
Английский для рекламистов


Т.Т. Хвостовицкая
Учебное пособие
2-е издание, стереотипное
Рекомендовано УМО ВУЗов Российской Федерации
для студентов высших учебных заведений,
обучающихся по специальности 3 50700 «Реклама»
Издательство «ФЛИНТА»


УДК 811.111:659(075.8)
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
Р е ц е н з е н т ы:
кандидат философских наук, доцент Гурова В.А.,
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Требухина Н.В.,
кандидат философских наух, профессор Шишова Н.В.
Хвостовицкая Т.Т.
Английский для рекламистов [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие / Т.Т. Хвостовицкая. — 2-е изд., стер. — М. : ФЛИНТА, 2015. — 237 с.
ISBN 978-5-9765- 2184-1
Учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся по специальности 350700 «Реклама». Основная цель учебного пособия — это практическое владение английским языком
на уровне, предложенном пособием.
УДК 811.111:659(075.8)
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
ISBN 978-5-9765- 2184-1
© Хвостовицкая Т.Т., 2015
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2015


Предисловие................................................................................. 6
Бренд ‘Jolly Green Giant’.......................................................... 8
Unit 1
Phonetics........................................................................................ 9
Speciality Language: Defining Advertising
Section 1 ....................................................................................... 10
Section 2 ....................................................................................... 14
Section 3 ....................................................................................... 16
Section 4 ....................................................................................... 19
Section 5 ....................................................................................... 21
GrammarThe Present Indefinite Tense......................................... 24
Бренд ‘Danone’ .......................................................................... 27
Unit 2
Phonetics ...................................................................................... 28
Speciality Language: Capsule History of Advertising
Section 1 ....................................................................................... 29
Section 2 ....................................................................................... 33
Section 3 ....................................................................................... 35
Section 4 ....................................................................................... 38
Section 5 ....................................................................................... 41
Grammar The Past Indefinite Tense............................................. 43
Бренд ‘Bass & Co’...................................................................... 47
Unit 3
Phonetics....................................................................................... 48
Speciality Language: Advertisers
Section 1 ....................................................................................... 49
Section 2 ....................................................................................... 53
Section 3 ....................................................................................... 55
Section 4 ....................................................................................... 58
Section 5 ....................................................................................... 61
Grammar The Future Indefinite Tense ........................................ 63
Бренд ‘Martini’ .......................................................................... 66
Unit 4
Phonetics....................................................................................... 67


Speciality Language: Agencies
Section 1 ....................................................................................... 68
Section 2 ....................................................................................... 74
Section 3 ....................................................................................... 76
Section 4 ....................................................................................... 79
Section 5 ....................................................................................... 82
Grammar The Continuous Tenses ................................................ 85
Бренд ‘Chanel’ ........................................................................... 89
Unit 5
Phonetics....................................................................................... 91
Speciality Language: Media
Section 1 ....................................................................................... 92
Section 2 ....................................................................................... 97
Section 3 ....................................................................................... 99
Section 4 ..................................................................................... 104
Section 5 ..................................................................................... 109
Grammar The Perfect Tenses ..................................................... 110
Бренд ‘Procter&Gamble’........................................................ 115
Unit 6
Phonetics..................................................................................... 116
Speciality Language: Departments and Staff
Section 1 ..................................................................................... 117
Section 2 ..................................................................................... 121
Section 3 ..................................................................................... 123
Section 4 ..................................................................................... 126
Section 5 ..................................................................................... 130
Grammar The Passive Voice ...................................................... 133
Бренд ‘Yves Rocher’................................................................ 137
Unit 7
Phonetics..................................................................................... 138
Speciality Language: The Advertising Campaign
Section 1 ..................................................................................... 139
Section 2 ..................................................................................... 147
Section 3 ..................................................................................... 149
Section 4 ..................................................................................... 153


Section 5 ..................................................................................... 157
Grammar Оборот “There + to be’.............................................. 160
Бренд ‘iriver’ ............................................................................ 163
Unit 8.
Phonetics..................................................................................... 164
Speciality Language: Agency Compensation
Section 1 ..................................................................................... 165
Section 2 ..................................................................................... 169
Section 3 ..................................................................................... 171
Section 4 ..................................................................................... 173
Section 5 ..................................................................................... 177
Grammar The Modal Verbs........................................................ 179
Бренд ‘Canon’ .......................................................................... 183
Unit 9
Phonetics..................................................................................... 184
Speciality Language: Business-to-Business Advertising
Section 1 ..................................................................................... 185
Section 2 ..................................................................................... 191
Section 3 ..................................................................................... 193
Section 4 ..................................................................................... 196
Section 5 ..................................................................................... 200
Grammar The Conditional Clauses ............................................ 202
Бренд ‘Adidas’.......................................................................... 206
Unit 10
Phonetics..................................................................................... 207
Speciality Language:Careers in Advertising
Section 1 ..................................................................................... 208
Section 2 ..................................................................................... 212
Section 3 ..................................................................................... 213
Section 4 ..................................................................................... 218
Section 5 ..................................................................................... 222
Grammar The Sequence of Tenses............................................. 225
Приложение 1 Таблица неправельных глаголов .................. 230
Приложение 2 История бренда ............................................... 234
Список литературы................................................................... 236


Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов и аспирантов, изучающих рекламу, а так же тех, кто работает в рекламном бизнесе.
В задачу курса входит не только научить читать и переводить специальную литературу, но и сформировать навыки общения на английском
языке в профессиональной ситуации, что предполагает знание англоязычной рекламной терминологии. Главный принцип, положенный в
основу пособия, — достижение максимального результата минимальными средствами. Учебное пособие состоит из 10 юнитов. Каждый
юнит имеет по 3 раздела: фонетика, язык специальности и грамматика
(всего 26 упражнений).
Раздел I, Phonetics, начинается с фонетического тренинга. В exercise 1 повторяются правила чтения английских гласных. В exercise 2
предлагаются слова для запоминания. Оба упражнения имеют цель —
развитие навыков правильной английской речи, т.к. неправильное произношение ведет к непониманию.
Раздел II, Speciality Language, имеет 5 секций. Section 1 начинается с текста по специальности и вводит лексику, раскрывающую данную
тему. Языковые единицы тщательно отобраны, при этом преимущество
отдается словарным единицам, имеющим широкий тематический диапазон. Они находятся под рубрикой “Language Commentary”. Упражнение №2 помогает закрепить значение каждого термина.
Section 2 предлагает дополнительные упражнения для активизации слов, о значении которых студентам предлагается догадаться или
противопоставляя слова друг другу, или подобрать почти то же самое
значение, что и другое слово (exercise1-2, 3-4). Следует отметить, что и
антонимы и синонимы взяты из изучаемого текста.
Section 3 посвящена тщательному изучению текста и активизации
словарного запаса. Вокабулярный тренинг с выходом на устную речь
представлен упражнениями (1,3). Помня о том, что «слово живет и развивается только в целостном речевом комплексе, только в окружении
других слов, во взаимоотношении с ними» (Грузинская И.О.), предлагается выполнить три письменных упражнения (2,4,5).
Section 4 полностью сфокусирована на устной речи и обогащении
словарного запаса. Текст диалога дополняет и лексически и тематически основной текст урока. Все задания (ех.1-5) направлены на развитие
диалогической речи.


Section 5 завершает раздел II. Цель exercise1 — контроль качества
знаний по специальности и усвоения терминологии. Еxercise 2 посвящено одному из самых важных явлений рекламы — бренду. С бренда
начинается каждый юнит. Текст бренда носит информативный характер, т.к. знакомит студента с его историей. Ехercise 2 имеет 2 задания:
устное и письменное.
Раздел III, Grammar. В этом разделе изучаются следующие грамматические темы: виды-временные формы(Simple, Continuous, Perfect)
— Units 1-5; страдательный залог unit 6, конструкция «there + to be» —
unit 7; модальные глаголы — юнит 8; условные предложения — юнит
9; согласование времен — юнит 10.
Упражнениям предпосылаются краткие теоретические сведения,
которые необходимы для практического овладения данным грамматическим материалом. Дидактическая эффективность и профессиональная ориентированность положена в основу овладения каждой грамматической структурой. Текст грамматических упражнений — текст специальности. Студенты должны овладеть грамматической нормой в
пределах пройденного материала как в письменной, так и в устной
Пособие рассчитано на 2-а семестра (120 аудиторных часов) Текущий контроль следует проводить в виде лексико-грамматического
тестирования, а в конце семестров — зачет и экзамен.
И конце пособия имеются: приложение1— неправильные глаголы, приложение 2— справка о брендах.


Jolly Green Giant
В 1928 г. состоялось первое появление рекламного персонажа
Green Giant, олицетворяющего
зеленый горошек и другие
консервированные продукты, которые выпускала компания Minnesota Valley, и было неудачным.
Сначала это был сутулый и хмурый великан, одетый в медвежью
шкуру, и выглядел он невероятно
неуклюжим. Глядя на него, невозможно было представить его
хозяином и душой зеленых долин
и склонов. В 1935 г. Зеленый Великан перешел в только что созданное агентство Leo Burnett, где
начали исправлять его природные недостатки. Первым делом
ему расправили плечи и убрали
горб, он заметно помолодел и
прибавил сил. Прежде испуганное хмурое лицо украсила ослепительная улыбка, а лохматую шкуру сменила легкая
одежда из зеленых листьев. Новое имя закрепило легкий
и веселый нрав великана — Jolly Green Giant. Персонаж
настолько понравился покупателям и производителям,
что в 1950 г. компания Minnesota Valley была переименована в Green Giant.


Phonetics: a, e, o, u, i, y.
Speciality Language: Defining Advertising.
Grammar: Present Simple.
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Чтение гласных букв в ударных открытых
слогах перед любой буквой, кроме «r».
bane, date, tale, dale, wane, age, face, jade, shape, race, page,
stage, whale, pale, game, rake, cage, navy, shady, make, stable, maple, staple, April, cradle, acre , apron , lazy, favour ,
major, frame, grade, wake;
,smoke, hope, vote, tote, choke, rote, joke, zone, code, note,
node, stoke, no, nose, stroke, probe, stole, open, joke, dove,
woke, wrote, noble, ogle, cobra, yoke, ropy, chose, quote,
those, wove, ogre, ogress;
cute, cube, hue, cue, unit, tune, pupil, dune, fume, fuse, duty,
stupid, used , super, tulip, tutor, duke, dume, tunic, bugle,
mute, bugler, humid, tuber, sue, music, dupe, tunic,
amuse , con'duce, tuber, huge, nude;
meet, be, Pete, he, she, Eve, even, mete, stele, feme, beta,
cede, scene, bede, theme, legal, velar, zebra, eke, fever,


screme, secret, renal, com'plete, Cedric, these, cedar, ac'cede,
vena, re'plete, peke, se'cede, grebe, Petre, female;
bile, nice, side, five, like, Mike, my, sky, ice, cry, wife, write,
tile, spider, spice, scribe, sice, style, wry, wye, pride, white,
cycle, try, wine, hydra, fibre, hydrant, idle, knife, bide, by,
bicycle, bike.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
group-группа, field-поле, people-люди, month-месяц, buyпокупать, studies-учёба, create-создавать, young-молодой,
wonder-удивляться, foreign-иностранный.
Speciality Language
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст «Defining
Advertising» с помощью Language Commentary.
Simply defined, advertising is any form of no personal
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services
usually paid for by an identified sponsor. Note three key
words in the above definition. Advertising is no personal; it
is directed toward a large group of anonymous people. Even
direct-mail advertising, which may be addressed to a specific
person, is prepared by a computer and is signed by a machine. Second, advertising typically is paid for. This fact differentiates advertising from publicity, which is not usually
purchased. Sponsors pay for the time and the space they use
to get their message across. (Some organizations such as the
Red Cross or the United Way advertise but do not pay for


time or space. Broadcast stations, newspapers, and magazines run these ads free as a public service.) Third, for obvious reasons, the sponsor of the ad is identified. In fact, in
most instances identifying the sponsor is the prime purpose
behind the ad—otherwise, why advertise? Perhaps the only
situation in which the identity of the advertiser may not be
self-evident is political advertising. Because of this, broadcasters and publishers will not accept a political ad unless
there is a statement identifying those responsible for it.
Advertising fulfills four basic functions in society. First,
it serves a marketing function by helping companies that
provide products or services sell their products. Personal selling, sales promotions, and advertising blend together to help
market the product. Second, advertising is educational. People learn about new products and services or improvements
in existing ones through advertising. Third, advertising plays
an economic role. The ability to advertise allows new competitors to enter the business arena. Competition, in turn, encourages product improvements and can lead to lower prices.
Moreover, advertising reaches a mass audience, thus greatly
reducing the cost of personal selling and distribution. Finally,
advertising performs a definite social function. By vividly
displaying the material and cultural opportunities available in
a free-enterprise society, advertising helps increase productivity and raises the standard of living.
Keep in mind that advertising is directed at a target audience, a specific segment of the population for whom the
product or service has a definite appeal. There are many target audiences that could be defined. The most general are
consumers and business. Consequently, consumer advertising, as the name suggests, is targeted at the people who buy


goods and services for personal use. Most of the advertising
that most people are exposed to falls into this category.
Business-to-business advertising is aimed at people who
buy products for business use. Industrial, professional, trade,
and agricultural advertising are all part of this category.
Language Commentary
advertising — the activity and industry of advertising
things to people on television, in
newspapers, on the Internet, etc,
radio advertising, an advertising agency,
a career in advertising.
consumer — a person who buys goods or uses services:
consumer demand / choice / rights / society
direct — with nothing between: a direct bearing on
/ route / course / flight / train/ hit/ quote
/answer / question.
exposed — not protected from attack or criticism;
likely to experience financial losses.
improvement — (in / on / to sth) — the act (process) of
making sth better: a significant / substantial
/ dramatic / slight / steady improvement
opportunity — (to, for/ of) -a particular situation makes it
possible to do sth.: an equal opportunities
employer ; a window of opportunity;
career / employment / job opportunities;
at every ( the earliest) opportunity
— paying in cash ( by a credit card); low-paid,
well paid,; to pay a bill / debt / fine / ransom /
a call on / attention to / tribute to / compli12


ments; a pay increase / rise / raise / 3% pay offer / claim; a sick pay, pre-pay.
publicity — the attention given to sb/sth by television,
newspapers, etc.: good / bad / adverse publicity;
publicity material, / a campaign, (stunt), etc.
purchase — the act or process of buying sth: make a purchase, major purchases, proof of purchase.
— a result that you try to achieve: set yourself
targets , meet / achieve a target, target area,
audience / group, on target, prime target , hit /
miss the target, target practice, easy target, a
target date
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Cigarette advertising has been banned.
2. Tax cuts will boost consumer after the recession.
3. They see a direct link between the money supply and
4. The cottage for sale is in a very exposed position on the
top of a hill.
5. Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement.
6. Our company promotes equal opportunities for women
and men.
7. My company pays high salaries. I’m paid $100 a day.
8. There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his
9. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give
you a full refund.
10.The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. That’s the direct opposite of what you told me yesterday.
2. I prefer to deal with him indirect.
3. I hope the price of the book will not be above ₤ 20.
4. I hope the cost will be below a pound.
5. Why is Diana absent from school today?
6. Is all the class present?
7. They have bought some modern furniture for their office.
8. There are ancient walls around the old city of York
9. What a difficult question — I can’t answer it.
10. He asked me the way to the market.
11. A canal is artificial waterway.
12. It is natural to laugh when you are happy.


Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
pay back
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. He was directed to a table beside the window.
2. A new manager ordered that the project be ready by the
end of the month.
3. The plan has appeared to be exposed and vulnerable.
4. The firm exhibits its products in several rigions.
5. There is still room for improvement in your work.
6. They were busy with the perfection of details of the ad.
7. There was no chance for further discussion.
8. At least give him the opportunity of explaining what has
9. You can pay back the loan over a period of three years.
10. You would cirtainly be repaid after hiring an accountant.
11.The company has just announced its $27 million purchase
of Park Hotel.
12. She tried to get a grip on the slippery rock.
13. Do you allow smoking in the cinema?
14. They do not permit smoking in the theatre.


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1.Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. Define advertising!
2. Why is advertising non-personal, even if it is addressed to
a specific person?
3. Is a sponsor of the ads usually identified?
4. Compare paid advertising and not purchased publicity!
5. What sort of ads are run free of charge?
6. Do broadcasters and publishers accept political ads and on
what condition?
7. What does a marketing function of advertising mean?
8. Why is advertising educational?
9. What is an economic role of advertising?
10. Can advertising lead to lower prices, increase productivity or raise the standard of living?
11. What is a target audience?
12. What is consumer advertising?
13. What is business-to-business advertising?
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Реклама — это то, что вы принимаете, когда не в состоянии потолковать с каждым потребителем лично.
2) Реклама содействует повышению спроса при относительно небольших издержках. 3) Цивилизованная реклама — это формирование актуальных, направленных на
саморазвитие, потребностей. 4) Политические партии
покупают время на телевидении. 5) Реклама отличается
от других знакомых нам средств коммуникации. 6) Реклама продвигает конкретные идеи, товары и услуги.


7) Реклама является оплаченным представлением.
8) Реклама используется в таких социальных сферах общества, как: экономика, политика, экология, интеллектуальные и бытовые услуги, семейные и межличностные
отношения. 9) Возможно ли реализовать свою продукцию, услугу, идею без рекламы? 10) Полезна ли или
вредна реклама для страны и отдельных потребителей?
11) Почему во всём мире объём рекламы нарастает?
12) Основная задача рекламы заключается в информировании.
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1 … advertising is any form of…
2 … is no personal…, it is directed toward …
3 … is prepared by a computer … is signed by a machine.
4 … typically is paid for.
5 … differentiates advertising from publicity, … is not usually purchased.
6… run these ads free as a public service.
7 … the sponsor of the ad…
8 … is the prime purpose behind the ad…
9 … the only situation … is political advertising.
10 … broadcasters and publishers will not accept a political
ad unless …
11 … fulfills four basic functions in...
12… serves a marketing function by … that provide …
13 … blend together to help market the product.
14 … is educational.
15. People learn about … through advertising.
16 … advertising plays...
17… allows new competitors to enter...
18 … encourages product improvements and can lead to...


