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ow to get a real Calibration file from CUMMINS INCAL DVD useful with: Calterm III SW
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How to get a real Calibration file fromCUMMINS INCAL DVD useful with:
Calterm III SW
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Using SW INSITE, choose yourCalibration
Right Click and Copy your Calibration
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With SW INSITE, paste your file in yourC:\ drive
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Open windows explorer and go to path :C:/Intelect/esdn/data/P1I/cal
Here you will find your calibration. Then, right
click and in the new pop-up choose WINZIP to
open the file
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Extract your file, you need a passwordPassword = ndse
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You need to change new file extention.Right click, Rename. Add at the end of the name:
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Now you have a Calterm III calibration fileready to use and upload to ECM