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Linear Momentum and Collisions Elastic Properties of Solids. Lecture 5
Alexander Grigorievich Stoletov
The atom
Physics basics (Unit 1)
Solidification and crystalline imperfections (chapter 4)
Innovative methods to improve the efficiency of power units of thermal and nuclear power plants
Interference: An Information Theoretic View
Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
Analysis of biological liquids by metal enhanced fluorescence from gold nanoparticles
Electromagnetic Waves Scale. Uses of Electromagnetic Waves
Основы каротажа открытого ствола - Openhole Basics
Canopy Course USPA B-License
Main characteristics of radiation embrittlement of materials
Компьютерные технологии в атомной отрасли (лекция 6)
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Detection of streaks of faint space objects
Kinematics. Uniform motion. Chapter I
Filtering II - frequency response and stability
Institut de Physique et Ingénierie
Measuring Temperature
Michael Faraday
Rectilinear kinematics: erratic motion
Leak detection tutorial
Vacuum At LLO
Matrix form of the force method. Compliance Matrix. Lecture 12
Displacement method. The degree of kinematic indeterminacy of the system. Lecture 13
Matrix form of the displacement method. Stiffness matrix. Lecture 15
Thermal radiation
Electromagnetic microwave absorption performances of sulfonated polyacrylonitrile carbon fibers
Design development of a composite water regenerator
Physics. Lecture 2. Forces in mechanics. Dynamics. Newton’s laws
Rotation of rigid bodies. Angular momentum and torque. Properties of fluids. Lecture 4
Applications of linear second order equations
Thermonuclear fusion recent research
Waves - Diffraction (2)
Waves. Diffraction
Waves and Optics
Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor and Metal-Insulator-Metal Structures. Heterogeneous Structures. Diodes
Bonds and Molecules
Heat flow and the first law of thermodynamics. Kind of thermodynamic process. Adiabatic processes
L09 - Torques
Strings, Gauge Fields and Duality
Thermomechanical action of ultrashort laser pulses on metallic nanostructures
Nanophotonics class 4. Density of states
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov
Radar ambiguity function
Топологии импульсных преобразователей
Introduction to electricity
Jets in flight
Isaac Newton
The adequacy of analysis of linear periodically-time-variable circuits by the frequency symbolic method in the time domain
Inventors and their inventions. Thomas Edison
Johannes Stark
Review, PID controller
PID controller Design
Intake and exhaust manifold, design. (Part 1)
Transverse waves. Longitudinal waves. Energy and radiation pressure
Life in space
Dynamic models and the Kalman filter
Radiation safety training
Overcoming line broadening in real-time pure shift NMR spectroscopy
Energy and power, solar energy resources, solar astronomy. (Lecture 5)
Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy
Quick Quiz
IE350 Alternative Energy Course
Direct & alternating current
The different types of inductors and their affecting factors
Special Theory of Relativity
Mechacnics. Molecular physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Magnetism
Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases
Electric Forces
Physics and chemistry of surface phenomena
Theoretical principles of bioenergetics
Physical basis of optic. Rieznyk
Thermodynamics of biological systems
Oscillatory motion. Simple harmonic motion. The simple pendulum. Damped harmonic oscillations. (Lecture 1)
Adaptive response of metal-oxide memristive nanostructures to periodic electric stimulation
Inventions which came from the nature
Quantum physics
Alternative Energy Sources
The development of the nature of light
Newton’s rings
Atomic theory and structure of an atom
Microscope Measurement
Introductory Unit on Electricity
Emission spectrum of H
Effect receiving modes, and heat treatment on the structure and properties of the magnetic powder of strontium hexaferrite
Atomic Structure
The Ideal Fluid (Liquid) Viscosity of a Liquid Laminar and Turbulent Flow
Secondary structures
Basics of thermodynamics & kinetics
Introduction & overview
Elementary interactions: Van der Waals & H-bonds
Thomas Alva Edison
Speech Recognition and Synthesis. Waveform Synthesis (in Concatenative TTS)
Laser material processing
Low-Band Receive Antennas