Category: pedagogypedagogy

My dream profession is a physical education teacher


My dream profession is a
physical education teacher
Vladislav Zabiyakin


What is the useful profession of a
physical education teacher?
Educational impact on students. In
the framework of the educational
work of the teacher is to help
students become a person who
can blend in with society. The
teacher does not just share
information, but teaches the child
to watch, learn and draw
conclusions. This helps him acquire
skills that he will use throughout
his life. And that the teacher should
be able to see the potential in the
child, and not judge it by generally
accepted criteria and standards.


Advantages of this profession. Teachers in schools
work part-time. Working hours depend on the
number of lessons. A two-month vacation that
always falls in the summer. The success of your
students also increases your authority, and you
rejoice in their achievements as if they were your
own.Your social circle is growing every year, and
grateful parents and former students often come to
help where little depends on you.


The advantages of the profession
Teachers in schools are part-time.
Working time depends on the number of
A two-month vacation, which always falls
in the summer.
Successes of your pupils and enhance
your credibility, you are glad of their
achievement as their own.
Your circle is growing every year, and the
grateful parents and former pupils often
come to the help where you a little that


The features of the profession.
The main task of the teacher of physical
culture — three functions:
educational, raising and organizing that
should be interpreted in unity.


To be a specialist in
physical culture is,
first of all, to be a
model of spiritual
and physical culture
for children who are
still growing up.


To achieve your dream, you need strong-willed efforts in
school, in different situations, in sports. So I try to
cultivate willpower. I think I can become a physical
education teacher so that the children who will learn
from me will be strong and healthy. After all, according
to the proverb "in a healthy body - a Healthy mind".


Thank you for your attention!
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