19 … advertising reaches…
20 … performs a definite social function.
21. By … displaying the … helps increase … and raises …
22 … advertising is directed at a target audience…
23 … consumer advertising … is targeted …
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) no personal presentation; promotion of ideas, goods, and
services; an identified sponsor 2) key words. 3) anonymous
people 4) direct-mail advertising 5) obvious reasons; is identified. 6) the prime purpose 7) self-evident; political advertising. 8) broadcasters and publishers 9) рersonal selling, sales
promotions 10) an economic role 11) business arena
12) сompetition 13) personal selling; distribution 14) the material and cultural opportunities; 15) at a target audience;
16) consumer; business 17) consumer advertising 18) brief
look 19) business — to — business advertising 20) a definite
appeal. 21) a free-enterprise society;productivity; standart of
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.


Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1.Student A and Student B are discussing the theme
«Definition of Advertising». Послушайте их диалог.
1. What definitions of advertising do you know?
2. Do you remember who has
given this definition?
3. What is the advertising association?
4. What is the second definition
of advertising?
5. Where does this definition
come from?
1. I know two definitions. The
first one is: “Advertising is the
means of making known in order
to sell goods or services”.
2. Yes, I do, It is the advertising
3. It is a federation of advertising
4. It sounds like this: "Advertising
presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right
prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost".
5. It comes from the Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising
which is the professional body of
the advertising agencies.
6. This may be to visit a shop
and buy the product or service,
telephone for more information,
or to send cash and make a purchase.
6. I think this definition is more
closely related to the role of the
advertising agencies.
Let’s analyze the constituent parts of this definition! What
do you mean when you say:
«Advertising is very much to do
with persuading people to act as
the advertiser wishes»?
7. And what does the most per- 7. It means creating persuasive
suasive selling
advertisements through words
message mean?
and pictures.


8. What do the right prospects 8. They refer to a combination of
refer to?
marketing research to find out
who they are, or the choice of the
correct segment of likely buyers,
coupled with the careful selection of media which will reach
9. What do you understand un- 9. I understand the most ecoder: “at the lowest possible nomical media which will then
reach the largest number of potential buyers at the lowest possible cost.
Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. … … … ... ... ... ... .. ?
1..The first one is: “advertising is the means of making
known in order to sell goods or services”
2. … … ….... ... ... ... ... .?
2. It is the Advertising Association.
3. … … … ... ... ... ... ... ...?
3. It comes from the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising which is the professional
body of the advertising agencies.
4. … … … ... ... ... ... ... ... . ?
4. It means creating persuasive advertising through
words and pictures.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. What is the advertising association?
1. … … … .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .
2. What is the second definition of advertising?
2. … … … .... ... .... ... .... ... ... ..
3. What do the right prospects refer to?


3. … … …... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ..
4. What do you understand under: "at the lowest possible
4. … … … ... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... .
Execise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Execise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “Definition of Advertising” без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1.Переведите текст «Роль рекламы в жизни
общества» на английский язык без словаря в письменной
Реклама представляет собой неличные формы коммуникации, осуществляемые через посредство платных
средств распространения информации, с четко указанным источником финансирования.
Реклама — деятельность многофункциональная. Розничные торговцы рекламируют продаваемые ими товары
или услуги. Производители дают рекламу, чтобы побудить нас покупать их товары и услуги у розничных торговцев или коммивояжеров. Деловые предприятия адресуют свою рекламу деловым предприятиям. Местные органы власти дают рекламу, чтобы популяризовать свои
экономические идеи и внушить землякам чувство гордости. Некоммерческие организации призывают выступать
против того или иного политического кандидата и охранять дикую природу.


Предвыборная кампания — это одна из самых дорогих
и показательных видов рекламных кампаний некоммерческих организаций. В США правительство является некоммерческой организацией и находится во втором десятке крупнейших рекламодателей.
Рекламу можно разделить на несколько видов, таких
а) Реклама в прессе. Ей присуща информативность,
наглядность и ориентация на определенную категорию
потребителей информации, читающих именно этот сорт
газет или журналов.
б) Щитовая реклама. Обычно не несет в себе информации и рассчитана на восприятие яркой картинки,
которая надолго останется в памяти.
в) “Директ мэйл “ (адресная и почтовая реклама).
Это: календари, ручки, плакаты, записные книжки, ежедневники и другие мелочи с изображением торгового
знака или названием фирмы.
г) Реклама на телевидении и радио. Эта реклама
очень информативна и оказывает огромное влияние на
широкие массы зрителей. Классическим примером рекламы на телевидении и радио является предвыборная
рекламная кампания. Каждый кандидат стремится выступить с каким-либо заявлением по радио или на телевидении, ведь выборы, по своей сути тоже рынок, где
избиратель отдает свой голос за понравившегося ему
кандидата так же, как он отдает деньги за понравившийся ему товар. Этот вид рекламы самый эффективный.
Реклама отличается от других знакомых нам средств
коммуникации. Во-первых, рекламе присуща повторяемость. Что соответствует замыслу рекламодателя. Во22


вторых, мы воспринимаем рекламу в остро конкурентном окружении. Одни рекламодатели призывают тратить, другие — экономить, одни — курить, другие —
бросить курить. И, конечно же, большинство из них хочет, чтобы мы что-то предприняли в отношении конкретной марки товара или конкретного магазина.
Реклама воспринимается как часть нашей повседневной
общедоступной культуры.
Exercise 2.a) Перескажите историю бренда Jolly Green
Giant на английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос..
Do you think that the theory of “image” and “brand-image”
is the basis of branding technology?


Настоящее неопределенное
The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense
Отрицательная форформа (Affirmative
ма (Negative form)
I write
she writes
you write
do not write
(Interrogative form)
Do I write?
Does, he
Does she write?
Does it
Do we
you do not write
Do you write?
Do they
Употребляется для выражения:
a) действия привычного или свойственного лицу, обозначенному существительным или местоимением в
функции подлежащего.
b) действий происходящих независимо от воли людей и
действительных в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем.
c) действия, происходящего в данный момент, с глаголами, которые не употребляются в Present Continuous.
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• In like manner, differences in the size of the buyers or the
market densities often result in the use of more than one
• The reasons for the change usually hinge upon the high
cost of intensive distribution or the unsatisfactory performance of middlemen.


• Under an exclusive distribution policy the supplier as a
rule enters into an agreement with a particular wholesaling
middleman or retailer.
• However, this does not always mean that manufacturers
and middlemen consider customer service a thing of the past.
• Manufacturers and wholesalers of big-ticket consumer
products, such as furniture and appliances, usually prefer retailers who supply credit and delivery services for their customers.
Exercise 2. Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• The determination of channel usually offers opportunities
for maximum sales volume.
• The manufacturer frequently tries to get maximum exposure for his product.
• Firms producing oleomargarine and paint, or rubber products and plastics, generally illustrate the point.
• The producer regularly selects a limited number of wholesalers and/or retailers in a given geographic area.
• Intensive distribution also places most of the burden of advertising and promotion on the shoulders of the manufacturer.
Execise 3. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• Selective distribution as a rule covers a wide range of market exposure or distribution intensity.
• A manufacturer often gets a bonus in the form of several
outlets in the one market.
• The retailers regularly open branch stores in suburban
shopping centers.
• Management often adopts an exclusive distribution policy.
• The retailer always carries a large inventory in order to ensure customers an adequate choice.


Exercise 4. Раскройте скобки.
• An exclusive distribution policy as a rule (to help) the
manufacturer control the retail segment of his channel.
• The manufacturer substantially (to limit) the number of his
sales outlets.
• A retailer frequently (to reap) all the benefits of the manufacturer’s marketing and advertising activities in the particular market and gets all repeat sales.
• Dealership agreements often (to require) the retailer to invest a considerable sum of money in equipment and facilities.
• This generalization as a rule (to support) the systems concept of a channel of distribution.
Exercise 5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими
глаголами: (to include, to consider, to expect, to provide, to
depend) и наречиями: (always, as a rule, often, usually).
• Other points … … the caliber of their executives, their
ability to advertise, and the soundness of their product planning.
• A manufacturer … … the comparative quality, and price
of other lines in a store.
• Each organization (manufacturer and middleman) … …
from the other an effective total marketing program.
• The communication system … … for information interchange in such categories as physical inventory, promotion,
product features, pricing, and market conditions.
• The amount of help … … upon the product itself and the
nature of the middleman's franchise.


DANONE в России
В самом начале 90-х годов Группа Данон пришла на российский рынок. Это был период бурных экономических и политических перемен, когда многие иностранные компании открыли для себя новый и ещё мало известный рынок нашей страны.
В России, где ещё только зарождалась рыночная экономика, выход на рынок должен был осуществляться осторожно, и в частности, с помощью партнёрских структур. Основным отличием работы компании в России от принятой в
мире стратегии явилось первоочередное развитие розничной сети, то есть продвижение товара, а затем уже последующее развитие производственной базы.
Обычно компания начинает с приобретения либо строительства производственных мощностей, а затем уже развивает розничную сеть.
В соответствии с новой стратегией компания приняла решение открыть
свой единственный в мире магазин Данон в центре Москвы, на Тверской улице.
Кисломолочная продукция всегда была популярна и имела большой спрос в нашей стране. Поэтому открывшийся 14 августа 1992 года в Москве фирменный
магазин "Данон" был обречён на успех. Современно и празднично оформленный,
он сразу же привлёк к себе большое число посетителей. Сейчас трудно в это поверить, но тогда из-за большого числа клиентов и нехватки товара в одни руки
продавалось не более двух килограммов продукции. Фирменный магазин йогуртов давал уверенность в их качестве, а ассортимент открывал необычайно широкие возможности выбора нового для российского рынка продукта.
В 1994 году Группа Данон купила контрольный пакет акций фабрики
"Большевик" — одной из старейших кондитерских фабрик России, производящей
около 30 000 тонн продукции ежегодно.
Повышение спроса поставило перед компанией новую задачу — строительство в России завода по производству свежей молочной продукции под маркой
Данон. В мае 1995 года начал свою работу первый завод Данон в России в городе
Тольятти. Первой продукцией, которая стала выпускаться на заводе, был йогурт
Данон. С ноября 1998 года появился кефир "Классический" в пластиковых бутылках (бутылки также изготавливаются на заводе в Тольятти). За короткий срок
продукция компании завоевала популярность среди потребителей, и Данон решила расширить ассортимент производимой продукции и производственную
28 ноября 2000 года в Чеховском районе Московской области открылся
второй завод Данон в России по производству молочной продукции. В настоящий
момент на нем производятся йогурты и творожки Данон. Таким образом, на настоящий момент большая часть продукции, продаваемой в России, производится
на местных заводах Данон.
На сегодняшний день Данон в России представлен двумя заводами по производству молочной продукции, он владеет контрольным пакетом акций фабрики
"Большевик", в производстве продукции в общей сложности занято около 2,5 тысяч человек.


Phonetics: a, e, o, u, i, y.
Speciality Language: Capsule History of Advertising
Grammar: Past Simple
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Чтение гласных букв в ударных открытых слогах перед буквой «r».
fare, mare, pare, share, rare, dare, glare, care, stare, vary,
snare, glare, scare, blare, bare, pre'pare, compare, sharing,
parents, spare, staring, tare, ware, wary, flared, hare, be
core, store, more, tore, bore, shore, ore, oral, snore, score,
lore, Dora, lorry, be'fore, spore, swore, oral, glory, pore,
scorer, sore, soreness, whore, bored, cored, scored;
during, cure, fure, dure, Ure, Mure, uras, Urals, dural, purity,
se'cure, pro'cure, obs'cure, in'dure, ac'cure, im'mure, curious,
purism, annual, curia, curio;
severe, mere here, cere, sere, sphere, in'here, ad'here, re'vere,
era, Vera, zero, serum, serous, serial, series, interfere, query,
period, in'terior, in'ferior, sterio;
fire, shire, mire, hire, dire, byre, wire, tire, lyre, sire, tyre,
quire, tired, at'tire, spire, re'tire, in'tire, ad'mire, de'sire,


in'spire, re'quire, Ireland, wireless, siren, syrup, spiral, spirant, squire.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
building-здание, move-двигаться, change-изменение,
heavy-тяжёлый, ocean-океан, piece-кусок.
Speciality Language.
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст «Capsule History of Advertising» с помощью Language Commentary.
Advertising has been around ever since people have
been around. Its earliest beginnings, of course, are impossible to pinpoint, but there are several examples dating back
thousands of years. Clay tablets traced to ancient Babylon
have been found with messages that touted an ointment
dealer and a shoemaker. Ancestors of modern-day billboards
were found in the ruins of Pompeii. Later, the town crier was
an important advertising medium throughout Europe and
England during the medieval period. In short, advertising
was a well-established part of the social environment of early
In more recent times, the history of advertising is inextricably entwined with changing social conditions and advances in media technology. To illustrate, Gutenberg's invention of printing using movable type made possible several
new advertising media: posters, handbills, and newspaper
ads. In fact, the first printed advertisement in English was
produced in about 1480 and was a handbill that announced a


prayerbook for sale. Its author, evidently wise in the ways of
outdoor advertising, tacked his ad to church doors all over
England, By the late 1600s, ads were common sights in London newspapers.
Advertising made its way to the colonies along with the
early settlers from England. The Boston Newsletter became
the first American newspaper to publish advertising. Ben
Franklin, a pioneer of early advertising, made his ads more
attractive by using large headlines and considerable white
space. From Franklin's time up to the early nineteenth century, newspaper ads greatly resembled what today are called
classified ads.
The Industrial Revolution caused major changes in
American society and in American advertising. Manufacturers, with the aid of newly invented machines, were able to
mass produce their products. Mass production, however, also
required mass consumption and a mass market. Advertising
was a tremendous aid in reaching this new mass audience.
The impact of increasing industrialization was most apparent in the period following the end of the Civil War
(1865) to the beginning of the twentieth century. Around the
turn of the 20–th century some great changes occurred:
1. The railroad linked all parts of the country, making it possible for Eastern manufacturers to distribute their goods to
the growing Western markets.
2. Thanks in large measure to an influx of immigrants, the
population of the United States grew quickly, doubling between 1870 and 1900. More people meant larger markets for
3. The invention of new communication media—the telephone, typewriter, highspeed printing press, phonograph,


motion pictures, photography, rural mail delivery—made it
easier for people to communicate with one another.
4. Economic production increased dramatically, and people
had more disposable income to spend on new products.
This improved economic and communication climate helped
advertising thrive.
Language Commentary
— a business or an organization: advertising / employment / aid / dating / news /
press / agency, the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA)
ancestor — a person who lived long ago; syn-forerunner
ancient — belonging to the past: ancient
history / civilization / Greece / Egyptians
— to tell officially about a decision etc.: It
was announced that
— to obtain sth by paying money for it.
— planned activities to achieve a social,
commercial or political aim: to conduct an
ageism / anti-smoking / advertising/ election / campaign against(for;),
a campaign team / manager
— demand recognition that one has a right
to sth.
— the title (top) of the front page, the items
of news on the radio.
— too closely linked to be separated.
— a thing or an idea that has been invented.


— the way in which the parts of sth are arranged: the layout of streets, the magazine’s attractive new page
— the size, etc. of sth in standard units:
measuring equipment / instruments. half
measures, liquid / dry measure
— to continue to be successful etc: a thriving industry
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на русский
1. He obtained his position through the agency of an old
2. The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a pennyfarthing.
3. (humorous) He’s ancient—he must be at least fifty!
4. The government yesterday announced to the media plans
to create a million new jobs.
5. Five pounds doesn’t buy much nowadays.
6. They are campaigning to save the area from building development.
7. There are several matters that claim my attention.
8. Do you mind if I listen to the headlines before we leave?
9. Knowledge and economic power have become inextricable.
10. Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time.
11. Are you familiar with the general layout of the presscentre?
12. A ship’s speed is measured in knots.
13. New businesses thrive in this area.


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. Ancient languages are learnt, but not spoken now
2. Modern English is now widely spread in the world.
3. There is an inextricable connection between the past and
the present
4. That was an avoidable accident.
5. That bad boy steals money from his friends.
6. This car is two years old but it looks as good as new.
7. School begins again in September.
8. We ended our holiday with a visit to Stratford.
9. I have some big news.
10. A busy manager has little free time.
11. Martin Luther King was a famous black leader.
12. The heroine was dressed in white.
13. In the morning I go to the dairy and buy some milk.
14. That shop sells bread.


Exercise 3.Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря
1. Information of a sheet of paper was the common ancestor
of modern billboards.
2. His forebears had come to America from Ireland.
3. They announced that the flight would be delayed.
4. He has declared the meeting open.
5. The story was headlined ‘Back to the future.’
6. He has not yet titled this story
7. The ad measures about 2 metres across.
8. She achieved some degree of success with her first book.
9. He thrives on hard work.
10. His business is flourishing
11. They asked me the way to the market.
12. At the station he inquired what time the train left.
13. The meeting will commence at 3 p.m.
14. Does the meeting start at 3 p.m.?


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. How do you understand the sentence: "Advertising has
been around ever since people have been around?"
2. Are there any examples of the ancient past that could be
pin-pointed? What are they?
3. What examples of advertising were found on the ruins of
4. What was the advertising position in the social environment of early civilization?
5. Who was an important advertising medium during the
Middle Ages in Europe?
6. What is the history of advertising entwined with?
7. Owing to what did posters. handbills and newspaper ads
8. What was the first printed advertisement in English?
When did it appear? What is known about the author?
9. When did ads become common sights in England?
10. How did English advertising reach the North America?
11. What is the name of the first American newspaper to
publish ads?
12. How did Ben Franklin make his ads attractive?
13. What are classified ads?
14. What major event caused changes in American advertising?
15. What means became a tremendous aid in reaching the
new American mass audience?
16. What social factors of the late 19th century helped advertising thrive?


