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«chemistry»: top viewed presentations in english, page 1
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Chem reactions. Different Typesof Chemical Reactions
Alkaline Button Cell (Zinc/MnO2 in KOH)
Primary Batteries. The zinc-carbon cell
Primary Batteries. The zinc-carbon cell
Carbohydrates and their metabolism. Digestion of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates and their metabolism. Digestion of carbohydrates
Chemical potential. Chemical potential of an ideal gas
Nitrogen. Phosphorus
Interest in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles by explosion
The alkali metals
Методы исследования взаимодействий с участием белков (Co-IP, equilibrium microdialysis, ITC, MST, SPR, BLI, QСM)
Radical reactions. Decarboxylative alkenylations and alkynylations
Nature of chemical elements in solid state
Carbohydrates and their metabolism
Чистые вещества и смеси
Plastic is one of the challenges of the 21st century
Respiration carbon dioxide in blood
Циклическая вольтамперометрия
Галогенидные и полигалогенидные комплексы постпереходных элементов
Study of the properties of halogens and the determination of halide ions in aqueous solution
Plastic varieties and applications in construction
Немного формул. Aminoacids
Solidification and crystalline imperfections (chapter 4)
Crystal structure and surface phase composition of palladium oxides thin films for gas sensors
Lesson 2 and 3. The chemistry of life
Extremely hazardous chemicals
Proteins. Functions, structure, classification
Definition of ceramics
Nanofibers of aluminum oxide
“Nafen” alumina nanofibers as support for “Iriotec” antistatic pigments
Acids and Bases
Chiral carbon
Solid waste biotreatment. Ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials. Lecture 4
Causes of Failure Analysis of Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries
General properties of metals
Monomers and building blocks (glucose, fructose)
Classification of proteins
The pattern of changing the properties of elements in periods and groups
Food Additives
Chemical reaction rate. Influence of conditions on the rate of chemical reactions. Topic 3.2
Vitamin like substances
Carbohydrates and lipids
It’s not rocket science
Theories of acids and bases. Ionic equilibria in electrolyte solutions. Buffer solutions (topic 3.4)
Sulfur and its compounds. Contact method for producing sulfuric acid
Phosphorus and its compounds
Control of gene expression
The structure of the Periodic table
Phase structure and chemical stability of LSFW oxide
General characteristics of halogens. Halogen compounds
Amino acid Structure and Functional Group Properties
Physical properties of ferrite nanocomposite doped with transition metal ions
Preparation for COP
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Гальванические элементы
Hydrochloric acid HCl
Learning Objectives
Substitution reactions of halogenoalkanes
Reach - lecture
Nitrogen compounds. Production of ammonia
Physical chemistry of surface phenomena. Basics of adsorptive therapy
Native elements
Carbon and the molecular diversity of life. (Chapter 4)
Solutions. Acid–base equilibrium in biological systems
Effect of anodizing parameters on growth of selfordering TiO2
Stereochemistry.Isomers are different compounds
Radioimmunoassay& enzyme linked immunosorbent
Introduction to effective permeability and relative permeability
CО2 sequestration in mining residues – probing heat effects associated to carbonation
Sources of alkanes and cycloalkanes. Crude oil
Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy
Biomass Feedstocks
Nuclear Energy, Controlled Fission and Fusion 2016
Cross-section sample preparation using focused ion beam system (FIB) for transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Solid State Elementary Crystallography
Biochemical reaction kinetics
Physics and chemistry of surface phenomena
Сarbonyl compounds. Carboxylic acids. Lipids
History of radioactivity
Physical chemistry of surface phenomena. Basics of adsorptive therapy
Colloid chemistry
A quantum computer
Organic Compounds
Органічні розчинники
Adaptive response of metal-oxide memristive nanostructures to periodic electric stimulation
Biochemistry of thyroid hormones
Nucleic acids
Oxygen, O2
Chemical bonds