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«pedagogy»: top viewed presentations this month in english, page 1
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Intercative training materials add
Memory game
Типы школ
Sport in our life
Quiz "Shrek 1"
Pedagogical situations
CSR practices analysis by Starbucks
My future profession
Principles and forms of educational process in elementary school. Auxiliary forms of studying
Studying a foreign language
My profession is an auto mechanic. Professional skills
Своя игра. Form
Davra Suhbati
Pedagogics as a science
All professions are important, all professions are needed. My future profession is engineer mechanic
How to Teach English to Beginners
Bloom's taxonomy
Christmas game. Let’s play
Jobs of the future
Relationship between parents and children
Body Language. Hands
Competent and professional design of the model of the future instructor of foreign languages
My future profession. Veterinarian
Who wants to be a millionaire?
All About Spring
Intellectual show
Reasons young children will benefit from learning a foreign language
Listen to the song and translate it
Topic: Personal Relationships (Межличностные отношения)
Functional Grammar and Its Implications for English Teaching and Learning
Places Around Town
Jobs pictionary
Christmas Jumper Day
Numbers Halloween
Jeopardy. Movies
School clubs
Teaching Reading in EFL Classes. Part- II
Christmas Quiz
Sport. Music
Checkers (drilling activity)
Linguodidactics Public Lecture
Best ways to improve memory
World Quiz
The most favorable age for speech therapy work
Attaching of primary schoolchildren to folk culture
Integrating Critical and Creative Thinking in EFL Classes in Russia
My future profession is pharmacist technologist
Farm Animal Games
Suggestopedia. Bulgarian doctor and psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. (Лекция 2)
Types of differentiation and identifying success criteria
Хобби людей
Teaching polylogic form of foreign language communication
Внимание. Память.Запоминание
Profession journalist
Viewpoint 1 CEFR - B2 level
Job & Success
Easter Day
My Summer Holidays
Unusual hobbies
How to motivate and inspire students to study
Lecture 2. Responsibility centers
Interactive Reading with Reading Circles
National Games and Festivals as a Means of Physical Development
Where’s santa? Game
Jeopardy «Weather, Sports, Healthy Way of Life»
Britain’s Young Consumers
At work!
Active Listening Infographic
Jeopardy Game. Animals
Quiz, please! English and French Edition
Innovative technologies for the development of speech breathing in children with disabilities
Newspapers: broadsheets and tabloids
My future profession is advertising specialist
Engineer occupation
How to prepare for exam
How to write an abstract
Modern Scientific and Technical Communication
Planning your research: Reviews, hypotheses, and ethical pitfalls
CSR practices of Unilever
Methodology of scientific research
Types of transport
Diagnostics of teaching
Basic numbers in ou rlife
When God created teachers
What’s missing?
Self-development project of rapidly print
My future occupation specialization: informatics
Lesson as an element of complete system
Formal Debate Matters
Volcano. Designed by Miss Samsami
Problem Based Learning. Проблемное обучение
Summer camp
Welcome to New Parents’ Meeting
Some tips how to make our everyday life be delight
Guess What’s Behind the Box
Choice of profession
The 1-st round