Hello, my name is Victoria and I will tell you about my future profession!

My future profession. Veterinarian

1. Hello, my name is Victoria and I will tell you about my future profession!

2. 1

Veterinarian (Latin veterinarius - "concerning working cattle") a specialist with higher (veterinary doctor) or secondary special
(veterinary paramedic) education, engaged in the treatment of
animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.


Veterinarian is an ideal profession for those people
who love animals and are ready to study this industry
to the smallest detail. For many, this could have been
a dream since childhood. But, as you know, not all
dreams should be realized, because contact with
reality is in many ways crucial.

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Advantages of working as a
Best suited to people who can Express:
The profession is best suited to people who
see it as their vocation. Unlike humans,
animals have a much better sense of human
intent. Therefore, a specialist, no matter how
good he is, should only feel love and a
desire to help. There is no place for anger or
aggression here.

5. A certain advantage is that it is not difficult to get a job as a veterinarian after training. Currently, there are a

A certain advantage is that it is not difficult to get a job as a
veterinarian after training. Currently, there are a sufficient
number of private and public institutions where such specialists
work. Moreover, they are happy to hire able students who have
not yet completed higher education

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Cons of working as a
First of all, you need to list the main
drawback of the profession – the need to
diagnose the patient's condition solely by
symptoms and secondary signs. Unlike
humans, animals can't tell what hurts them
or where. Therefore, it is very important to
understand that it can be difficult to
recognize a certain disease. In recognizing
such things, the veterinarian must rely
solely on himself..
There must also be an awareness that you
can't help everyone. During the medical
practice, each veterinarian will have to face
the death of the "patient" or the need to
euthanize him. This is emotionally very
difficult in General, and for a person who
takes any problems to heart, it can be a
real shock and result in psychological

7. 5

The qualities that a specialist should
-Empathy, but also determination in the necessary moments.
-Clarity of actions and speed of reaction.
-Ability to work on a changing schedule.
-The lack of disgust.
-Sharp vision, attention.


Bring the aFor this profession is important, based on the factors that I like this
industry of profitability.This profession should be promoted further and developed to
the end, so that the population does not suffer from the constant extinction of
domestic animals and agricultural livestock.ttentioFor this profession is important,
based on the factors that I like this industry of profitability.This profession should be
promoted further and developed to the end, so that the population does not suffer
from the constant extinction of domestic animals and agricultural livestock.n of your
audience over a key concept using icons or illustrations

9. 7

Education for this profession in my city can be obtained at the Ryazan
state Agrotechnological University named after P. A. Kostychev.


This is all that is important to know about this
profession, thank you for your attention!
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