts. Topic 2
Model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Topic 3
International online business mission Russia - Vietnam
Macroeconomic problems
Enterprise production program and production capacity
The EU's new Central Asia strategy
Economic Sociology: past, present and perspectives
Pooja Manna
Organization The United Nations (UN )
Competition and Unequal Exchange: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Základy ekonomickej teórie
Information technologies in the economy
Prospective Areas of Collaboration
Chinese geoeconomic strategy
Lecture 1. Methodology and Methods of Scientific Research in Professional Activity
Independence work
Identity Economics….. and Inequality
Economic overview of the project
New technologies will transform the global markets
World environmental organizations
Foundations of Economics
World Commodity markets
The role of small businesses in economic development
The Current War
Stocks and shares
Competition. Market structure
What means market research?
Methods of market research
Money Markets. Lecture 10
EU financial supports for cross-border co-operations – internal borders
EU financial supports for cross-border co-operations: external borders
International Economics Introduction
The Economics of Labor Markets. Chapter 18
Canadian macroeconomics