Categories: ecologyecology pedagogypedagogy

My future profession - ecologist


Completed by 1 years
Student groups ЭП/м-19-1о
Fomkina M.D.
Rudenko Natalya Sergeevna
Sevastopol 2020


Profession Description


Today, environmental issues that need to be addressed day after day are relevant:
-Air pollution
-Water and soil pollution
-Household waste
-Nuclear pollution
-Destruction of protected areas and poaching


Ecologists - these are specialists who are trying to explain why rivers dry
up, fish die or snow falls in summer.
They study the state of water, land, air, the impact of industrial waste on
plants, animals and humans.
If the content of harmful substances is above a critical level, identify the
causes, make a forecast for the development of the situation.


Ecologists this profession is for potential fighters with an analytical mindset, capable
of breaking through the wall of misunderstanding for many years. Another necessary
quality is creativity. It helps to choose the right form of communication with the
media. And flexibility, diplomacy, stress resistance will come in handy in conflicts
(which happen quite often) with government agencies and authorities.


Pros of the profession
-if lucky frequent business trips around the country;
-moral satisfaction from the knowledge that once again it was
possible to prevent environmental pollution;


Cons of the profession
-environmental organizations are very dependent on funding, and this
affects the level of salaries and the availability of work often has to
work in extreme conditions;
-often have to work in extreme conditions
-can be hazardous to health, so sometimes you have to deal with toxic


Place of work
-environmental organizations
-municipal structures
-large enterprises where a full-time environmentalist
unit exists, for example, the construction of any
industrial facility is necessarily accompanied by an
environmental impact assessment.


Education (What you need to know?)
knowledge of the legal framework, specialized education, the
ability to carry out mathematical measurements and laboratory
research, to calculate wastewater flows and other necessary


Recently, environmentalists often have to defend their positions
in government and the court. It is necessary to reasonably prove
the seriousness of the situation, because the conversation is
conducted with professionals, at the level of conclusions and
expertise. Only facts are used.


Thank you for the attention!!!
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