17. Speak about:
a) the impact of increasing industrialization
b) the growth of the U.S.A. population
c) the invention of new communication media
d) the growth of disposable income of the Americans
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Обращение к рекламе было всегда естественно для человека. 2) Прообраз современных объявлений существовал ещё в Древнем Египте. 3) На стенах домов древнеримского города Помпеи обнаружены политические обращения. 4) Городские глашатаи были первыми профессионалами рекламы. 5) В первобытной культуре мы находим достаточное количество примеров проторекламы.
6) Когда появилась реклама? 7) Что вы знаете о развитии
публичного рекламирования в древних государствах?
8) Каковы были главные формы письменной рекламы в
эпоху древности? 9) Современный мир зависит от рекламы. 10) Первые рекламные агентства были посредниками при покупке рекламного места. 11) В древнем мире
преобладала устная реклама. 12) В первобытной культуре имели место предметные, звуковые, изобразительные
и вербальные средства рекламирования.
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, расскажите историю
возникновения рекламы.
1. Advertising has been around…
2 … have been found with messages….
3 … were found in the ruins of Pompeii.
4 … the town crier was …
5 … was a well-established part …


6 … the history of advertising is … entwined …with …
7 … made possible several new advertising media: …
8 … the first printed advertisement in English was …
9 By the late 1600s … were common sights …
10 … made its way to the colonies …
11. …became the first American newspaper to publish advertising.
12 … made his ads more attractive by using …
13 The Industrial Revolution caused …
14 Manufacturers...
15 Mass production also required…
16 … was a tremendous aid in reaching …
17. The impact of increasing industrialization was …
18. The railroad ..., making it possible …
19. More people meant …
20. The invention of new communication media…
21. Economic production increased …
22 … helped advertising thrive.
Exercise 4. Составте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) messages, 2 ) billboards, 3) the town crier, 4)media technology, 5) posters, handbills, and newspaper ads,
6) advertisement, 7) outdoor advertising, 8) ads, 9) advertising, 10) classified ads, 11) products, 12) mass consumption,
13) a mass market, 14) mass audience. 15) typewriter, phonograph, motion pictures, photography, 16) highspeed printing press, 17) a space broker, 18) an advertising medium,
19) changeover, consumer economy, 20) the goods and services 21) medium, 22) electronic data processing devices.


Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.
Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the theme
“History of Advertising in the USA”. Послушайте их
1. Let’s look back into
the history of advertising.
2. What would you respond to the question:
"When did advertising
become a profession
in the USA?
3. When did radio become an attractive advertising medium for
American advertisers?
1. OK.
2. By 1900, advertising had been
firmly established as a profession.
2. In the 1920s. By 1930 about $27
million had been spent on network
advertising, and many of the most
popular shows of the day were then
produced by advertising agencies
4. Do social events in- 4. Yes. they do. Here are some
fluence advertising?
facts. The stock market crash of
1929 had a disastrous effect on the
U.S. economy. The total dollars
spent on advertising droppeod from
$2,8 billion in 1929 to $1,7 billion
in 1935. World War II meant that
some civilian firms cut back on
their advertising budgets, others instructed consumers on how to


make their products last as long as
5. Were there any sig- 5. The most important was surely
nificant developments television’s rise as a national adthat prompted a spurt vertising medium
in advertising?
6. But TV’s growth 6. Yes, it did. Radio became a mehad an impact on both dium used primarily by local adradio and magazines, vertisers. Magazines that aimed at
didn’t it?
specialized audiences attracted
more advertisers, but general — interest publications went under.
7. What do you know 7. Oh! Its increase falls on the
about direct advertis- years from 1950 to 1980 and it was
ing done through the due to the growth of computerized
mailing lists the emergence of the
telephone as a marketing tool, and
the expanded use of credit card
8. What is consumers’ 8. It is great! The consumers berole and advertisers’ came a more powerful force and
role in the market the advertisers became more soplace?
phisticated in their methods thanks
to the emergence of computers and
other electronic data processing


Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. ... ... ... ?
1. By 1900, advertising had firmly been established as a profession.
2. … … …?
2. In the 1920s. By 1930 about $27 million had been spent
on network advertising, and many of the most popular shows
of the day were then produced by advertising agencies
3. … … …?
3. The most important was surely television’s rise as a national advertising medium
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. Do social events influence advertising?
1. … … ….
But TV’s growth had an impact on both radio and
magazines, hadn’t it?
2… … … .
3. What do you know about direct advertising done
through the mail?
3... ... ...
4. What is consumers’ role and advertisers’ role in the market place?
4. ... .. . ...
Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “History of Advertising”
без подготовки.


Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «История развития рекламы» на английский язык без словаря в письменной
Считается, что слово «реклама» происходит от
«reclamare» — призывный крик. В античности профессиональными носителями рекламного слова были городские глашатаи. Глашатаи избирались народным собранием путем голосования или по жребию. Одни исполняли
дипломатические поручения, другие были в распоряжении городской администрации и сообщали городскому
населению важнейшую оперативную информацию, как
деловую, коммерческую, так и политическую, другие
обслуживали рынки, служили при артистических труппах или у частных лиц. Таким образом глашатаи были
носителями устной рекламы. Художественные вывески,
эмблемы ремесленников, предметы гончарного производства тоже являлись изобразительными видами рекламы. Многие из этих произведений сопровождались надписями. Часть их расшифрована, как имена владельцев.
Надписи на стенах Помпеи являются документальным
свидетельством наличия граффити. Большенство надписей профессионально-ориентированные.
А в Риме была городская газета, которая представляла собой доску, окрашенную в белый цвет. Текст наносился черной краской. Эта газета ежедневно информировала граждан о «делах римского народа» и «делах
Таковы истоки рекламы , а какова она сегодня?


Современный мир очень зависит от рекламы. Без нее
производители и торговцы были бы не способны продавать, а покупатели узнавать о товарах или услугах. Чтобы предприятие приносило прибыль, реклама должна
быть интенсивной и постоянной. Массовое производство
требует массового потребления, а оно, в свою очередь,
нуждается в рекламе поставляемой средствами массовой
информации и ориентированной на широкий потребительский рынок.
Хотя люди и покупают рекламируемые товары, они
критикуют их рекламу и утверждают, что в рекламе нет
необходимости даже с финансовой точки зрения, посколько цены на товары можно снижать и без рекламы.
Проведенные опросы показали, что потребители делятся
на три группы, из которых 41% считает, что реклама
дурно влияет на общество, 46% заявляют, что не замечают её и 13% отводят рекламе большое значение.
А действует ли реклама помимо воли людей? Это вопрос
требует обсуждения, но все же уровень развития рекламного дела свидетельствует о развитии и процветании
Exercise 2 а) Перескажите историю бренда Danone на
английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос:
Do you agree that branding is a highly effective technology of reaching and winning consumers?


Прошедшее неопределенное
The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense
did I
did not write
did he
did she
did it
did we
did you
did they
Употребляется для выражения:
a) действия, имевшего место в прошлом с такими обозначениями времени как yesterday, the day before yesterday, ago, last.
b) ряда последовательных действий, происходивших одно за другим в прошлом.
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• Together they often represented 16 percent of the service
stations and only 6.7 percent of the total sales volume of all
these products in the seven-state areas.
• Department stores and large drugstores carried the full assortment that time, but supermarkets wanted only one or two
sizes of a few fast-moving items.
• A manufacturer of earth-moving equipment and other construction machinery often made it a point to ascertain the
technical abilities of salesmen of industrial distributors before granting a franchise in a territory.


• In the administration of a channel system, as we saw in the
preceding chapter, some institutions usually assumed the role
of controlling organizations, while others occupied secondary roles.
• The manufacturer used to set the number of units or the
dollar volume of each of his products which a middleman
sold in a given time period.
Exercise 2 Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• A manufacturer of health and beauty aids used to produce
a wide line of products in several sizes, types of packaging,
and colors.
• These dealers often demanded promotional allowances,
displays, or product demonstrators.
• The amount of help usually depended upon the product itself and the nature of the middleman's franchise.
• Advertising as a rule made its way to the colonies along
with the early settlers from England.
• This new profession, however, was not without its problems.
Exercise 3 Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• From 1950 to 1975 the amount of money spent an advertising steadily increased an incredibe 490%
• Also during that period several significant developments
took place.
• TV’s growth had an impact on both radio and magazines at
the end of the 20-th century.
• Direct advertising increased by more then 800 percent
from 1950 to 1980.


• At about that same time, efforts aimed at wiping out
fraudulent advertising also began within the advertising professions.
Exercise 4 Раскройте скобки.
• In fact, the first printed advertisement in English was produced in about 1480 and was a handbill that (to announce) a
prayer book for sale.
• Ben Franklin, a pioneer of early advertising, (to make) his
ads more attractive by using large headlines and considerable
white space.
• From Franklin’s time up to the early nineteenth century,
newspaper ads greatly (to resemble) what today are called
classified ads.
• The railroad (to link) all parts of the country that time,
making it possible for Eastern manufacturers to distribute
their goods to the growing western markets.
• The development of the halftone method for reproducing
photographs at once (to mean) that magazine advertisers
could portray their products more vividly.
Exercise 5 Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами: (to have, to be, to cut, to change, to come, to assume) и наречиями: (always, as a rule, often, usually)
• A garment manufacturer … such a policy, and his products
… … so attractive to retailers that many stores discontinued
their previously handled brands in order to get his line.


• World War II meant that many civilian firms … …back on
their advertising budgets
• Others simply … …the content of their ads and instead of
selling their products instructed consumers on how to make
their products last until after the war.
• Further, most magazines … …out once per month, which
meant that the potential for frequent presentations of an ad
was not high.
• A surprisingly large number of companies … … that the
channel job was completed once their channels were established.


Bass & Co
В 1876 г. была зарегистрирована первая торговая
марка. Это было связано с
публикацией 13 августа
1875 г. в Англии Акта о регистра-ции торговых марок,
вступающий в силу с
1876 г. Сотрудник пивоваренной компании Bass & Co. провел холодную новогоднюю ночь на 1 января 1876 г. на улице перед дверью в
Патентное бюро. В 10 часов утра должна была начаться
регистрация. Это было необходимо для того, чтобы получить сертификат № 1. Несмотря на внушительную
давку перед входом, образовавшуюся утром, первым в
мире зарегистрированным товарным знаком стал красный треугольник — символ, используемый с 1855 г. для
обозначения «Bass».
Через шесть лет после этого события художник Эдуард Мане изобразил две бутылки пива с красным треугольником на своей знаменитой картине «Bar at FolliesBergere».


Phonetics: a, e, o, u, i,
Speciality Language: Advertisers.
Grammar: Future Simple.
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Чтение гласных букв в ударных закрытых слогах перед любой буквой, кроме «r».
that, pan, pat, sand, back, cat, hat, gat, jad, jam, rang, rack,
quack, drank, yam, thank, catch, lack, latter, yank, cracks,
ant, act, happy, gap, hag, black, match, badge;
doctor, got, cock, gong, dog, cod, hot, jog, box, shock, soft,
strong, long, soggy, rot, crocks, lodge, frog, thong, chop,
cloth, cross, jockly, lost, gloss, knock;
must, cut, cup, gun, just, us, nut, tun, hungry, bunk, pulse,
club, chunk, judge, rung, hurry shut, hudge, sum, duck,
Dutch, bulge, thunder, uncle, under, jugglar;
help, pet, bed, end, tell, led, bench, rest, edge, enter, hedge,
chess, well, text, dress, zest, swept, them, wet, gentle, rent,
yet, egg, accept, seller, vet, length.


quickly, pick, Nick, sit, fit, fish, did, kid, hit, hid, lick, dig,
thing, sing, clip, inch, gyps, will, chin, crypt, symbol, myth,
tryst, think, gym, with, synonym.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
meant-имел в виду, sugar-сахар, dissolve-растворять, pressure-давление, colour-цвет, taste-вкус, arrangeрасполагать, arrangement-расположение.
Speciality Language
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1.Прочтите и переведите текст: “Advertisers”
с помощью Language Commentary.
Advertising is an important part of the overall marketing
plan of almost every organization that provides a product or
a service to the public. Advertisers can range from the small
bicycle shop on the corner that Spends S4 on an ad in the local weekly paper to huge international corporations such as
Procter & Gamble, which spends more than $1-4 billion annually for ads.
At a basic level, we can distinguish two different types
of advertisers: national' and retail. National advertisers sell
their product or service to customers all across the country.
The emphasis in national advertising is on the product or
service and not so much on the place where the product or
service is sold. For example, the Coca-Cola Company is interested in selling soft drinks. It doesn't matter to the company if you buy their product at the local supermarket, a


small convenience store, or from a vending machine; as long
as you buy their products, the company will be happy. Retail
advertisers (also called local advertisers) are companies such
as local restaurants, car dealerships, TV repair shops, and
other merchants and service organizations that have customers in only one city or trading area. The retail advertiser
wants to attract customers to a specific store or place of business. Some companies are both national and local advertisers. Sears and K mart, for example, advertise all over the
country, but their individual stores use local advertising to
highlight their specilic sales and promotions. Franchises,
such as McDonald's and Burger King, keep up their national
image by advertising on network TV, while their local outlets put ads in the paper to attract customers from the local
Naturally, the way organizations handle their advertising
depends on their size. Some companies have their own advertising departments; a small retail store might have one
person who is responsible for advertising and marketing and
who may also have other job functions. Large or small, there
are several basic functions that must be attended to by all advertisers. These include planning the ads and deciding where
they will appear, setting aside a certain amount of money for
the advertising budget, coordinating the advertising with
other departments in the organization, and, if necessary, supervising the work of an outside agency or company that
produces the ad. In addition, some large advertisers have departments that can create and prepare all the advertising materials, purchase the space and airtime for the ads, and check
to see if the ads were effective in achieving their goals.


No matter how the advertising is handled, it is likely that
quite a few people in the organization are really part of the advertising business. In some companies, the president or chief
executive becomes actively involved. Moreover, sales and
marketing personnel keep a close watch on the type of advertising that is planned and where the advertising is to appear.
Even the people in the design and production departments are
often asked to contribute ideas to the company's ads. In short,
it could be said that almost everyone in the company feels that
he or she is involved with the company's ads because the advertising represents them in some way.
Language Commentary
advertisement — picture of a product, job or service:
classified advertisements
— a sum: an amount of time / money / information; to amount to
— to give sth to help sb/sth, to increase,
improve or add to sth..
— to see the difference between: distinguish from/ oneself
— the impression that sb/sth gives to the
public: a mental image
— complex system of lines that cross: a
network of ralways/ canals
— general: overall responsibility / improvement / effect /
— a variety, the limits: a wide / full/ mid-/
close-/ long-/ short-, range of; top of the
age (price) range; price; wide-ranging;
range in size / length / price


— to act or speak officially for sb; to defend one’s interests.
— sale of goods in small quantities; not for
resale: retail dealers/ prices/deparment;
— to sell sth;
-one to whom sth is sold;
a person who sells, usually oufside on tne
Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The advertisements are intended to improve the company’s image.
2. The insurance company will refund any amount due to
3. Human errors may have been a contributing factor.
4. He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics.
5. In the Bible it states that humans were created in the image of God.
6. Radio and TV are world communications networks.
7. The product was sold at an overall efficiency of only 18
per cent.
8. There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent.
9. These results represent a major breakthrough in AIDS research.
10. This article retails at seventy pence.
11. A vending machine is coinoperated slot machine for the
sale of small articles, such as a cigarettes and food.


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. Food is cheap is the market.
2. Bananas are very dear this week.
3. All the men left when the meeting closed.
4. The meeting opens at ten o’clock.
5. When is the train coming?
6. Are you going by train or by bus?
7. Italy is a European country.
8. Stratford-on Avon is a small country town.
9. Business rivals are sometimes dangerous.
11. A knife is not a safe toy.
12. A police uniform is dark blue.
13. This room has a lot of windows and is very light.
14. The number of people in the village has decreased from
150 to 100.
15. People want more money because prices are increasing.


Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. The server is designed to store huge amounts of data.
2. He has any quantity of money. He is very rich.
3. Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many
4. We invest £5 000 to the earthquake fund.
5. He stared at his own image reflected in the water.
6. Slowly, an picture began to appear on the screen
7. This contract constitutes 20% of the company’s annual
8. The association was formed to represent the interests of
women teachers.
9. The waiter carried the meal to the table.
10. He bore a box to the table.
11. Choose one of these applicants.
12. The meeting elected the chairman.
13. He came when they called him.
14. He was tired when he arrived home.


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training
Exercise 1.Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. Do all organization that provide a product or a service
to the public look upon advertising as an important part of
their overall marketing plan?
2. How much does an organization spend on an advertisement?
3. What do national advertisers sell?
4. Where is the emphasis in national advertising: on the
product or service or the place where the product or service
is sold?
5. What are retail advertisers?
6. What are the aims of a retail advertiser?
7. Are there cases when some companies are both national and local advertisers? Give examples!
8. What is franchise? Give an example!
9. What does the ay organizations handle their advertising depend on?
10. What are the basic functions that must be attended to by
all advertisers?
11. Who is responsible for the advertising business in an organization?
12. Is it a good practice when the president or chief executive
becomes actively involved in the advertising business?
13. Why do sales and marketing personnel keep a close
watch on the type of advertising and the place the advertising
is to appear?
14. What are the main components of the advertising industry?


Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Рекламодатель — заказчик, пользующийся услугами
агентства. 2) Рекламное агентство занимается планированием, разработкой и осуществлением рекламных кампаний по заказам клиентов. 3) Одни агентства предоставляют полный комплекс услуг; другие занимаются
только размещением рекламы в СМИ; третьи выполняют
художественную и творческую часть работы. 4) Юридический статус агентства предполагает, что он действует
«от лица заказчика» и несет финансовую ответственность в СМИ. 5) Юридическая норма или «профессиональная традиция» предполагает, что в случае банкротства агентство несет ответственность за выплаты рекламодателя. 6) Каковы основные функции рекламодателей?
7) Какова есть организационная структура рекламной
службы рекламодателя и факторы её определяющие?
8) Каковы особенности становления современного рекламного процесса? 9) Какие факторы надо учитывать
при формировании рекламной службы? 10) Опишите
существующие виды рекламной службы. 11) Сопоставьте преимущество и недостатки внутреннего рекламного
агентства рекламодателя. 12) Одинаково ли действуют
крупные зарубежные и отечественные рекламодатели?
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1. … is an important part of the overall marketing plan of
almost every organization that provides a product or a service to the public.
2 … can range from the small bicycle shop … to huge international corporations …


3 … two different types of advertisers:..
4 … sell their product or service to customers all across the
5 … in national advertising is on the product or service …
6. Retail advertisers … are ….such as …
7 … depends on their size.
8. Large or small, there are several basic functions....
9. These include …
10 … can create and prepare all the advertising materials…
11 … are really part of the advertising business.
12 … keep a close watch on the type of advertising …
13 … are often asked to contribute ideas to the company's
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) … local weekly paper 2) … National advertisers … 3)
… selling soft drinks. 4) Retail advertisers … 5) Franchises…. local outlets …the local community. 6) … own advertising departments…7) … the president or chief executive

8) … sales and marketing personnel …
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме..


Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the
theme “Advertisers”. Послушайте их диалог.
1. Who is responsible 1. The advertising manager is. But he
for advertising?
may operate under various titles such
as product or brand manager or marketing services manager.
2. Is there such a posi- 2. In this case advertising may be
tion in an industrial handed by the relations manager or
company which uses communications manager. Unfortulittle advertising, but nately, it is a confusing array of job timuch public relations? tles.
3. And how are the advertisers dealing with
4. What is peculiar of
global advertising?
3. These are international advertisers.
They face many complexities not encounted by domestic advertisers.
4. It is the degree to which global advertising should be adapted to the
unique characteristics of various country markets. Some large advertisers
have attempted to support their global
brands with highly standardized
worldwide advertising.
5. So, standardization
5. They are: lower advertising costs,
produces many benegreater coordination of global advertisfits, doesn’t it?
ing efforts, and a more consistent
worldwide company or product image.
6. Does standardization 6. Most importantly, it ignores the fact
have drawbacks?
that country markets differ
greatly in their cultures, demographics,
and economic conditions.


7. I see. Thus, most of
the international advertisers think globally but
act locally.
8. Are there any additional problems that
global advertisers?
9. Many countries have
extensive systems of
laws restricting how
much a company can
spend on advertising,
the media, the nature of
advertising claims and
other aspects of the advertising program, am I
7. They develop global advertising
strategies that bring efficiency and consistency to their worldwide advertising
efforts. Then they adapt their advertising programs to make them more responsible to consumer needs and expectations within local markets.
8. Of course, there are. For instance,
advertising media differ considerably
in availability and cost from country to
country. Then some countries have too
few media to handle all of the advertising offered to them. Other countries are
peppered with so many media that an
advertiser cannot gain national coverage at a reasonable cost. Media prices
are often negotiated and may vary
9. Yes, you are. Such restrictions
often require that advertisers adapt
their campaigns from country to
country. But never forget, that although
advertisers may develop
global strategies to guide their overall
advertising efforts, specific
advertising programs must usually be
adapted to meet local cultures and customs, media characteristics, and advertising regulations.


Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. The advertising manager is. But he may operate under
various titles such as product or brand manager or marketing
services manager.
2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
2. These are international advertiser. They face many complexities not encounted by domestic advertisers.
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
3. They are: lower advertising costs, greater coordination of
global advertising efforts, and a more consistent worldwide
company or product image.
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...?
4. It ignores the fact that country markets differ greatly in
their cultures, demographics, and economic conditions.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. Is there such a position in an industrial company which
uses little advertising, but much public relations?
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
2. What is peculiar of global advertising?
2. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... … ... . 3. Most international
advertisers think globally but act locally, don’t they?
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
4. Are there any additional problems that face global advertisers?
4. … … … … … … … … … … .
5. Is it true, that many countries have extensive systems of
laws restricting how much a company can spend on advertising, the media, the nature of advertising claims and other aspects of the advertising program?
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .


Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме «Advertisers» без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Рекламодатели» на английский язык без словаря в письменной форме.
Рекламодатели — весьма разноликая “компания”. Это
производители, розничные торговцы, оптовые торговцы,
фирмы услуг, дистрибьюторы, профсоюзы и частные
лица. Основные типы рекламодателей следующие:
Общенациональные. Они составляют большую часть.
Как правило, это производители, выпускающие товары.
На долю 10 крупнейших общенациональных рекламодателей приходится почти 70% общих расходов на рекламу
в стране.
Местные рекламодатели — это главным образом
розничные торговцы. Которые тратят на рекламу большие средства. Сегодняшняя розничная реклама гораздо
больше общенациональной подходит к понятию “рыночная информация’’ благодаря своей регулярности, акценту на ценах и сведениях о местах продажи товаров.
Разнообразие различной розничной рекламы позволяет
ей стать именно привычной частью жизни рядового потребителя. Сотрудничество с рекламным агентством позволяет рекламодателю оперативно решать свои проблемы, помогает ему сэкономить средства и время.


Exercise 2. a) Перескажите историю бренда Bass&Co
на английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос
. What factors of market media have been necessary to create
“image” and “brand-image”?


The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense
I shall not
he will not
she will not
it will not
we shall not
you will not
they will not
Вопросительная форма
shall I
will he
will she
will it
shall we
will you
will they
I shall
he will
she will
it will
we shall
you will
they will
Утвердительная форма
Употребляется для выражения однократного или повторного действия, которое произойдет в будущем с такими обозначениями времени, как to-morrow завтра, the
day after tomorrow послезавтра, to-night сегодня вечером,
next year (month) в следующем году (месяце), in ... days
(hours) через ... дней (часов)
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• A manufacturer who wants to select a specialty store in a
shopping center will first want to determine whether the
shopping center is the most desirable one in the market.
• This includes planning the ads and deciding where they
will appear next time setting aside a certain amount of
money for the advertising budget coordinating the advertising with other departments in the organization.
• Though they will advertise all over the country, their individual stores will often use local advertising to highlight their
specific sales and promotions.


• Managerial advice will always be available for a middleman when he selects a location for a new store, arranges a
store layout, modernizes an existing store, or switches to a
self-service operation.
• The theory is that the number of people who will then buy
the sponsor’s products varies proportionately with the number of people who watch or hear the program.
Exercise 2. Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• Getting the desired information regarding potential middlemen will undoubtedly involve some kind of field research.
• A middleman will soon have a right to expect the manufacturer to provide well designed, properly priced, salable
• His real aim will be to build an ad that will always sell the
most merchandise.
• The media will bill the agency for $34,000 next week.
• Unfair methods of competition will always have the effect
of injuring a competitor.
Exercise 3. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• Thus he will use a slogan at first.
• Instead, he will afterwards reward the salesman who will
have the best sales record.
• Another will every day show a chart of all the foods.
• At first it will involve the same kind of selling procedure.
• Promotional activities will then attract attention.
Exercise 4. Раскройте скобки.
• Regardless of whether the manufacturer or the middlemen
will hold the controlling position, a real interdependence …
always (to exist) between the two groups.


• Management should plan to use some testing technique
which … always (to sample) customer reaction.
• They have decided what the central theme … ( to be) after
• Evaluative methods … then (to tell) us simply which ad
will be the best.
• A manufacturer ... not (to be interested) in selling his line
of dresses, which start at $59.95 to stores whose highestpriced lines of other dresses sell for $29.95.
Exercise5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими
глаголами: (to induce, to occur, to refuse, to have, to buy)
и наречиями: to have, to buy) и наречиями: (then, often,
always, from time to time)
• It is doubtful that the manufacturer's products will …
him … change his customer list substantially.
• Unless the product is a widely used consumer goods,
considerable waste circulation will… ….
• Many magazines, newspapers, and radio and television stations will … …to accept advertisements which
they feel are false, misleading, or generally in bad taste.
• In manufacturing, only a few industries, such as
drugs, toiletries, cleaning products, tobacco, and beverages, will … … advertising expenditures which are
higher than those for personal selling.
• A retailer does not care what product or brand you
will … …, as long as you buy it at his establishment.


Четырьмя итальянцами в
Турине была основана винодельческая фирма «Distilleria Nazionale da
Spirito di Vino». В 1863 году к руководству пришли менеджер Алессандро Мартини и винодел Луиджи Росси, и с 1879 года фирма стала называться «Martini & Rossi». Найдя уникальную комбинацию трав
и специй, Росси сумел сделать свой вермут едва ли не самым популярным аперитивом в мире. Особенно престиж
марки возрос в 1910-х годах, после появления «короля
вермутов» — «Мартини Бьянко».
В первой трети нашего столетия фирма «Martini & Rossi»
смело шагала в русле передовых художественных течений. В 1925 году у «Martini» появился графический фирменный знак, который с тех пор ни разу не менялся и напоминает ныне о былом увлечении простыми и ясными
образами. Можно констатировать, что к началу Второй
Мировой войны рекламная стратегия фирмы в основном
сложилась. Ассортимент «Martini» был представлен легкими напитками, с которыми можно экспериментировать,
а в качестве целевой группы воздействия выбраны молодые люди воспринимающие жизнь как процесс творческий.
И сейчас «Martini» остается популярным современным (несмотря на богатую историю) напитком веселых,
молодых, знающих себе цену людей. Этот пример подтверждает как качественный профессиональный брендинг,
дополняя и обновляя образ, позволяет товару оставаться
популярным и актуальным на протяжении долгого времени.


Phonetics: a, e, o, u, i, y.
Speciality Language: Agencies
Grammar: The Continuous Tenses.
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Чтение гласных букв в ударных закрытых
слогах перед «r».
car, card, cart, darn, dart, hard, part, arm, tar, star, harm,
farce, yard, char, larch, shark, charge, sharp, march, margin,
jar, parch, carpet, artist, arch.
horn, horse, short, port, porter, storm, mort, porch, order, orchard, cord, torch, storm, sport, thorn, former, normal, mortal, support, north, orphan, chord, fort, corn, cork.
curds, hurt, curve, hurb, hurl, hurst, hurtle, hurdle, curdle,
urge, urgent, curl, bur, purse, turn, burst, burn, churn, lurch,
purple, gurgle, church, nurse, burnt.
herb, hermit, hers, kerb, kert, kermis, kernel, jerk, merge,
nerve, mercy, sherbet, berth, serve, stern, jersey, con'cern,
person, pre'fer, certain, Bertha.


hirst, fir, firm, first, bird, dirt, dirty, shirt, stir, quirt, birth,
smirch, circle, Myrtle, circus, thirsty, shirk, birch, sir, birthday.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
travel-путешествовать, cosmic-космический, idea-идея,
basis-основа, design-проект, advantage-преимущество,
Speciality Language.
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст“Agencies” с
помощью Language Commentary.
According to the American Association of Advertising
Agencies, an agency is an independent business organization
composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare, and place advertising in advertising media for sellers
seeking to find customers for their goods and services. The
big advertising agencies tend to be located in the big cities,
particularly New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Smaller
agencies, however, are located all across the country. In fact,
most cities with more than 100,000 people usually have at
least one advertising agency. When it comes to income,
however, the bigger agencies dominate.
The last few years in the agency business have seen the
spawning of super agencies, or “mega-agencies,” resulting
from the merger and consolidation of several large ad agencies. In addition, the business has been "globalized," since


these new mega-agencies have branches all over the world.
The half-dozen mega-agencies (Saatchi & Saatchi, WPP
Group, Oligvy Group)dominated the industry at the close of
The impact of foreign ownership is apparent in the agency
business as in many other media. Three of the mega groups
are British-owned. The trend began in 1986 when a British
agency, Saatchi & Saatchi, acquired DFS Doriand and
Compton ro form a company that billed more than $11 billion worldwide in 1987. WPP Group is another British-based
company that acquired the J. Walter Thompson agency in
1987. A third British company is the WCRS/Belier Company, whose American properties include Delia Femina,
Travisano and Partners. The other mega-agenices are American-owned. The Omnicom Group was formed in 1986 by the
merger of BBDO, Doyie Dane Bernbach, and Needham
Harper. Omnicom billed more than S6 billion in 1987. The
Interpublic Group included the McCann-Erickson, Lintas,
and Dailey agencies and employed about 14,000 people. The
Ogiivy Group included Ogiivy & Mather; Sali. McCabe.
Solves; and SAGE Worldwide. Eurocom is based in Paris
and has agencies throughout Europe and Asia.
Agencies can be classified by the range of services that
they offer. In general terms, there are three main types: (1)
full-service agencies, (2) media buying services, and (3)
creative boutiques,
As the name implies, a full-service agency is one that
handles all phases of the advertising process for its clients; it
plans, creates, produces, and places ads for its clients. In addition, it might also provide other marketing services such as
sales promotions, trade show exhibits, newsletters, and an69


nual reports. In theory, at least, there is no need for the client
to deal with any other company for help on promoting their
A media buying service is an organization that specializes in buying radio and television time and reselling it to
advertisers and advertising agencies. The service sells the
time to the advertiser, orders the spots on the various stations
involved, and monitors the stations to see if the ads actually
A creative boutique (the name was coined during the
1960s and has hung on to the present) is an organization that
specializes in the actual creation of ads. In general, boutiques
create imaginative and distinctive advertising themes and
produce innovative and original ads. A company that uses a
creative boutique would have to employ another agency to
perform the planning, buying, and administrative functions
connected with advertising.
Not surprisingly, full-service agencies saw media buying
services and boutiques as competitors. Consequently, the
full-service agencies improved their own creative and media
buying departments. It wasn't long before the services and
boutiques began to feel the effects of the agencies’ efforts.
As it stands now, only a few services and a few boutiques
still handle large national advertisers.
What does a full-service ad agency do for a client? To
begin with, the agency studies the product or service and determines its marketable characteristics and how it relates to
the competition. At the same time the agency studies the potential market, possible distribution plans, and likely advertising media. Following this the agency makes a formal presentation to the client detailing its findings about the product


and its recommendations for an advertising strategy. If the
client agrees, the agency then launches the execution phase.
This phase entails writing and producing the ads, buying
space and time in various media, delivering the ads to the
appropriate media, and verifying that all ads actually appeared. Finally, the agency will work closely with the client's
salespeople to make sure that they get the greatest possible
benefit from the ads.
A full service agency is presented by: 1) Board of Managers, 2) Account Directors, and 3) Account Executives and
Assistant Account Executives, who are responsible for:
a) marketing, marketing research
b) sales promotion
c) media, media research, planning, buying: TV, press, radio.
d) copy, script.
e) art, studio, art buying.
f) TV, story-boards, filming.
g) production, print buying, traffic.
h) overseas.
i) exhibitions
j) recruitment advertising
k) direct response marketing
l) library
m) PR
n) administration, accounts, vouchers, secretarial.
Language Commentary
— to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or
behaviour: to acquire a taste / reputation/ for
— a paper that shows how much you owe sb,:
to advertise sb/sth, a telephone / electricity /


gas/ double bill, to run up / introduce / approve / reject / a bill
— a local office ( shop/store) belonging to a
large company ; a part of a government that
deals with one particular aspect of its work
composed — to be made or formed from several parts
or people.
— the skill and ability to produce sth new:
creative writing/ thinking/ process/ ideas / material
customer — a person (organization) that buys sth from a
store (business):the best / biggest customer; an
excellent/ awkward/ cool/ regular, customer
— to buy and sell a particular product; especially in business: to make / sign /cut / do /
conclude / close/ a deal with sb.; a new / raw /
good/ rough / square / fair / deal; the deal falls
through = tofail
— to produce / make/ a new idea (product) successfully:
— to give work for payment.
marketable — attractive to customers or employers: marketable products / skills / qualifications
— the act of joining two or more organizations
or businesses into one.
ownership — the fact of owning sth.,: to be in joint / private / public ownership
property — a possession or possessions: intellectual /
lost / public / physical / medicinal / property
— a system that provides sth that the public
needs, organized by the government or a private


company: ambulance / bus /telephone / emergency / postal / civil / diplomatic / fire / health
/ room / self / jury / after-sales / military / national service; essential services: water, gas,
electricity, fire; to hold / attend a morning /
evening / funeral / marriage / memorial service; to be in / go into service.
— to cause sth to develop or be produced: (often disapproving)
Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
2. She was billed to speak on ‘China—Yesterday and Today’.
3. The bank has branches all over the country.
4. The committee is composed mainly of advertisers.
5. Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill.
6. I’m a regular customer.
7. The company deals in computer software.
8. The company develops and markets new software.
9. He is employed in a bank.
10. Her marketability as a top model is known to everyone.
11. A merger between the two banks took place last month.
12. The restaurant is under new ownership.
13. There are a lot of empty properties in the area.
14. Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.
15. The band’s album spawned a string of hit singles.


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Execise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. The employed are persons who have regular work.
2. The unemployed are those for whom there is no work.
3. Spring is the early part of the year.
4. In summer the sun goes down in late evening.
5. Please, enter your names on this list.
6. What time will you leave home to go to the university?
7. I entirely agree with you.
8. It was partly my fault, and partly yours.
9. This medicine for insect bites is for external use only, so
do not drink it.
10. He had internal injuries to his stomach.
11. The sportsmen tried to climb the mountain, but they
failed because of the bad weather.
12. Did you succeed in booking the tickets?
13. In winter the temperature falls.
14. After the heavy rain the river will rise.


Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
to do a deal
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. Do not to stick bills in this place.
2. A poster is a large printed picture advertising something.
3. The anti-terrorist branch has moved to their new headquarters.
4. The customer service department has been recently organized.
5. Our party was composed of teacher’s pupils and their
6. This story consists of three chapters.
7. She develops the theme more fully in her later work
8. We did a deal with the management on overtime.
9. Great Britain does a lot of trade with some countries.
10. Please, elaborate your proposals a little.
11. The rain continued all day.
12. We stopped for lunch and then proceeded on our journey.
13. I got a lot of presents on my birthday.
14. Did you receive many presents on your birthday?


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. What is an independent organization of business people
who develop, prepare, and place advertising in advertising
media for sellers called?
2. Who do sellers sell their goods and services?
3. Why do the big advertising agencies tend to be located in
big cities?
4. Do the cities under 100000 people have an advertising
5. What are "mega-agencies"?
6. Owing to what has the business been "globalized"?
7. What are the mega groups British-owned?
8. What are the mega-agencies American-owned?
9. What principle are agencies classified by?
10. What are the three main types of agencies?
11. What is an agency handling all phases of advertising
process and even marketing services called?
12. What is a "media buying service" organization?
13. What does a "creative boutique» specialize in? What is
its history?
14. Does a creative boutique perform the functions connected
with advertising?
15. Are full-service agencies and media buying services and
creative boutiques competitors?
16. What is the result of their competition?
17. What does a full-service advertising agency do for a client?
18. When does the agency launch the execution phase?
19. Does the agency work with client’s salespeople?


