
National Games and Festivals as a Means of Physical Development


National Games and Festivals as
a Means of Physical


In recent years sharply increased attention to the
problems of health and healthy lifestyles of children.
Children's health - an indicator/mark of health of the
nation, one of the characteristics of the socioeconomic, spiritual, moral, scientific and cultural
development of society.
Question about physical health of young generation is
topical because of determination of natural
environment of human living, spreading such
negative influences on children, as alcoholism,
smoking, drug addiction. Physical upbringing,
physical culture is becoming inalienable components
of versatile, harmonious development of person.


Statistics say that every year the schoolchildren's
health is getting worse and worse. There are
almost no healthy children. Sometimes, the child
graduated from high school, and he has dozens of
pathological diseases.


A healthy lifestyle includes: physical improvement, mental
health, social security, hygiene, environmental knowledge.
Health is complete physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and other
physical defects.
Physical health is an active lifestyle, exercise, sports,
outdoor games, healthy eating, personal hygiene, the
absence of disease.
Psycho-emotional health is the ability to understand others,
to express own feelings, to control emotions. Find ways not
to make conflicts and build interaction with teammates.
The game is closely linked to the health. Without games a
child can not be fully developed.


The child must learn the rules of conducting in the
street, in the woods while taking fresh air etc. and a
very important task is mastering the rules of personal
hygiene, ability to keep clean your body to keep clean
your clothes, the ability to use a handkerchief and a
comb. Personal hygiene not only help to preserve
good health, but also energy boost, enhance mood.


Under the influence of active movements increases the
stability of the child's illness. Such active movements
are biological need of the body, the degree of
satisfaction of which depends on the health of
children, not only physical, but also the general
Active relaxation and outdoor games in the fresh air
have the effect of strengthen and health impact.
However, these games involve significant physical
activity. Outdoor games in the fresh air and always
helpful to everyone. Especially during intensive


The game is not only a natural need of the child, but
an essential component of maintaining and
strengthening his/her physical health, mental.
Outdoor games - very effective means of
rehabilitation of the child. Through playing games,
children learn to take the initiative, endurance,
develops strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and


From the above we can conclude that today's students’
health is a serious national problem. It is known that
the negative impacts on the child affect the socioeconomic, environmental, medical, and school factors
as well.


Kazakh national games took a great and important role in the
life of the Kazakh people. It is known that they put people in
good spirits, gave strength, agility and endurance. Most of
these games have a competitive nature. Games and
entertainment are always served the public duties as well; these
are educational, military, sport, ritual, entertaining and
aesthetic, communicational, etc.


Nomadic life was filled with severe conditions. To
provide communities with an opportunity to gather for a
festive occasion and to improve physical health, Kazakh
people developed these national sports and outdoor
games. Everyone, from young to old, participated in the
festivities and celebrations. During feasts, which were
rare in those days, people wanted to relax from strenuous
daily work by playing, competing or simply participating
in games as spectators.
Games served our forefathers as more than just fun and
entertainment. The competitions promoted the
development of such skills as strength, agility and
endurance, bravery, courage and honesty of young
people, and instilled in people a sense of justice.


Broader and more universal function was carried out by
military sport games related to both the military way of life
(war, raids and clashes) and economic activity of the society.
These games were “sayis,” “audaryspak,”“jamby atu,” “altyn
kabak,” “kures,” horse racing, etc


Audaryspak—fight on horseback
in order to throw an opponent
from the saddle. Only mature
men possessing great physical
strength, agility, stamina and
skilled horse handling have
participated. Note that most often
the victory has come to those
participants, who had sufficiently
trained and tall horses. Usually,
such masters were nominated for
the competition on behalf of a
whole aul or a tribe.


Baige is a national sports game; in a contemporary world the
racing can be called an analogue of it. Racing over cross country
for a long distance one of the most popular and ancient type of
game among the Turks` people. The main role in the game is
assigned to tactical skills of a horse rider. It stands to mention
that not only participation, but also contemplation of baige incredibly emotional pursuit. For nomads the game has strategic
importance, as the ability and expertise of horse riding was a
vital skill in nomadic life.


Kazaksha-kures is a national Kazakh wrestling. Games
used to be played out during the holidays. Wrestlers wore
special caftans with fabric belts. During the game wrestlers
can use any clamps at belt and above the waist. The
purpose of the fight is to put the opponent down on his
back, dzhigits fight only standing and using belt holds.


Blind Man
Regardless of distance, countries share a
common heritage, as can be shown by the
wide diffusion of certain games, hence they
may contain the memory of a rite of some
kind. A good example of this is one kind of
Blind Man's Buff from villages in the
Ankara and Mugla areas called Kör Çebiş
One of the most common names in Turkey for Leapfrog
is Uzun Ejek, meaning "long donkey."


The games approach, in contrast to the traditional
approach, emphasizes first learning what to do, then how
to do it. Moreover, the games approach lets children
discover what to do in the game not by your telling them
but by their experiencing it. It is a guided discovery
method of teaching that empowers your players to solve
the problems that arise in the game, which is a large part
of the fun in learning.


1. Consider the issue of upbringing healthy generation – as
the goal of national pedagogy
2. National games and festivals as a means of physical
3. Children’s games are contributed to the development of
youth strength, agility, stamina, bravery and other qualities
4. Peculiarities of physical upbringing in Kazakh ethno
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