Category: pedagogypedagogy

Teaching polylogic form of foreign language communication



• Modern society seeks to educate people with
humanistic thinking, sharing universal values.
Learning a foreign language, in turn, is a means of
developing practical skills of interaction with
representatives of other cultures, communicative
qualities of personality, flexibility of thinking and
tolerance. To effectively learn a foreign language
and be fluent in it, it is necessary to have an idea
about the peculiarities of the mentality of native
speakers. All this causes the need for the
formation and development of socio-cultural


• The concept of socio-cultural competence
According to the GEF of basic General education
the main purpose of teaching a foreign language
is the formation of communicative competence
of students. Communicative competence, in turn,
includes linguistic, sociolinguistic, social,
discursive and socio-cultural competence.
Accordingly, in order to achieve the common
goal, the teacher must develop in his students
each of its components.


• The ability and readiness of students to carry out
intercultural communication and interpersonal
communication with native speakers of a foreign language
depends not only on the knowledge of language units, the
ability to logically build speech and solve speech problems,
but also on the knowledge of culture, life, traditions, etc. of
the country of the studied language. Language proficiency
without knowledge of the cultural component will lead to
the fact that a person will not be able to explain the verbal
intentions of the interlocutor and the context of the
statement, that is, catch only the meanings of words, but
not the psychological, social and cultural implications.


• The authors of the research devoted to the problem of
formation of socio-cultural competence, as well as
assessment of the level of its formation, are such
scientists as Safonova V. V., Sysoev P. V., Passov E. I.,
Solovova E. N., Ter-Minasova S. G., Zimnaya I. A.,
Sorokov G. V., Tarasyuk N. A. and others. All the
authors agree that for the successful development of
socio-cultural competence of students in foreign
language lessons it is necessary to create a model of
culture of a particular people, using as the main means
of the work foreign language culture, its artifacts.


• Today, more than ever before, international relations
are expanding and communication is becoming an
integral part of life. Foreign language is becoming more
and more popular. In this regard, the country
implements a modern state language policy.
• According to the concept of GEF, teaching a foreign
language is one of the priorities of modern school
• The school is faced with the task of forming and
developing a personality integrated into the world and
national culture, possessing basic competencies,
capable of self-realization and responsible behavior.


• The main purpose of teaching foreign languages at
school at each stage is to develop students ' ability and
willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal
and intercultural communication with native speakers
at the elementary (primary school), pre-threshold
(primary school) and threshold (secondary school)
level. In other words, students must have
communicative competence in order to be able to
successfully apply communicative skills in practice. It
follows that communicative competence is one of the
main components in teaching a foreign language in a
modern school.


• The level of communicative competence determines
the success of foreign language communication.
Therefore, the problem of formation and development
of communicative competence is one of the most
important in the process of teaching a foreign
language. Many scientists were engaged in this
problem. For example, Yuri M. Zhukov and L. A.
Petrovskaya define communicative competence as "the
ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts
with people." The structure of the so-called
communicative competence includes a system of
knowledge and skills, 4 ensuring the successful course
of communicative processes in humans.


• The above-mentioned authors in their works recognize
that full-fledged diagnostics and development of
communicative competence are impossible at the time
of research by scientists of this topic. It follows that the
problem of definition, diagnosis and development of
communicative competence in modern science can not
be considered satisfactorily solved. The study of this
problem was also involved in Yu. Emelyanov, who
correlates communicative competence with the ability
of a person to take on and perform various social roles,
as well as the ability to adapt to various social
situations, to be fluent in both verbal and nonverbal
means of communication.


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