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«programming»: top viewed presentations in english, page 4
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Стеки и очереди
РНР hypertext preprocessor language
Nheritance, polymorphism, and virtual functions
CS 494 Object-Oriented Analysis & Design
Records C++ Structs
String Regular Expression. Java Core
Thread execute sequence
Использование парсер-комбинаторов на Sprache для построения DSL
Introduction to spring framework and dependency injection
Service-Oriented Programming (SOP). Web Services
Defect tracking
Javascript: introduction to scripting
Advanced Fuzzing with Peach 2
Bash programming. CSCI 330 the unix system
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Windows System Programming
Программирование кнопок. Объектно - ориентированное программирование
Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu. Work with Cassandra and Python
Assembly language
Technologies of the development of augmented reality apps
Build and Gated Check-in
Two pointers method
Introduction to graphs
C++ Classes How to Create and Use Them (Constructor, Destructor)
Introducing the C# Class Types. Defining classes, objects and methods
Evolution of implementation technologies
High Performance Deep Learning on Intel Architecture
Introduction of quality assurance. Testing
Happy start .NET
OOP PHP. Class object function construct
Spring data. Familiar and consistent programming model for data access
Spring data rest
CSS Properties. The position property
A simple Script
Computational and Problem Solving(SDP1)
Introduction to JaVaScript
Introducing the World Wide Web
Introduction to Google Maps
JQuery. Converting Numbers to Strings
Introduction to server side performance testing
Operating systems and programming environments. МS DOS. Shell programs Norton Commander, Far Manager
История серии видеоигр: Fallout, Warface, Garry’s Mod, Bulletstorm
История серии видеоигр: Quake, Watch Dogs, Prototype
Web services. Part 1. Confidential
Software Quality Assurance. Graphic User Interface Testing
Creation of the elementary HTML document. Formatting of a font and paragraph
HTML. The standard markup language for creating Web pages
Web programmer profession
Типы для времени и денег. BigDecimal
Основы программирования (Java). Методы. Рекурсия
Ввод - вывод. Байтовые потоки
Ввод - вывод. Символьные потоки
Исключения. Использование исключений
Исключения. Antipatterns. Замена проверки исключением
Ввод - вывод. Сериализация
miLazyCracker. Kevin Larson
Component Enabler for .NET
Arrays and Loops
Field programmable gate arrays
Oracle SQL basics, the select statement
Front-End Web Developer
How did we make the biggest game on Defold in 1 year
Prefer interfaces to abstract classes. (Item 18, 19)
Prefer class hierarchies to tagged classes. (Item 20, 21, 22)
Use native methods judiciously. (Item 54,55,56)
Потоки и файлы
Console Input / Output Reading and Writing to the Console
Описание Python 01
Объекты в объектно-ориентированном программировании
The Python Programming Language
Python 01. Beautiful Soup
CSS Grid Layout (aka "Grid")
Generations of programming language
Dapper vs Entity Framework
AmigaOS is a family of proprietary native operating systems of the Amiga and AmigaOne personal
Work with EXCEL
Introduction to graphs
Zelio Logic - Communication Extension
Логические операции в С++
Cloud computing
Символы и строки в Си. Стандартная библиотека: ctype.h и string.h. Собственная реализация стандартных функций
Spring Shell: создаём консольное приложение
Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games
Ruby programming language
Философия микросервисов
Image processing language Halide
HTML - Advanced
How to create site?
CSC2430 File I/O part 2
Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method
Java Server Pages
Home Task Overview. Lesson 12
RhinoScript 101 Creativity "or how to do interesting things that are not easy to do with the mouse"
Decompiler internals: microcode
SimCorp APL
Puppet – configuration management tool