20. Analyze a full service advertising agency! What is its
21. Who is the head of a full-service agency?
22. Do account executives and assistant account executives
enjoy the same rights?
23. What are the responsibilities and services of the agency?
24. Is it possible that a separate subsidiary company may
conduct the services like public relations or marketing research or some other?
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Рекламному агентству чрезвычайно сложно сдерживать клиента. 2) Существуют ряд агентств, специализирующихся на разработке новой продукции. 3) Рекламное
агентство часто сталкивается с широким спектром маркетинговых ситуаций 4) Плохой маркетинг мешает рекламному агентству успешно работать. 5) Какова структура многопрофильного рекламного агентства? 6) Каковы преимущества независимого рекламного агентства по
сравнению с внутренним рекламным агентством рекламодателя? 7) Агентство сохраняет за собой авторские
права. 8) Адресная рассылка может использоваться всеми агентствами. 9) Рекламное агентство включается в
процесс маркетинга где-то на середине пути. 10) Рекламное агентство ответственно перед своим клиентомрекламодателем.
11) Представителю рекламного агентства поручается
реализация рекламных мероприятий рекламодателя.
12) Успех профессиональных рекламных агентов зависит
от умения создать действенную систему привлечения и
удержания клиентов.


Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1 … an agency is …
2. The big advertising agencies tend to be located in ...
3 … are located all across the country.
4. When it comes to income....
5 … resulting from the merger and consolidation of several
large ad agencies.
6 … the business has been "globalized," since …
7 … is apparent in the agency business as …
8. Agencies can be classified by the range …
9 … there are three main types: …
10 … a full-service agency is one …
11. A media buying service is an organization that …
12 .A creative boutique …
13 … saw media buying services and boutiques as competitors.
14 … the full-service agencies improved their own …
15. A full-service ad agency does tne following things for a
16. This phase…
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) … creative and business people 2) …super agencies …
mega-agencies, 3) … marketable characteristics 4)… the
competition 5) … the potential market 6) … possible distribution plans 7). ... advertising media 8)… get the greatest
possible benefit
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.


Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing
the theme «Agencies». Послушайте их диалог.
1. What
advertising 1. Originally they were commission
brokers for the early newspapers,
earning commission on the space they
sold the advertisers.
2. Are they agents of the 2. Of the media, sure. And the custom
media or their clients?
of the trade is that the agent is legally
responsible for the payment of bills,
even if the client goes bankrupt.
3. What does agency recog- 3. An agency is recognized for comnition mean?
mission purposes by the various media owners.
4. I known them. They are: 4. Right you are! Recognition now
the Newspaper Publishers
consists of two requirements only:
Association, Periodical Pub- a) credit worthiness and
lishers Association, Associa- b) acceptance of the British Code of
tion of Independent Radio
Advertising Practice.
Contractors and Independent
Television Association.
5. What is credit worthiness? 5. It is ability to pay promptly.
6. What do agencies belong
6. Some(about 265) agencies belong
to the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising representing about 80 percent of agency business, and 500
agencies are listed in Advertisers Annual.


7. How were agencies de- 7. At the beginning they were merely
space brokers providing creative services as printing became more sophisticated and it became possible to
use various sizes of type and to reproduce pictures.
8. Really, the early press ad- 8. And then the agencies were able to
vertisements were almost
compete for business by actually
always lines of type of the
writing, laying out and illustrating
same size.
advertisements, and so the service
agency developed.
9. What is an la carte 9. It concentrates on creating adveragency?
tising campaigns, and also special
short-term assignments, creating a
corporate identity (e.g. logo, typography, house color, livery, uniforms,
10. What are media inde- 10. These agencies are devoted to
pendent agencies?
media planning and buying. They are
also known as media independents
and belong to the Association of Media Independents.
11. What are through-the- 11. They offer every kind of media
line agencies?
and creative service.
12. What are third wave 12. It’s a new breed of smaller a la
carte agencies. They claim to be able
to give a more intimate service and
work more closely with clients.
13. What are specialized 13. They handle particular classes of
work such as marketing, new product
development, recruitment advertising,
sales promotion corporate identify
schemes and sponsorship.


14. Will there be the case
when a big agency could do
15. What about such services
as business incentives, video
production merchandise for
sales promotion , list broking
and databases for direct
mail, specialist printers of
promotional items, organizers of conferences and exhibitions? Who will provide
14. I think this case is clearly challenged by the emergence of new
teams of specialists.
15. There are numerous suppliers of
these services.
16. I see
16. This is how the agency world has
changed in recent years.
Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. Originally they were commission brokers for the early
newspapers, earning commission on the space they sold the
2. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ?
2. An agency is recognized for commission purposes by the
various media owners.
3. .... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... .. ?
3. It is ability to pay promptly.
4. ... .... ... ... ... .... ... .... .... ... ... .. ?
4. The agencies were able to compete for business by actually writing, laying out and illustrating advertisements, and
so the service agency developed.
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..?
5. They offer every kind of media and creative service.


6. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...?
6. I think this case is clearly challenged by the emergence of
new teams of specialists.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. Are they agents of the media or their clients?
1.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
2. What do agencies belong to? 2. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3. How were agencies developed?
3. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .
4. What is an la carte agency?
4. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .
5. What are media independent agencies?
5. ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ...
6. What are third wave agencies?
6. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
7. What are specialized agencies?
7. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .
Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “Agencies” без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Рекламное агентство»
на английский язык без словаря в письменной форме.
Рекламное агентство представляет собой независимую фирму, специализирующуюся на выполнении рекламных функций, проведении рекламных исследований,


разработке планов рекламной деятельности и проведении рекламных кампаний, подготовке рекламных обращений, производстве рекламоносителей, размещении
рекламных обращений и т. п.. Рекламное агентство делает все это от имени своих клиентов-рекламодателей и за
их счет. Оно имеет перед рекламодателями финансовые,
юридические и морально-этические обязательства.
Рекламное агентство ежедневно сталкивается с широким спектром маркетинговых ситуаций, что позволяет
ему приобрести более глубокое понимание интересов
аудитории и взглянуть на проблемы рекламодателя объективно.
Рекламное агентство имеет налаженные взаимоотношения со средствами массовой информации, постоянно и
заблаговременно закупая у них время и место для размещения рекламы.
Обращение к рекламным агентствам позволяет обеспечить системный подход в рекламе, что значительно
повышает ее эффективность.
При выборе рекламного агентства наиболее весомы
у рекламодателей такие показатели, как возможность
оказания услуг полного цикла, наличие собственной полиграфической и производственной базы, компетентных
специалистов по выполнению маркетинговых исследований, творческие возможности агентства и доброжелательность персонала.
В США идет борьба за то, чтобы рекламные агентства отвечали за содержание распространяемой ими рекламной информации наравне с клиентами.
Оплата услуг рекламного агентства может осуществляться в форме комиссионных или гонорара (возможна


предоплата) Многие крупные рекламодатели, такие как,
например, General Foods, R.J. Reynolds и др. оплачивают
услуги агентств либо по фиксированным, договорным
расценкам, либо используют комбинацию комиссионных
и гонорара.
Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Martini на
английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос.
They say, that a real brand differs from a good product the
way owing to what this product or service becomes a “personality”. Do you agree with this statement? Why?


I was
he was
she was
t was
we were
you were
they were
I was not
he was not
she was not
it was not
we were not
you were not
they were not
was I
was he
was she
was it
were we
were you
were they
shall I
will he
will she
will it
shall we
will you
will they
be writing?
I shall not
he will not
she will not
it will not
we shall not
you will not
they will not
be writing
I shall
he will
she will
it will
we shall
you will
they will
am I
is he
is she
is it
are we
are you
are they
I am not
he is not
she is not
it is not
we are not
you are not
they are not
I am
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
be writing
The Present (Past, Future) Continuous Tense
Употребляется для выражения
1) развертывающегося действия в какой — то момент в
настоящем (прошедшем или будущем) времени.
2) этот момент выражен наречиями:
a) в настоящем времени: now, at (the present) this moment;


b) в прошедшем времени: at that moment (time), at
5 o’clock yesterday, другим действиям в Past Simple.
Для эмоционального подчеркивания длительности действия с такими обозначениями времени, как all day (long)
весь день, all the time, the whole morning, from 5 till 7, during ... years (months)
c) в будущем времени: at that moment (time) tomorrow
или другим однократным действием в Present Simple
(вместо Future Simple)
c) Не употребляются The Continuous Tenses с глаголами,
выражающими чувства: to love любить, to like
нравиться, to hate ненавидеть и т. п.; _ восприятие: to
see видеть, to hear слышать, to feel чувствовать, to
know знать, to remember помнить, to understand понимать и т. п.; а также с глаголами to belong принадлежать, to contain содержать, to consist состоять, to possess обладать и некоторыми другими.
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• Now a producer is reaching different markets, and thus is
using multiple channels, because he is selling unrelated
• Wholesalers and retailers are not going to help advertise a
product, which all competitors are selling at present.
• Finally, some retailers may be eliminated because now
they are not providing adequate repair and maintenance facilities to service the products.
• The manufacturer should establish qualifying standards for
each factor so that he will know what he is looking for at


• A store that was doing an outstanding job in promotion
during last year may have lost the key executive who was the
guiding force behind this success.
Exercise2. Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• Now the manufacturer is trying to get some "feedback”
from his middlemen and final customers.
• Many of these firms are now becoming marketing agencies
offering services.
• Other advertisers are putting agencies on a sliding scale at
• From 1980-1990 only about half of all advertisers were using the straight commission arrangement.
• Some marketing agencies are now offering full services.
Exercise3. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• Management is now concerning itself with the selection of
the advertising media and the creation and production of individual advertisements.
• Its competitive environment is rapidly changing as contrasted with a stable environment.
• Some trade associations are now censoring advertising appearing in their trade or professional journals.
• Now these advantageous features, however, are carrying
with them some drawbacks.
• As in direct mail and radio, television advertisers are creating their own audiences at present.
• Now they are carrying competitive products.


Exercise4. Раскройте скобки.
• The creative department now (to be putting) together the
print and broadcast ads.
• The marketing department now (to be buying) time in the
media judged to be appropriate for the campaign.
• This promotional device must be made available on a proportionally equal basis to all firms that … now (to be competing) in the resale of the product.
• A company’s decision to involve its advertising agency
that (to be performing) marketing services for the firm will
depend upon the management.
• One (to be referring) to situations where the seller makes
payments for promotional services and facilities.
Exercise5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими
глаголами: (to be making, to be underlying, to be forcing, to
be pertaining, to be fixing, to be allowing) и наречиями:
(now. at present)
• In retailer’s advertising they … … …the stress on the
• The theory … … …these tests.
• Shrinking profit margins and increasing competition, both
foreign and domestic, … …management to appraise all its
expenditures carefully … .
• The other … … …to situations where the seller himself
provides the promotional services and facilities.
• The complaint was that that time those groups ….
….commission rates and …only accredited agencies to receive the commissions, all this in restraint of trade.


О, Сhanel… Теперь это имя
стало брендом с мировой
известностью. А когда-то это
было имя, всего лишь имя одной
необычной женщины Габриэль
Шанель (Gabrielle Сhanel). Но в
историю она вошла все-таки, как
Сoco Сhanel.
Сoco — это прозвище, которое пришло из ее несостоявшегося музыкального прошлого. Свой стиль (лаконичный и элегантный одновременно) Сhanel перенесла и
в другие направления своей деятельности: декоративную
косметику, парфюмерию, ювелирные украшения и аксессуары.
Собственный идеальный образ Сhanel удалось завершить с помощью духов и косметики. В этих направления Сoco Сhanel не отошла от своего принципа —
быть не как все. Например, духи Сhanel. Самыми первыми и самыми знаменитыми были и остаются Сhanel №5,
ставшие и историей и легендой. Во-первых, флакон этих
духов. Он идеально прост — квадратный, прозрачный и
с белой этикеткой. Все были в шоке. Флакон женских
духов ничем не отличается от флакона мужского одеколона! Это возмутительно! Во-вторых, сам аромат. До
Сhanel женские духи были с простыми, узнаваемыми
цветочными запахами, которые быстро «выветривались». Сhanel же первая начала использовать химические
закрепители для духов — альдегиды. А аромат духов


стал неузнаваем — аромат не похож на отдельный цветок, это целый сад. Он сложен, абстрактен.
Сhanel №5 — это первый аромат Сhanel. Последние
же духи Сhanel были созданы в 2006 году Жаком Эльо и
Jacques Polge под вдохновением от образа Анны Муглали (лицо Дома Сhanel с 2002 года). Называются они «Allure Sensuelle».


Phonetics: a, o
Speciality Language: Media
Grammar: The Perfect Tenses
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Объясните правила чтения гласных букв:
pale, dale, rake age, navy, table, ladle, staple, cradle, apron,
rack, jacket, quack, yank, jag, carry, parrot, garret, barrel, rattle, tangle, sample, angry, fare, Mary , sharing, air, hairy,
chair, re'pair, a'ffair, farce, scarf, a'larm, call, all, also, chalk,
walk, tall, aught, author, caught, taught, claw, crawl, hawk,
jaw, draw, day, nail, rain, wait, gait, quail, praise, lay, sabre,
latch, sparrow, share, daring, arch, chain, away, jar, market,
angur, sauce, pause, law, jawn
nose, probe, Joe, quote, drove, wove, phone, noble, cobra,
joke, ogle, yoke, jog, lodge, wrong, knock, knot, strong, core,
shore, wore, oral, score, story, storm, mort, orchar , force,
pork, lorry, horror, borrow, porridge, gogle, scollop, foam,
coal, load, toast, roach, throat oak, roam, hold, cold, gold,
jolt, stroll, roll, scold, pillow low, snow, glow, crow, yellow,
row, know, own, hoik, coil, coy, choice, en'joy, roil, voice,
de'stroy, cook wood, look, stood, rook, coo, wool, soon,
moon, zoo, broom, coop, hoover, too, wooed, roof, ooze,
sooth , out, a ‘bout, mouth , south, scouts, count, down,
town, crowd, crown, clown, howl, jowl, fowl, tower, power,


flower shower, coward, towel, trowel, thorn, jostle, bottle,
coak, show, window, hoy, book, sout.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
wonder-удивляться, wonderful-удивительный, governуправлять, decisive-решающий, pleasure-удовольствие.
Speciality Language
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст“Media” с помощью Language Commentary
The last part of the advertising industry consists of the
mass media. The media serve as the connection between the
company that has a service or product to sell and the customers who wish to buy it. The media that are available for advertising include the obvious ones — radio, television, newspapers, magazines — and others that are not so obvious, such
as direct mail, billboards, transit cards ( bus and car cards),
stadium scoreboard ads, and point-of-purchase displays.
Even the slickest and most imaginative advertising message will fail if it is delivered to the wrong people. To make
sure that this catastrophe doesn’t happen, advertisers employ
highly skilled media planners to help them place and schedule their ads. With the numerous mass media that are available to deliver the message and the hundreds (even thousands) of individual media outlets to choose from, it is necessary to study closely what each of the various media can offer.


When advertising specialists look at the various media,
they tend to evaluate them along four dimensions.
1. Reach—how many people can get the message?
2. Frequency—how often will the message be received?
3. Selectivity—does the medium actually reach potential customers?
4. Efficiency—how much does it cost to reach a certain
number of people? (this is usually expressed as cost per
thousand people)
Newspapers have good reach; they can go to every geographic location in the country and are read by millions of
people. Many newspapers are published daily, which means
that advertisers can present their messages to the audience
with a high degree of frequency. The newspaper, unless it is
a specialized publication aimed at a certain ethnic group,
does not score high on the selectivity dimension. Although it
gives an advertiser geographic selectivity by being distributed in a certain area of the market, within that area its readership is not specific. It would be inefficient, for example, to
use the newspaper alone to reach eighteen— to twenty-fiveyear old females since the paper is not specifically targeted to
that group. In terms of cost, it is hard lo generalize because
there are so many newspapers to consider. In general terms,
the absolute cost of advertising in many papers is inexpensive, but the standardized cost of reaching a thousand people
tends to be relatively high.
Magazines tend to have a more limited reach than newspapers. Further, most magazines come out once per month,
which means that the potential for frequent presentations of
an ad is not high. On the other hand, magazines offer a tre93


mendous degree of selectivity for advertisers. If an advertiser
wanted to reach teenage girls, he or she could choose among
several publications designed for that audience segment. The
cost of magazine advertising tends to be relatively high, but
this cost must be evaluated against its efficiency in reaching
a target group.
Radio has excellent reach and allows advertisers to present their messages with great frequency. In addition, radio
stations aim for specialized audience groups, allowing advertisers to pinpoint a specific group with their messages. The
cost of radio advertising is low and represents a good value
to advertisers. The problem with radio advertising is that
there are so many stations competing for basically the same
audience—a situation that makes it difficult for an advertiser
to select the most efficient mix of stations.
Television has almost universal reach and allows for frequent repetition of messages. Television is not very selective
in the audience it reaches, but the advertiser does have some
flexibility. For example, certain programs tend to draw a certain kind of audience. The network news, for example, draws
an older audience; soap operas still tend to attract primarily a
female following. The potential of selectivity for TV will increase with the widespread growth of cable TV channels.
MTV, for example, attracts an audience composed mainly of
fifteen— to twenty-five-year-olds. On the cost dimension,
television's situation is almost the opposite of newspapers. In
absolute terms, the cost of advertising on TV, especially
network TV, is high because it reaches so many people. It's
so expensive that many smaller companies simply cannot afford it. If the cost for reaching a thousand viewers is calculated, however, it is relatively low.


