
My future profession



There are many interesting and noble professions. I want to be a
doctor. It is an interesting profession.
I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I
also understand that this profession requires great responsibility
because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has —
with his health.
My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather is
working as a surgeon in a hospital. I have been several times at the
hospital and spent some time watching him working.
His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he
takes care of patients until they are recovered.
He listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He is always
kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and
it makes his work easier. I know that he wants to see all his patients
able — bodied and I notice that he is happy when his patient is
My grandfather can also help if somebody catches a cold or has a
fever. My grandfather told me a lot of true stories about doctors
and their profession.
I love and respect my grandfather and want to become a doctor as


What should I choose as my future profession?” – this is a question
that every young person asks himself entering the adult world. Of
course, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more
than 2,000 existing in the world. It’s especially difficult if you like
doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.
Almost half of a person’s life passes at work. So it’s extremely
important to make the right choice of a profession. Psychologists
believe that the choice of a future profession must be in
accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities. In order to
make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and
abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your
For example, I like biology. I adore animals,
plants, insects, and all forms of life. I spend
many hours reading books about wild
nature, characters and habits of animals,
underwater life etc. I believe that nature is
so mysterious and powerful, that it’s natural
to admire it and to devote all your life to its


For example, I like biology. I adore
animals, plants, insects, and all
forms of life. I spend many hours
reading books about wild nature,
characters and habits of animals,
underwater life etc. I believe that
nature is so mysterious and
powerful, that it’s natural to
admire it and to devote all your life
to its exploration.


The history of the profession: Historically,
dental profession existed long before its official
recognition. Only in 1810 on the territory of
Russia for the first time the title "dental
surgeon" was legislatively approved. During
the Middle Ages science of dentistry was called
"dental work" and was only a supplement to
the main medical profession. Currently, the
European Union has set minimum
requirements for the dentist, which include a
three-year higher education at the university,
as well as the presence of a medical degree. ...
Mass and the uniqueness of the profession:
Unique dental profession requires a high level
of knowledge on the subject, treating skills and
tooth extraction, as well as their prosthetics.
Such work requires calmness, ability to
concentrate, perseverance and direct interest
in helping their patients. Dental therapist deals
with all types of inspection of the mouth, put
the preliminary diagnosis, it gives direction to
the X-ray, as well as conducting the procedure
of preparation for further oral surgery
prosthetics. The issues involved in prosthetics
dentist-orthopedist, whose responsibilities
also include the establishment of crowns and
bridges. The problems involved in bite
orthodontist. If the patient requires urgent
surgery, correction of defects in the jaw, tooth
extraction, the treatment of such a plan
provides dental surgeon.
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