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«policy»: top viewed presentations in english
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The political system of Russia
Sir Winston Churchill
Political system in the USA
The political system of Great Britain
Constitution of the United States of America
Introduction to comparative politics. Social movements
The political system of the UK and the USA
Journey to Zambia/
Middle East policy of the European Union in the beginning of the XXI century
Political system of the USA
The political system of the United States of America
Political structure of Great Britain
Mahatma Gandhi
Terrorism and Homeland Security. The middle east and africa
Separation of powers in Kazakhstan, USA and UK
Cold War Conflicts
The system of government of Russia
Russia – Chapter 9
European integration of Ukraine
The European Union (EU). The World’s Strongest Supranational Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
Electing the President of the United States
Diplomatic protocol between states
Political system of the USA
Political system of Kazakhstan
Regional Blocks
Political Socialization and Political Culture
Cold war soviet against NATO
Introduction into the science of Politics
The British Parliament
System of Government in Great Britain
Turkey-EU relations after Özal
Politics in Britain. The political system
Tutorial. History of political discourse
Black lives matter
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Partition plan
Political Discourse
Organization The United Nations (UN )
Political system of Great Britain
Arabic cluster: a bridge between east and west
The life of Jawaharlal Nehru
The political system. (Lesson 4)
Abyssinia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Axum, Meroe, and Yemen - History and Politics
Migration policy of Spain & Switzerland
Political system of Great Britain
Politics as science
Political system of Great Britain
The United Nations is
Introduction to British parliamentary debating
United States Congress
Parliamentary and Presidential Democracies
Critical Guide on Political Studies
ISIS. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
The political system of Usa
Introduction to Comparative Politics
The League of nations
Political parties
The british monarchy today
Political Ideologies: Nationalism and Fascism
Political science
Political Values and Political Ideologies
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Political system
Nelson Mandela
Government of the Russian Federation
New practices and trends in cultural diplomacy. Lecture 9
The political system of the Russian Federation, the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Introduction to political science
Introduction to political science. Policy and Bureaucracy
The foreign policy of Kazakhstan
Realism – neo-realism. Structural realism. (Chapter 3)
The government of the U.K.
Introduction to comparative politics. Origins of the State. In the USA, everything that is not American politics is called CP
Introduction to comparative politics. Social movements
Nelson Mandela & South African Apartheid
Political system of Kazakhstan
Political philosophy
The variable of political culture & socialization
Mass media. Theories of mass media
Other political “Actors”. (Week 9)
Central problems in international relations
Muslim brotherhood
The UK. The British monarchy. The British parliament the electoral system
Politics in a globalizing world
Constructivist Approaches to International Politics
Principles of government. Public policy
The British Parliament
Terrorism. 6 things you should know about the terrorism
Diplomatic communication between states
The world in the future
The political system of the USA
British Institutions
Theresa May
The political system of Great Britain
Free Russia. Plan of information and psychological operation
ISIS: roots and what it is now
What is political science