Billboards and other outdoor advertising media score
high in terms of reach and frequency dimensions. With
proper positioning and lighting, outdoor advertising can be
seen twenty-four hours a day all year long. Its selectivity is
limited, however, since its audience will be composed of all
people who happen to pass a certain point. Outdoor advertising also tends to be a relatively expensive way to advertise.
Direct advertising, especially direct mail, has the potential for widespread reach. Virtually everybody has a mailbox.
It also has the potential for frequent delivery of the message.
Direct advertising is probably the most selective of all advertising media. Special mailing lists allow the advertiser to focus on his or her particular target audience. One disadvantage
of direct advertising is its high cost. Direct mail in particular
has become rather expensive with the recent increases in
postal rates.
Finally, of course, in addition to the above considerations, advertisers have to take into account many other factors before deciding on what medium to use. An important
part of any decision involves considering the creative limitations imposed by the physical properties of each medium.
Television, for example, allows the advertiser to show the
product in action. On the other hand. TV ads are short and
cannot be used to present a great deal of technical information. A magazine ad can be in full color and can present a
large amount of data, but it might not have the same impact
as a TV ad. All in all, choosing what media to use in the final
advertising mix is a difficult decision.


Language Commentary
— a choice or judgement : to take/ make/
come to/ reach decision
— a measurement; [ pl.] size and extent of
a situation: a problem of considerable dimensions; way of looking at sth..
— the quality of doing sth. well: improvements in efficiency; [pl.] ways of saving
time or money.
— the rate at which sth happens: high /
low/alarm/ word frequency
-[pl.] the money:; to pay according to
one’s means / to be within one’s means; a
man of means; an object, an action by
which a result is achieved: means of identification/ transport
— a shop/store that sells goods made by a
particular company.
— people who read a particular newspaper,
magazine, etc.: a readership of around
10 000; a female/ loyal readership
— a plan: a tight/ train / school schedule;
behind/ on/ ahead of / schedule
— tending to be careful about what or who
to choose: a selective strike/ school; selectivity.
Execise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The decisions by the management committee will affect
everyone in the company.
2. The social dimension of unemployment is very important.


3. We are looking at our business to see where savings and
efficiencies can be made.
4. Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.
5. Television is an effective means of communication
6. The business has 34 retail outlets in this state alone.
7. In its new format, the magazine hopes to attract a much
wider readership.
8. The President’s schedulers allowed 90 minutes for TV interviews.
9. You will have to be selective about which information to
include in the report.
Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. The power of decision remained with the directors.
2 .Nobody could decide clearly and quickly; it was the
moment of indecision.
3. The thief gave a false name to the police.
4. A true friend will always help you.
5. My watch is fast.


6. My watch is five minutes slow.
7. He’s fat because he eats so much.
8. The thin hair of a young man was grey.
9. Can you find the answer to this sum?
10. I often lose the key to the door.
11. School finishes at 4 p. m.
12. Does the match start at 3 p. m.?
13. January is the first mouth of the year.
14. December is the last month of the year.
Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните их.
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. One of the scheduled events is a talk on management of
the company.
2. Prices and rates are the agenda of this meeting.
3. They walked along the paths of the park every evening.
4. I usually go to my work at 9 o’clock, but yesterday I went
5. Please, keep these keys while I am on holiday.
6. A man is holding his hat on his head because the wind is
so strong.
7. He is learning to swim.
8. He is studying medicine because he wants to be a doctor.


9. At the end of the interview he offered me a job.
10. I propose we should have another meeting.
11. Will you give me a piece of paper?
12. He took a bit of paper and a few bits of wood and made a
13. We remained at home on weekends.
14. We stayed at a hotel when we were in London.
Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. What are the consistent parts of the advertising industry?
2. How do you understand the fact that the media serve as the
connection between companies and customers?
3. Are all the media open for advertising?
4. What do you understand under the obvious media?
5. What are the media that are not so obvious?
6. What does the phrase "to deliver to the wrong people"
7. Can there be the case when the slickest and most imaginative advertising message fails?
8. Why do advertisers employ highly skilled media planners?
9. Why is it necessary to study closely what each of the various media can offer?
10. What are the dimensions along which the advertising
specialists evaluate the various media?
11. Let’s take newspapers! What does it mean that:
a) they have good reach?
b) advertisers can present their messages with a high degree of frequency?
c) they do not score high on the selectively dimension?


d) the standardized cost of reaching a thousand people
tends to be relatively high?
12. Why do you think magazines tend to have a more limited
reach than newspapers?
13. Do you agree that the potential for frequent presentations
of an ad in magazines is not high?
14. What is the selectivity dimension offered by magazines?
15. Why must the cost of magazine advertising be evaluated
against its efficiency in reaching a target group?
16. Are the dimensions "reach" and "frequency” equal as far
as radio is concerned?
17. Why is the cost of radio advertising a good value to advertisers?
18. What is a situation that makes it difficult for an advertiser
to select the most efficient mix of radio stations?
19. Why is television to be considered to have almost universal reach?
20. What are frequency dimension possibilities on TV?
21. What is the rate of television selectivity? What does the
potential of selectivity for TV depend on?
22. What is the cost of advertising on TV on grand scale and
per thousand people?
23. Why do outdoor advertising media score high in terms of
reach and frequency dimensions?
24. Why is outdoor advertising’s selectivity limited?
25. Is to advertise outdoor advertising expensive?
26. Explain why direct advertising has the potential for
a) widespread rich and b)frequency.
27. Why is direct advertising probably the most selective of
all advertising media?
28. What is a disadvantage of direct advertising?


29. Explain why choosing what media to use in the final advertising mix is a difficult decision! Mind the creative limitations imposed by the physical properties of each medium.
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Выбор средств распространения рекламы является
важной задачей. 2) Поставщики услуг, оборудования,
сырья, деталей, офисного оснащения и канцелярских
принадлежностей обычно публикуют рекламу в средствах информации. 3) Обращая внимание на рекламу в газетах, на TV, на остановочных комплексах мы можем
понять, на какие целевые сегменты ориентируют маркетологи. 4) Потребительская реклама воздействует на
эмоции человека. 5) Профессиональная реклама должна
быть более детальной и информативной. 6) Развитие
средств информации предполагает новые издательские
технологии и альтернативное телевидение. 7) В прошлом
большинство компаний разрабатывало планы для рекламных обращений и рекламных средств отдельно.
8) Сегодня фрагментация СМИ и стремительное повышение стоимости рекламы повышают важность функций
планирования средств рекламы. 9) Рекламные материалы, размещенные в салонах вагонов и автобусов, называют салонными плакатами. 10) Универсальные магазины предпочитают рекламные материалы собственного
изготовления. 11) Рекламные тарифы зонных радиостанций можно найти в специальном справочнике. 12) Радио
используется в рекламных целях примерно так же,
как и ТВ.


Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1. The last part of the advertising industry …
2. The media serve as …
3. The media … include …
4. … if it is delivered to the wrong people.
5. … advertising specialists … the various media … evaluate
them along four dimensions…
6. Newspapers have good reach …
7. …which means that advertisers can present their messages
to the audience with a high degree of frequency.
8. The newspaper, unless … does not score high on the
selectivity dimension.
9. Magazines tend to have a more limited reach ...
10 … that the potential for frequent presentations of an ad is
not high.
11. The cost of magazine advertising tends to be relatively
12. Radio has excellent reach …
13 …radio stations aim for....
14. The cost of radio advertising is …
15 .Television has almost universal reach...
16. Television is not very selective in...
17 … certain programs tend to draw...
18.The network news... draws … soap operas still tend to...
19. MTV ….
20… the cost of advertising on TV…
21 … can be seen twenty-four hours a day all year long—
22. Its selectivity is limited, however, since its audience …
23 … also tends to be a relatively expensive way to advertise.
24 … has the potential for widespread reach.


25 … is probably the most selective of all advertising media.
26. One disadvantage of direct advertising is …
27 … before deciding on what medium to use.
28. An important part of any decision involves considering...
29. All in all … is a difficult decision.
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) advertising message, 2) geographic location,
3) a specialized publication, a certain ethnic group,
4) specifically targeted to. 5) the standardized cost, 6) per
month, 7) publications, 8) In absolute terms, 9) viewers,
10) sales and marketing personnel, 11) Billboards,
12) outdoor advertising media, 13) positioning and lighting, 14) Direct advertising, 15) Special mailing lists, 16)
To focus on, 15) postal rates, 17) take into account many,
18.) impact, 19) advertising mix is a difficult decision.
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.


Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the theme
«Media». Послушайте их диалог.
1. Now we’re going
to discuss advertising
2. What do you
1. As to me the ever changing media
scene is a challenge.
2. I mean the press, television, radio, outdoor, cinema, exhibition, direct mail, POS
material. You see, trends are different in
different parts of the world, but the press
remains the premier medium.
3. What is the press? 3. The press consists of all publications
which are produced periodically whether
it be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or
annually, and they extend from newspapers and magazines to directories and
year books.
4. Why are newspa4. To begin with, they are read by differpers so popular and ent political, religious, language or ethnisuccessful and espe- cal groups and besides there are such imcially valuable as an portant factors as:
advertising medium? a) the depth of coverage of topics,
b) portability (a newspaper or a journal
can be carried about and read anywhere)
c) special readership (there are publications on every reader interest),
d) permanency(copies can be retained for
future references and back numbers can
be found in the libraries)
e) databases(they hold extracts from publications)
f) price (most people can afford them)


5. What are the advantages of television as an advertising
6. Nevertheless audiences run into millions. So television
advertising is a powerful means of advertising to the mass
market. Noting can
be compared with
7. Are
5. Oh! It takes advertising into the home
where it is such in an entertaining situation. Television
enjoys the advantages of movement,
sound, color and realism, but unlike
the press, it is ephemeral and it disrupts
the entertainment.
6. I agree. Radio, for example also appeals to different audiences such as
housewives, workers and young people,
but its advertising tends to be more local.
Commercials are in-expensive to produce
and rates are modest. They depend on impactive voices, music and sound effects.
there any 7. There are still a lot of others.
Such as outdoor advertising, aerial
advertising, transportation advertising,
cinema advertising, exhibitions (indoor,
outdoor, public or trade) direct mail (directed to specific recipients). Point of sale
(POS) can be very effective, though seasonal, have to be costed, planned and controlled carefully.
8. What are typical 8. (1) Show cards. These can be shrutted
forms of POS mate- or suspended and made of card or metal.
(2) Posters (or bills).Their size is 381x508
mm or 508x762 mm. like those of CocaCola, found displayed in public places far
from places of sale.


(3) Mobiles. They are suspended from the
ceiling of a supermarket. Attention is attracted by the movement of the suspended
(4) Display outers, the cartons in which
small units such a confectionery arrive
and they can
be opened up and the lid folded back to
make a dispenser and display piece for
placing on the counter or shelf. (5) Display stands. There are many forms of display stands — wire, metal, wood, plastic,
glass — doored cabinets, velvet
padded display units, dumpers and dump
bins, and so on, which may be
suitable for displaying paperback books
and newspapers, confectionery, clocks
and watches, or cans. Some units have
special utility value like refrigerator supplied by ice-cream manufacturer, or the
metal rack which holds bottles
of liquid.
(6) Shelf edging. This is a simple way of
exploiting the edges of shelves which face
the customer standing at the
(7) dummy packs. They save using real
packs for display purposes, and also prevent deterioration of products if placed in
the window.
(8) Models. They may be trade figures or
replicas of aircrafts, ships, coaches or motor — cars, or working models which
demonstrate the product.


9. I think a product
manager’s ingenuity
will produce other
forms of POS material.
10. You have mentioned
line" media. Is there
an implication that
there is one superior
to it?
9. Of course. Below-the-line media can
extend into almost anything that can carry
an advertisement such as carry bags,
wrapping paper, caps and T-shirts, key
rungs, diaries and calendars, and other
give — aways.
10. This is the so-called "above-the-line"
media, but the distinction is between
these media which pay agencies commissions and are a major source of agency
income, and which do not. With agencies
moving over to fee income, the distinction becomes transparent.
11. I think that’s
quite enough.
Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. As to me the ever changing media scene is a challenge
2.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .?
2. I mean the press, television, radio, outdoor, cinema, exhibition, direct mail, POS material.
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .?
3. The press consists of all publications which are produced
periodically whether it be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
or annually, and they extend from newspapers magazines to
directories and year books.
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
4. Television enjoys the advantages of movement sound,
color and realism, but unlike the press, it is ephemeral and it
disrupts the entertainment.


5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ?
5. Below-the-line media can extend into almost anything that
can carry an advertisement such as carrier bags, wrapping
paper, caps and T-shirts, key rungs, diaries and calendars,
and other give— aways.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. Why are newspapers so popular and successful and especially valuable as an advertising medium?
1. ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... ... .
2. Are there any other advertising media?
2.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
3. What are typical forms of POS material?
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
4. You how mentioned "below-the line" media. Is there an
implication that there is one superior to it?
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “Media” без подготовки.


Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1.Переведите текст «СМИ» на английский
язык без словаря в письменной форме.
Специалисты рекламы рассматривают средства массовой информации в качестве носителей, доставляющих
рекламные обращения аудитории, собранной благодаря
основному (не рекламному) материалу, который предлагают радио — и теле станции, газеты и журналы. Поскольку доходы телевидения и радио почти на все 100%
состоят из поступлений за рекламу, рекламодателей и их
агентства всячески ублажают и подкармливают, не жалея на это огромных затрат времени и усилий.
Таким образом, рекламодатель получает возможность обратиться к своей аудитории через журналы, газеты, телевизионные и радио программы. Важную роль
связующего звена между рекламодателями и потенциальными покупателями играют, в частности, прямая почтовая реклама, плакаты, щиты, рекламные планшеты в
общественном транспорте и рекламное оформление торговых помещений. Реклама — это, прежде всего форма
массового увещевания, и вступить в контакт с аудиторией ей помогают средства массовой информации.
Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Chanel на
английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос.
What human qualities can you characterize brand “Chanel”
with? Trace the connection of these qualities with the general
advertising trend of this brand!


The Present (Past, Future) Perfect Tense
have I
has he
has she
has it
have we
have you
have they
had I
had he
had she
had it
had we
had you
had they
shall I
will he
will she
will it
shall we
will you
will they
have written?
had not written
I have not
he has not
she has not
it has not
we have not
you have not
they have not
I shall not
he will not
she will not
it will not
we shall not
you will not
they will not
have written
had written
have written
I have
he has
she has
it has
we have
you have
they have
I shall
he will
she will
it will
we shall
you will
they will
Present Perfect употребляется: для выражения действия, законченного к настоящему моменту, но связанного
с настоящим. Связь с настоящим осуществляется двумя
a) результатом, имеющимся налицо в данный момент.
b) временем совершения действия: действие окончилось
к данному моменту речи, но период времени всё ещё


Present Perfect употребляется: с наречиями неопределенного времени, основными из которых являются
already уже never никогда
always всегда so far пока, до сих пор
ever когда-либо just только что
often часто not yet еще нет
for в течение since с тех пор (как)
Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия,
которое совершилось ранее другого прошедшего действия, или к данному моменту в прошлом (by that time к
тому времени; by 3 o'clock к трем часам и т.п.).
Future Perfect употребляется для выражения будущего действия:
a) которое совершится ранее другого будущего действия. (Future Perfect употребляется в главном предложении, а в придаточном предложении употребляется Present Indefinite.)
b) или к данному моменту в будущем (by that time к
тому времени; by 4 o'clock к трем часам и т.п.).
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• A particularly significant development in dual distribution
and a source of channel conflict have been the increased use
of competing channel systems by manufacturers to sell the
same brand to the same market.
• At the retail level, the choice of individual middlemen is
particularly important when the producer has already decided
upon a policy of selective or exclusive distribution.
• The company that has just been successful enough to become large as almost certain to have financial strength and
capable management.


• The last ten years in agency business have seen the spawning of superagencies, or "media-agencies", resulting from the
merger and consolidation of several large ad agencies.
• Since they have switched to the new Ohio private-branded
tire, these firms are still the two top dealers, and their volume
on new tires has increased.
Exercise 2. Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• In this respect, a manufacturer has already had three major
alternative courses of action.
• Many companies have just switched to selective distribution in order to achieve higher profit levels.
• Advertising has been around since people have been
• Television has recently shown a significant increase.
• Radio and outdoor advertising have shown modest growth
since 1988.
Exercise 3. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• Most of the widely used measurement methods have emphasized the use of attention-getting devices in advertisements.
• Clay tablets traced to ancient Babylon have been found
with messages.
• The consumer's acceptance of discount selling, with its
limited services but low prices, has recently changed managerial thinking with regard to the necessity of services.
• We have already seen that wholesalers do not perform this
• By the early 1980's, for example, Delta Airlines had positioned itself as an airline catering to the needs of the business


Exercise 4. Раскройте скобки.
• Some trade associations … recently (to have established) a
“code of ethics” which includes points pertaining to salesforce and advertising activities.
• However, the Court ... just (to have ruled) that a manufacturer must make certain that retailers who buy his products
indirectly through wholesalers also get promotional allowances on a proportionally equal basis.
• Some large companies, such as Federal Express, IBM, and
Xerox, ... already (to have used) it to great effect.
• The major mass media … lately … (to have allowed) advertusing agencies a 15 pereent commission on the time and
space that they purchase.
• Of late the advertisers … (to have become) more sophisticated in their methods thanks to the emergence of computers
and other electronic data processing devices.
Exercise 5. Заполните пропуск соответствующими
глаголами: (to have been, to have shown, to have put off, to
have decided, to have imposed ) и наречиями: (for years, recently, lately).
• The model ... ... a deep, dark tan ... , but in 1988 it was
several shades lighter.
• Research ... ... ... that direct mail is perhaps better accepted
among business people that among consumers.
• After the war manufacturers hurried to meet the demand
for all the goods and services that people... … … buying because of the war.


• After a manufacturer... … … upon the general channels, he
then will determine the number of middlemen to be employed.
• Although exclusive distribution is not illegal, federal laws
and judicial interpretations ... ... ... some restrictions on three
major aspects of its use.


