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«economics»: top viewed presentations this month in english, page 4
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Laws of market economy
Economic Evaluation Tools
Council of the European Union
The world in the future
Integrated approaches to sustainable development practice
The mega-transect approach as a basis for development Siberian Environmental Change Network (SecNet)
Cobb Douglas: Capital and Labor Shares in the United States
Contemporary HRM. Flexibility
The new cryptocurrency economy
The Small Open Economy
Diploma project «Appraisal process»
Expert review «TOP‐25 KZ Retail e‐commerce. Leaders of the categories and perspective for the development of market segments
State Aid in the EU
Competition Law: Mergers
A short introduction to theory of risk
Multinational corporations
BRAC. General information
The UK Economy
Results and perspectives probation in Ukraine
World Tourism Market Defining and understanding the world tourism market
World Tourism Market. Status and prospects of product development in the world tourism market
World Tourism Market. Introduction to the market and international tourism
World Tourism Market. Defining and understanding the world tourism market. Supply responding to demand
“Green City” concept
Business Policy
The Pub
Forms of company. Advantages and disadvantages of incorporation
Agriculture in Argentina
The Elasticity of supply and demand
The European Energy Union
Belgium's Power industry
Stockholm County Council
Would be humanity able to solve food problem by reducing population growth to a minimum?
Study and research issues of water resources in Ukraine
Project macroeconomic overview
Your Partner for the Future
Capital Market History and Risk & Return
Technical Analysis
Outsourcing in Belarus
Early Preclassical Economic Thought
Free Trade vs Fair Trade
Sustainable development
Ecological and economic assessment of agricultural land (for example Jambyl district Jualy region)
Strategic management is war good for economy, theory of Marx-Kondratiev
Markets and morals
Mergers and Acquisition deals
Profit repatriation in Сhina
Strengthening Profitability Through Stability and Transparency. Japanese Quality LNG Investment at The Heart of Indonesia
Multinational corporations
Economics of innovation seminar
Theoretical framework, objectives and principles of competition
Competition and its place in international trade
Competitiveness of goods on internal and external markets
Supply 11.2a
Demand 11.2a
Russian response to economic sanctions: inspiring prosperity shift in agriculture
Global Challenges - Intro. Global issues - definition
My Future Agilians
Introduction to Japanese Business. History of Japanese Economic Development
World economics intro
Modern mechanisms of state support for small and medium-sized businesses (by the example of an enterprise)
World economics intro
What is International Trade?
Brexit: reasons and possible implications
Russia's development prospects: an optimistic assessment
Research proposal Peer feedback activity
The Economist: The Work of Calculation
Innovative Policy in Kazakhstan
Rwanda’s development planning
Manufacturing Investment Opportunities in Rwanda Ministry of Trade and Industry
Republic of Rwanda: A Model of Reform-Driven, Market-Based, Sustainable Development
Structure of the world economy. Indicates of internationalization. International division of labour
United States and Japan. Security and Economic Relations
The costs of production. Income from factors of production
Marx in high technology era: globalisation, capital and class evolution
Model United Nations @ Smolьny
Kazakhstan - Agricultural land economy
Forecasting Free Cash Flow of an Industrial Enterprise Using Fuzzy Set Tools
Innovative performance of the real economy is under a new paradigm
The EU and the UK: BREXIT reasons and impediments
Higher School of Economics. Oral Academic Presentation
The labour market
Measuring a nation’s income. Micro vs. Macro
Types of economic systems and law of it is development
Development of transit potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Economic system
Anticrisis organization
The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
Effects of sanctions on Russia & the European Union
Introduction to modern portfolio theory: the set up. Seminar 2
The elements of sustainable development
Validating Risk Estimation Models in Russian Market
Macroeconomics: overview
Economy in the short-run: two factor income-expenditure model
Definition capacity
Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050"
Background of the formation of transport logistics cluster in the republic of Kazakhstan
Diplomatic relationship between Kazakhstan and Russia