Procter & Gamble
В 1882 г. был создан первый
национальный бренд. В 1878 г. Джеймс
Норис Гэмбл, дипломированный химик и
сын одного из основателей компании
Procter & Gamble, объявил, что после
многолетних испытаний компания создала
недорогое мыло, которое удовлетворяет
их во всех отношениях. Это было нежное
белое мыло, которое отлично пенилось и смывало грязь,
дезинфицировало и не тонуло в воде. Джеймс Гэмбл назвал его «Белое мыло». Однако Харлей Проктер настаивал на том, что новое мыло достойно оригинального названия, чтобы его помнили покупатели. Он искал подходящее слово несколько недель, пока на воскресной
службе в церкви не услышал слова «ivory palaces» из
Псалма (XLIV:8): «Покровы твои источают благостный
запах мирта, алоэ и корицы; выходя из чертогов слоновой кости, всем ты даруешь радость». В октябре 1879 г.
первая партия «Ivory Soap» поступила в продажу, а в декабре 1881 г. Харлей Проктер уговорил компаньонов потратить значительную по тем временам сумму в $11 тыс.
на рекламу. Первая национальная рекламная кампания
по продвижению новой торговой марки проходила в
еженедельной газете «Independent» под девизом, придуманным самим Проктером: «99,44% чистоты». Так впервые в истории произошло продвижение на национальный рынок бренда с отличными потребительскими свойствами, оригинальным названием и емким рекламным


Phonetics: “e”
Speciality Language: Departments and Staff
Grammar: Passive Voice
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Объясните правила чтения гласной буквы
these , cede, Eve, recent, scene, secret, legal,, sere,
sphere, cere, hero, mere, in’ here, severe, era, well, text,
retina, wet, zest, length , theft , gentle, error, cherry,
sherry, Jerry, wherry, terror, derrick, kettle, temble, nettle,
verse, germ, perch, con'cern, German, mercy, thermor,
leap, knead, gleam, streak, teach, queen, screak, easy,
wreak, veal, creek, cheep, screed, jeep, breeze, meeting,
kneel, seethe, queek, weedle, ear, tear, clear, weary, hear,
rear, beard, smeary, beer, cheer, fleer, jeer, queer,
pio'neer, few, hew, news, yew, view, stew, newspaper,
flew, grew, drew, blew, chew, threw, seize, deceive, conceit, conceive, receive, ceiling, bede, zero, queasy, replete;
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих
real-действительный, shoulder-плечо, comfortкомфорт, movement-движение, museum-музей, modestскромный,
suitable-подходящий, source-источник, improveулучшать, desert-пустыня, course-течение, believe-верить.


Speciality Language
Section 1.
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст ”Departments
and Staff” с помощью Language Commentary.
A typical advertising agency has about 17 departments.
Remember also that many large companies have their own
advertising departments in the overall corporate organization,
and their arrangement would be similar to the one presented
here. So, there are four major departments:
1. creative
2. account services
3. marketing
4. administration
The creative department, as the name implies, actually
produces the ad. The people in this department write the advertising copy (the headline and message of the ad), choose
the illustrations, prepare artwork, and/or supervise the scripting and production of radio and TV commercials.
The account services department is responsible for the relationship between the agency and the client. Because the
advertising agency is an organization outside the firm doing
the advertising, it is necessary to appoint someone, usually
called an account executive (AE), to promote communication
and understanding between client and agency. The AE must
represent the viewpoint of the agency to the client but at the
same time must keep abreast of the needs of the advertiser.
Needless to say, since the AE tends to be the person in the
middle, his or her job is an important one of the agency.


The marketing services department is responsible for advising the client as to what media to use for his or her messages. Typically this department makes extensive use of the
data collected by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, Arbitron
and the other audience research services. This department is
also in charge of any sales promotions that are done in connection with the advertising. These may include such things
as coupons, premiums, and other aids to dealers.
Finally, like any other business, the advertising agency
needs a department to take care of the day-to-day administration of the agency. This department is in charge of office
management, clerical functions, accounting, personnel, and
training of new employees.
One of the advantages of using an agency is that it is a
team of skilled specialists whose services can be shared by a
client for whom it would be uneconomical to employ them
full time. The following are some of these specialists:
1. The Visualiser. He may be called the art director and his
task is to produce rough sketches of proposed advertisements. These are called visuals, scamps or scribbles, and a
desigh can be approved at this rough stage before final artwork is produced. The lay-out man lays out the advertisement with typesitting instructions as an exact plan of the advertisement. The wording is prodused by the copywriter.
2. The production manager or traffic controller acts as a
progress chaser to see that the sequence of creative work,
proofing, proof correction and final dispatch of the advertisement to the media occurs so that the advertisement actually appears on time and as planned.
3. The media planner plots proposed media schedules with
dates, times, sizes and rates to fit campaign and the budget.


The media buyer actually books the press space or radio/
TV airtime, negotiating for the best dates, spaces, times and
4. The television producer prepares the idea for the commercial, and then employs an outside director and film or
video production company to make it. He will also commission musicians and actors and actresses to make presentations or provide voice overs. Two special terms should be
A storyboard is a cartoon version of the sequence of action or scenes in a proposed television commercial. A
voucher is a free copy of a publication supplied by the publisher to show proof of the appearance of the advertisement.
Language Commentary
— on a level and facing the same way: to
be/ keep abreast of/ with.
— a written record of money that is owned
to a business and of money that has been
paid by it: the accounts department, a
regular customer; accounting the process
of keeping financial accounts: a career in
accounting; accounting methods
— to bring things together: to collect data /
evidence / information/ rent / debts / tax
— work for which you receive regular payment: to get/ take /lose/ apply/ offer / do a
job; a summer / holiday / Saturday / vacation /temporary / permanent /part-time/
steady job; to be out of a job


— to speak without giving much information: to make/ get/ no (special) mention;
not to mention. Don’t mention— you’re
— to help sell a product, service, etc. or
make it more popular by advertising it or
offering it at a special price.
— a written text of a play, film broadcast
talk, etc..
— a way of thinking.
Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский
1. You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of the
2. The advertising agency has lost its most important accounts..
3. A crowd began to collect in front of the embassy.
4. The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job
5. We have several other products worthy of mention.
5. The area is being promoted as a market destination.
7. That line isn’t in the original script.
8. From a practical viewpoint, I’d advise you not to advertise here.


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment.
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
a great many
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. She worked hard and was soon promoted.
2. The Vice-President of the company has been demoted to a
3. I forget the addresses so I must look in my address book.
4. Did you remember to post the letter?
5. Our handbags cost from ₤ 5 to ₤ 80.
6. He gained the first prize for swimming.
7. He lost his job last week.
8. The sun gives light and heat.
9. Please, take this book.
10. He makes a great many mistakes.
11. There was a little milk in the glass.
12. Don’t go away — come here.
13. Don’t put the box here — part it there.


Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
to give a talk
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. We collected over £300 for the appeal.
2. We’re gathering signatures for a petition.
3. The policies of the government encourage economic
4. This campaign promotes full awareness of environmental
5. This document is written in Cyrillic script.
6. There are twenty — six letters in the English alphabet.
7. She will have her own viewpoint on the matter.
8. Try looking at things from a different angle.
9. The chairman spoke for half an hour at the meeting.
10. Professor Watson gave an interesting talk on design.
11. I don’t think I can mend this watch, but I’ll try.
12. He is attempting to climb the Everest.
13. I can’t go out because I am expecting visitors.
14. Please wait for me if I’m not ready.


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1.Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. Consider the department structure for a typical advertising
agency. What departments are there in its structure?
2. Who runs the advertising agency?
3. What department produces advertisements?
4. What department is responsible for the relationship between the agency and the client?
5. What is a person who promotes communications and understanding between client and agency called?
6. Why is an account executive’s job important?
7. What is the marketing services department responsible for?
8. What data does the marketing service department make
extensive use of?
9. Who is in charge of any sales promotions done in connection with the advertising?
10. What department does media planning and research?
11. What department takes care of day-to— day administration?
12. What is the administration department in charge of?
13. What is other name of the art director? What is his task?
14. How are rough sketches of proposed advertisements
15. What does the lay-out man do?
16. Who produces the wording?
17. Who is responsible for the advertisement to appear on
time and as planned in an agency?
18. What does the media planner do?
19. What does the media buyer do?


20. Who prepares the idea for television commercials?
21. What are the activities of an agency television producer?
22. Explain the terms "a storyboard" and a " voucher"!
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Финансовый директор отвечает за работу с группой
клиентов. 2) Соблюдение каких принципов позволяет
решить задачу эффективного планирования и организации рекламной кампании? 3) Медиабайер договаривается со СМИ о приобретении рекламного места и эфирного
времени. 4) Арт-директор должен иметь команду, включающую авторов визуальных материалов, художниковоформителей и технических редакторов. 5) Финансовый
директор отчитывается перед советом директоров и занимается вопросами рентабельности. 6) Менеджер по
маркетингу занимается разработкой товара, подготовкой
названия и товарной марки, разработкой упаковки, определением целевых групп потребителей, поставкой товара
продавцам. 7) От умения и способности менеджера зависит приобретение лучшего места и времени для рекламы
по наиболее выгодным расценкам. 8) Отдел исполнения
заказов представляет интересы заказчика в своем агентстве. 9) Сотрудники отдела маркетинга осуществляют
маркетинговые исследования. 10) Сотрудники финансового отдела должны эффективно вести свою финансовохозяйственную деятельность. 11) Кто отвечает за подходы к определению объёма рекламного бюджета? 12) Какой отдел отвечает за объём рекламных затрат?
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1 …have their own advertising departments.


2 … there are four major departments:
3. The people in this department write …
4. The account services department is responsible for …
5 … is an organization outside the firm doing the advertising…
6. promotes communication and understanding between client and agency.
7. The AE must represent...
8. Since the AE tends to be the person in the middle…
9. The marketing services department is responsible for …
10. This department makes extensive use of …
11. This department makes extensive use of …
12. Like any other business, the advertising agency needs …
13. This department is in charge of office management…
14. Visualiser’s task is …
15. The production manager acts as…
16. The media planner plots…
17. The media buyer books…
18. The television producer prepares…
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) The creative department, 2) the headline, 3) message of
the ad, 4) The account services department, 5) account executive (AE), 6) The marketing services department,
7) coupons, premiums, 9) dealers, 10) to take care of ,
11) day-to-day administration, 12) accounting,
13) personnel, 14) training of new employees, 15) a team of
skilled specialists, 16) a storyboard, 17) a voucher.
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.


Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the theme
«Departments and Staff». Послушайте их диалог.
1. Today we must ana- 1. All right. Who shall we begin with?
lyze the responsibilities
of an advertising manager, and an account executive.
2. Let’s start with an ad- 2 .The advertising activities of a company
vertising manager.
are usually headed either by an advertising manager or sometimes by a brand
manager or even a product manager
3. What are the functions 3. He (1) determines basic advertising
of an advertising man- policy, (2) establishes advertising objecager?
(3) represents his company,
(4) plans the advertising program to meet
the requirements of the product(or service),of consumer, and of distribution
methods. (5)originates various advertising
ideas, (6) establishes the advertising
budget, working with both company management and with the advertising agency,
(7) controls the spending of advertising
(8)organizes and supervises all elements
of the advertising program,
(9) evaluates the results of advertising,
and (10) integrates and coordinates the
advertising with the company’s other departments and functions, such as direct


4. What is a product
manager responsible for?
5. What is company policy?
6. As far as I know
budgetary control is a
critical part of the product manager’s job, isn’t
selling, sales promotion. and public relations.
4. By the way, he is sometimes called an
in-house executive and he Is responsible
a) conveying company policy to the advertising manager
b) approving creative work from the advertising agency or any other suppliers, c)
negotiating with the advertising agency
account executive from the initial planning stage to the appearance of advertisements, d) checking that advertisements
and commercials have appeared correctly
as booked, e) buying materials and services such as artwork, print , photography,
exhibition spaces and stands, video productions, premium merchandise for sales
promotion schemes, and so on.
5. This may concern sales targets, market
segments contribute to the corporate image compete with particular rivals and
perhaps the style of advertising: should it
be aggressive or subtle and so on.
6. Yes, it is. The product manager is the
paymaster to his superiors, and he has to
be vigilant in approving agency bills. The
media usually expect payment within 30
days. Production charges can be higher
than expected when changes are made at
the proof stage instead of when copy and
visuals were submitted. So he may have
to curtail some advertising to stay within


7. And what about public 7. Ideally, there must be a separate manrelations?
ager, he may also be responsible for them.
8. I see. Then he must be
very knowledgeable and
an expert.
9. Is it right that a client
is called an "account"
and the agency representative who works in liaison with the client is
called an “account executive”?
8. The same is true for an account executive.
9. You’re right. His job amounts to:
(a) obtaining the client brief and presenting him to the agency department heads.
(b) making a presentation to the client of
the agency proposals,
(c) supervising the agency production of
the campaign in accordance with the client’s policy and wishes,
(d) presenting the client from time to time
with media schedules, copy, artwork and
proofs for approval,
(e)dealing with payment of account problems if the client is a slow payer,
(f) producing a report at the end of the
year, and seeking renewal of the account.
10. Judging by his func- 10. He needs the aptitudes of a salesman
tions, an account execu- and a manager. He works with the client
tive needs to be a good to determine the advertising objectives
and to obtain final approval of a campaign. He also works with the agency’s
personnel to develop advertising messages, media, and fact finding to implement these objectives.
11. That’s quite enough.
Thank you.


Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. The advertising activities of a company are as usually
headed either by an advertising manager, sometimes by a
brand manager or even a product manager
2. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ?
2. Ideally, there must be a separate manager, he may also be
responsible for them.
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...?
3. The same is true for an account executive.
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ?
4. He needs the aptitudes of a salesman and a manager. He
works with the client to determine the advertising objectives
and to obtain final approval of a campaign. He also works
with the agency’s personnel to develop advertising messages,
media, and fact finding to implement these objectives.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. What are the functions of an advertising manager?
1.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
2. What is a product manager responsible for?
2. ... .... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ..
3. Budgetary control is a critical part of the product manager’s job, isn’t it?
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
4. Is it right that a client is called an "account" and the
agency representative who works in liaison with the client is
called an “account executive”?
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ..


Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “ Departments and
Staff” без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Отделы и штат рекламного агентства» на английский язык без словаря в
письменной форме.
Крупные рекламные агентства, выполняющие широкий перечень рекламных услуг, объединяют различных
специалистов в отделы. Обычно деятельность отдела
ориентирована на выполнении определенной функции.
Можно выделить пять основных функциональных подразделений: а) Творческий отдел. Он объединяет текстовиков, художников специалистов-графиков, режиссеров,
редакторов и других творческих работников. Они осуществляют генерирование идей рекламного обращения,
ищут верные средства их реализации. Роль этого отдела
чрезвычайно высока, Д. Огилви по этому поводу писал:
«Творческая сторона самая важная из всех. Руководители наших контор не должны принижать роли ведущих
творческих работников, которым нужно хорошо платить,
заботиться о них и уважать как выдающихся личностей»,
б) Отдел исполнения заказов. Он включает руководителей рабочих групп. Они представляют интересы заказчика в своем агентстве и, наоборот, агентство представлено


в лице контакторов во взаимоотношениях с заказчиком.
Руководитель рабочей группы координирует всю работу
внутри агентства по выполнению заказа от начала до его
реализации. Он должен обладать такими качествами,
как: профессионализм в рекламе и маркетинге; умением
наладить деловые связи с заказчиком, иметь хороший
вкус и многое другое, в) Производственный отдел. Он
занимается изготовлением рекламных носителей и в некоторых случаях объединяет такие производственные
подразделения, как типография, мастерские по производству рекламных щитов и т. п..
г) Отдела маркетинга. Сотрудники этого отдела осуществляют маркетинговые исследования; производят анализ рынков рекламируемых товаров и рынка, рекламных
услуг, организуют сбор информации о фирме-клиенте и
ее товарах, контролируют закупку места и эфирного
времени для размещения рекламы., д) Для эффективного
ведения своей финансово-хозяйственной деятельности и
обеспечения эффективного управления рекламное агентство имеет финансово-хозяйственный отдел.
Как правило, представители первых четырех названных выше отделов включаются в состав рабочих групп
клиентов для выполнения конкретного заказа. После постановки задачи перед рабочей группой, ее сотрудники в
тесном взаимодействии между собой разрабатывают
концепцию рекламного обращения Концепция утверждается, с одной стороны, клиентом, с другой — представителями высшего руководства агентства. После этого начинается процесс производства рекламоносителей.


Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Procter &
Gamble на английском языке.
Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос.
. Enumerate the dominating criteria of consumers’ brand appreciation!


The Passive Voice (Страдательный залог).
to be written
Indefi The book
nite written.
Future in the
is The book was The book will The book would
be written.
be written.
Con- The book Is be- The book was —
tinuo ing written.
being written.

Perf The book-has The book had The book will The book would
ect been written.
been written.
have been
have been written.
The Passive Voice образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице, числе и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового
В Passive Voice употребляются переходные глаголы и
некоторые непереходные глаголы.
Перед дополнением употребляются предлоги by или
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• An overall idea or theme for the campaign will be developed, after the product or service has been positioned.
• Around the turn of the century patent medicine ads that
made extravagant claims of curing every known disease were
found in many publications.
• In fact, where the seller is just getting started in a market,
his negotiation of exclusive dealing agreements may not only


improve his competitive position but also strengthen competition in general.
• Some manufacturers have been forced to shun large retailers who were otherwise desirable because these dealers demanded promotional allowances, displays, or product demonstrators.
• Agencies received the same compensation after the same
advertisement had been placed in ten different magazines.
Exercise 2. Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• Many newspapers are published daily.
• The name a ‘creative boutique’ was coined during the
• A retailer’s market is now being confined to one locality.
• By that time the first TV ads had been made.
• The need for a cost analysis by channels of distribution has
already been mentioned.
Exercise 3. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• Some appeals will be stressed in the light of consumer
buying motives and habits.
• Advertisers’ messages are presented to the audience with a
high degree of frequency.
• Some of these points are now being developed on the distribution system in this chapter.
• The business has just been "globalized," since these new
mega-agencies have branches all over the world.
• By 1990s Delta Airlines had been positioned as an airline
catering to the needs of the business traveler.


Exercise 4. Раскройте скобки.
• Radio commercials (to be written and created) much in the
same way that early radio drama shows (to be produced).
(Present Pefect, Past Simple)
• Therefore ads (to be performed) either by another type of
outside specialist or by the advertiser himself. (Present Simple)
• They are too concerned with the manner in which the message ... now (to be being presented). (Present Continuous)
• A middleman has a right to expect the manufacturer to
provide well-designed, properly priced, salable products for
which consumer demand (to have been built) by a good advertising program. (Present Pefect)
• It is under this provision that unreasonably restrictive exclusive dealing contracts and tying contracts... typically (to
have been ruled) illegal. (Present Pefect)
Exercise 5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами: (to have been granted, to be coordinated, to be being presented, to have been declared, to have been made) и
наречиями: (prior to, by)
... this case it was generally understood that promotional
allowances ... ... ... on a proportionally equal basis.
• It is considered a better arrangement if all marketing activities ... ... at an executive level below the president.
• The effectiveness of an advertisement may be tested while
it ... ... , or after it has completed its run.
• Exclusive dealing contracts ... ... unlawful rather consistently if the manufacturer's sales volume is a substantial part


of the total volume in a market or if the volume done by the
exclusive dealers is a significant percentage of the total business in an area.
• ... inference in some judicial decisions and by outright
statement in others ... ... ... clear that exclusive dealing is not
illegal in all situations.


Yves Rocher
Косметика Ив Роше (Yves Rocher) призвана нести в себе природу, но эта марка не забывает и о
современных достижениях в области косметологии.
Природа является главным источником красоты. Это
основная мысль косметики Ив Роше. Именно она 40
лет назад легла в основу новой марки, которую решил создать господин Ив Роше.
За эти годы у косметики Ив Роше появилось более чем 30 миллионов поклонников в 90 странах. А
компания стала мировым лидером в производстве
натуральной косметики.
Ученые, работающие в Ив Роше, объединяют
строгую дисциплину науки с их расширенным знанием мира природы, чтобы разрабатывать новую
качественную косметику и предлагать женщинам
самые последние открытия в области натурально
растительной косметики.


Phonetics: u, i, y.
Speciality Language: The Advertising Campaign
Grammar: There + to be
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Объясните правила чтения гласных букв:
cute, cube, humour, puple, unit, super, student, bugle, bugler,
duty, com'puter, tunic, cure, Ural, pure, dural,ob'scure,
in'dure, fury, curious, furious, jury, plural, cruel, rural, flue,
true, rule, jute, truce, June, lunar, plume, chute, under, cut,
run, jump, thunder, just, hungry, hurry, current, burrow,
humble, struggle, bungle, uncle, buckle, crumple, cur, hurl,
turky, Thursday, lurch, further, turn, gurgle, curtains, Thursday.
nice, knife, fly, type, stifle, trifle, fibre, nylon, idle, hydra,
cycle,fire lyre, tyre, quire, wire, byre, re'quire, pick, quick,
think, crypt, symbol, myth, system, gym, gyps, with, griddle,
little, wiggle, sizzle, scribble, thimble, mirror, chirrup, squirrel, shirk, chirp, thirty , birch, smirch, sir, circle, quirt, Myrtle, bind, kind, mind, wind, grind, be'hind, light, might,
knight, bright, thigh, tight, sigh, , triumph, pio'neer, flyer, giant, quiet, violin ,field, grieve, be'lieve, a'chieve, thief ,
thieve, piece, quite, tight, dial, trial, lion, diary, high.


Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
thorough-тщательный, sufficient— достаточный,
agency-агенство, pressure-давление, ideal-идеальный, dissolve-растворять.
Speciality Language.
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст “The Advertising Campaign” с помощью Language Commentary
Advertising appears in a variety of media, and the production techniques vary with each. In addition, much of the
actual creative work involved in putting together the ads
takes place before the production process and reflects strategic decisions made during the initial planning process. Consequently, perhaps the best way to illustrate how ads get produced is to present a general discussion of an advertising
campaign for a national product. A campaign consists of a
large number of advertisements all stressing the same major
theme or appeal that appear in a number of media over a
specified time. Greatly simplified, there are at least six different phases of a typical campaign:
1. choosing the marketing strategy
2. selecting the main appeal or theme
3. translating the theme into the various media
4. producing the ads
5. buying space and time
6. executing and evaluating the campaign


In the first phase, a great deal of research is done to determine the target audience, the marketing objective, the appropriate price for the product or service, and the advertising
budget. It is during this phase that the word positioning is
often heard. Positioning has many interpretations, but in general it means fitting a product or service to one or more segments of the broad market in such a way as to set it apart
from the competition without making any change in the
product. For example, Seven Up successfully competed in a
soft drink market dominated by colas by positioning itself as
the "uncola." Hyundai successfully positioned itself as the
car for the cost-conscious consumer. In the $6.3 billion pet
food industry, Science Diet positioned itself as a super premium pet food in an attempt to appeal to the affluent pet
owner. Other brands, such as Carnation's Grand Gourmet,
Kal Kan's Pedigree, and Quaker's King Kuts also went after
this segment. Kellogg positioned its Mueslix cereal as an upscale product, trying to attract the same adult consumer who
would buy yogurt and croissants. Bain de Soleil noticed that
its consumer research found sunbathers highly conscious of
the risk of skin cancer due to overexposure. It repositioned
its product to stress the protection angle. The product even
changed the degree of tanning shown on the model in its
print ads. For years the model had been a deep, dark tan, but
in 1988 she was several shades lighter.
Sometimes repositioning doesn't work. as was the case
with Minute Maid orange juice's attempt to reposition its
product from simply a breakfast drink to an all-purpose beverage. Despite an $18 million campaign featuring the message "Not just for breakfast any more," sales of orange juice


were sluggish as consumers apparently failed to respond to
After the product or service has been positioned, an overall idea or theme for the campaign is developed. Once again,
considerble research is done to find the proper theme. In the
early 1980s, for example, Delta Airlines had positioned itself
as an airline catering to the needs of the business traveler.
But what specific item should be stressed in Delta's campaign: food, courteous service, extensive routes? Research
revealed to Delta that the most important factor to the business flyer was convenience. The business traveler was concerned with when planes left and when they arrived. Hence,
Delta's agency came up with the "Delta is ready when you
are" theme. The Canon Corporation, maker of single-lens reflex cameras, introduced its new automatic camera in the late
1970s by positioning itself to appeal to college-educated
men, eighteen to forty-five, who happened to be the prime
buying audience for single-lens cameras. How should Canon
appeal to this group? The company's advertising agency decided to emphasize the camera's ease of operation and hit
upon the theme; "The Canon AE-1 is so advanced it's simple." The campaign turned out to be a big success. TCBY
yogurt, noting that many yogurt buyers were diet and health
conscious introduced its ad campaign based on the theme:
"Say goodbye to high calories. Say goodbye to ice cream."
Heineken beer, seeing a lot of its sales going to other imported beers, launched a campaign whose theme made fun of
the "trendy" aspect of its competition: "When you're through
kidding around, come back to Heineken."
The next phase consists of translating this theme into
print and broadcast ads. Advertisers try to achieve variety in


their various ads but with a consistency of approach that will
help consumers remember and recognize their product. The
recent "It's a good time for the good taste of McDonald's"
campaign is a case in point. All McDonald's advertising, both
print and broadcast, carried that theme whether for cheeseburgers, McNuggets, or price promotions, McDonald's advertising agency created 1000 variations of that theme in single year. Or take the case of Bartles and Jaymes wine coolers.
The product is actually made by the Ernest & Julio Gallo
Winery, but the company thought its reputation as a maker of
Jug wines would not go over well with the wine cooler's target audience, young, upscale consumers. Consequently, the
Gallo name is never mentioned in the series of ads that portray two down-home, folksy types lounging on a porch. The
spots are all consistent. They have a dry, understated humor,
and the Frank Bartles character does all the talking while the
Ed Jaymes character remains the silent partner. Variety is
achieved in the different ways humor is used to sell the product. One spot touts the wine cooler as a perfect gift to put
under the tree on Labor Day. Another shows a chart of all the
foods that the wine cooler complements. The only foods it
doesn't go with are kohlrabi (a little-known variety of cabbage) and candy corn. The spots were so well received that
many people thought that Frank and Ed were the actual
founders of the company. The Army used its "Be all that you
can he" theme for seven years in its print and broadcast ads
and only recently introduced variations.
The actual production of the ad is done much in the same
way as other media content is produced. In the print media,
the copy, the headline, subheads, any accompanying illustra142


tions, and the layout is first prepared in rough form. The initial step is usually just a thumbnail sketch that can be used to
experiment with different arrangements within the ad. The
headline might be moved down, the copy moved from right
to left, and so on. Next a rough layout, a drawing that is the
actual size of the ad, is constructed. There are usually several
of these rough layouts prepared, and the best of these are
used to produce the comprehensive layout, the one that will
actually be used to produce the ad. Many agencies use outside art studios and printers to help them put together print
ads and billboards.
Radio commercials are written and created much in the
same way that early radio drama shows were produced. A
script is prepared in which dialogue, sound effects, and music are combined to produce whatever effect is desired. The
com-merical is then either produced in the sound studio or
recorded live on location. In either case, postproduction editing adds any desired special effects, and eventually a master
tape is prepared for duplication and distribution.
The beginning step in the preparation of a television commercial is the preparation of a storyboard, a series of drawings depicting the key scenes of the planned ad. Storyboards
are usually shown to the client before production begins. If the
client has any objections or suggestions, they can be incorporated into the script before the expensive production begins.
Once the storyboards are approved, the commercial is ready to
go into production. Most TV commercials are shot on film.
Television commercials are the most expensive ads to produce. A thirty-second commercial can easily cost S150,000,
Special effects, particularly animation, can drive the costs even
higher. In order to keep costs down, much of the time spent


producing TV commercials consists of planning and rehearsal.
As with the print media, many agencies hire outside production specialists to produce their commericals.
While the creative department is putting together the print
and broadcast ads, the marketing department is busy buying
time in those media judged to be appropriate for the campaign. If the product is seasonal (e.g., sun tan lotion, snowmobiles), the ads are scheduled to reflect the calendar, appearing slightly before and during the time people begin buying such items. Other products and services might call for a
program of steady advertising throughout the year.
The last phase of the campaign consists of the ads actually appearing. Testing is done during and after this phase to
see if consumers actually saw and remembered the ads. In
addition, sales data are carefully monitored to determine if
the campaign had the desired effect on sales.
Language Commentary
— to start to be seen.
— possibly.
— to think carefully and deeply about sth.
— to make sth easier: simplify matters.
— sorts of the same thing: a wide variety
— to make changes to sth.
— to expect sth.
— any type of drink except water.
comprehensive — including almost all, the items, details,
facts, information, etc, that may be con144


cerned: complete a comprehensive study/
— an idea or a principle that is connected
with sth abstract: the concept of social
class / civilization
— aware of sth; noticing sth: conscious
decision/ effort/ act
— happy and satisfied with sth,
willing to do sth.
controversy — public discussion and argument about,
sth that many people strongly disagree
about, disapprove of: to arouse / cause
controversy; a controversy over / about
— a person who starts an organization, institution, etc. or causes smth to be built, (of
a plan, etc), to fail because of a particular
problem or difficulty.
— an owner: a licence / season ticket / account/ job / record /title / holder
— able to persuade sb to do or believe sth:
persuasive arguments/ power of advertising
— documents, etc. that show that sth is
true: positive/ inflation— / conclusive
proof ; proof of purchase/ identity;[pl] a
copy of printed material to correct mistakes
— a remark that is aimed against sth / sb
you are competing with: to fire / take /
have a shot at; to give sth a shot; to be
shot to pieces.
— to move sth suddenly and with force.


Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Posters for the gig appeared all over town.
2. A change could affect perhaps 30% of the population
3. She was left to reflect on the implications of manager’s
4. The application forms have now been simplified.
5. There are different varieties of English.
6. The job enables me to vary the hours I work.
7. We anticipate that sales will rise next year.
8. Laws governing the sale of alcoholic beverages are to be
strictly followed.
9. A comprehensive list of addresses is not available.
10. The concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity is very old.
11. She’s very conscious of the problems involved.
12. He seemed more content, less bitter.
13. The President resigned amid considerable controversy.
14. The founder and president of the company declared the
conference open.
15. The project foundered after problems with funding.
16. A holder of a French passport can work in France.
17. They argue persuasively in favour of a total ban on
18. She was checking the proofs of her latest script of an ad.
19. This statement was the opening shot in the argument.
20. The debate will be thrown open to the audience


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. It was too late to prevent the story from appearing in
the national newspapers.
2. This problem first disappeared in the inner cities.
3. They have become environmentallty conscious.
4. She is unconscious of the effect she has on people.
5. Her work is so good that the other children fill inferior to her.
6. Fresh coffee is superior to instant coffee.
7. If you buy a house for ₤ 22000 and sell it to ₤ 20000,
you are selling at a loss.
8. Our team has had five wins this year.
9. Liverpool is a major British port.
10. That was a minor business.
11. The read was so narrow that two cars couldn’t pass.
12. They came to a wide river.
13. Children in Nigeria never see snow.
14. You can’t see your friend because he is at school now.


Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
may be
be content
be contented
Execise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. We need to anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.
2. Try and forestall what the interviewers will ask.
3. It seems unlikely that interest rates will fall further.
4. It would appear that this was a major problem.
5. I was content to wait.
6. He had to be contented with third place.
7. This is perhaps his best advertisement to date.
8. Has this incident reflected badly on everyone involved?May be, not.
9. He resigned for a variety of reasons.
10. We want more diversity in our work.
11. A comprehensive school is a large school that combines
all types of secondary education, i.e. academic and technical.
12. The business talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.
13. The examiners failed half the candidates.


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. What goes first: the production process or the creative
work involved in putting together the ads?
2. What does advertising reflect?
3. How are advertisements produced?
4. What is an advertising campaign? Give the definition!
5. What are the phases of a typical advertising campaign?
6. At what phase do we often hear the word "positioning"?
7. What are the goals of the marketing strategy?
8. What does "positioning mean? Analyze the examples
given in the text!
9. Can "repositioning" of a famous brand save the situation?
10. When do consumers fail to respond to the theme? Explain why!
11. When is an overall idea or theme for the campaign considered to be developed:
12. What must be done to find the proper theme? Analyze the
cases with Delta Airlines and Heineken beer! Give your own
13. What does the third phase consist of?
14.What do advertisers try to achieve?
15. What can consumers help remember and recognize the
product? Analyze an example of the campaign in point.
16. Can hundreds of variations of one and the same theme
save the situation or rather spoil it?
17. Explain the meaning of the words: unscale product and
upscale consumers?
18. What is the fourth phase of an advertising campaign?


19. Is there anything in common in producing the content of
an ad and other media?
20. What is the initial step?
21. What is a rough layout?
22. What layout is called a comprehensive layout?
23. What organizations help many agencies put together print
ads and billboards?
24. How are radio commercials produced and where are they
25. What is a storyboard? How many storyboards are there in
a television commercial?
26. When is a commercial ready to go into production?
27. What ads are considered to be the most expensive?
28. What drives the costs higher and higher?
29. What one must do to keep costs down?
30. Why do many agencies have outside production specialists?
31. What is called the department that puts together the print
and broadcast ads?
32. What is called the department buying time in the media
judged to be appropriate for the campaign?
33. The ads of what product are scheduled to reflect the calendar?
34. What products and services call for a program of steady
advertising through out the year?
35. What is the sixth phase?
36. What do advertisers do to see if consumers actually saw
and remembered the ads?
37. What is necessary to do to determine if the campaign had
the desired effect on sales?


Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Исходными установками для рекламной кампании являются цели предприятия и план маркетинга. 2) При
подготовке рекламной кампании необходимо обеспечить
комплексный подход к рынку. 3) По каким признакам
можно классифицировать рекламную кампанию?. 4) Как
можно оценить результаты проведения рекламной кампании? 5) Чтобы провести рекламную кампанию нужны
большие деньги. 6) В последнее время борьба за рынок
всё более перемещается с товара на имя предприятия,
которое его изготовляет. 7) Рекламная кампания охватывает целую программу действий как чисто рекламных,
так и по продвижению товара. 8) При подготовке к рекламной компании важно обеспечить комплексный подход к рынку. 9) Для рекламодателя нет глупее промашки,
чем потратится на дорогостоющию рекламную кампанию и не сделать потом попытки оценить её. 10) Какие
составляющие коммуникационной смеси используются в
рекламных кампаниях? 11) Чтобы тщательно спланировать все действия в ходе рекламной кампании, цели рекламных обращений должны быть максимально конкретными. 12) Сложные имитации являются одним из методов предварительного тестирования рекламных обращений.
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1 … appears in a variety of media …
2 … much of the actual creative work....
3. A campaign consists of....
4 … are at least six different phases of …


5. In the first phase, a great deal of research is done to …
6. Positioning means … without making any change in
the product.
7. Sometimes repositioning doesn't work….
8. Аn overall idea or theme for the campaign is developed, after…
9. The next phase consists of translating this theme into
10. Advertisers try to achieve variety in their various ads
11. The actual production of the ad is done much in the same
way as …
12 … is first prepared in rough form.
13. The initial step is usually just a …
14. …, a drawing that is the actual size of the ad, …
15. The best of …are used to produce the comprehensive
16. Radio commercials are written and created much in the
same way …
17 … are combined to produce whatever effect is desired.
18. Postproduction editing adds…
19. … is a series of drawings depicting the key scenes of the
planned ad.
20. Once the storyboards are approved, ...
21. In order to keep costs down…
22. The marketing department is busy…
23. If the product is seasonal …
24 …might call for a program of steady advertising throughout the year.
25. The last phase of the campaign consists of …


26. … is done to see if consumers actually saw and remembered the ads.
27. Sales data are carefully monitored to determine …
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) the production techniques, 2) a typical campaign, 3) the
marketing objective, 4) the appropriate price, 5) the advertising budget, 6) positioning, 7) the copy, the headline, subheads, any accompanying illustrations, and the layout, 8) the
cost-conscions consumer, 9) a soft drink, 10) planning and
rehearsal, 11) the print media, 12) outside art studios and
printers, 13) the creative department , 14) the marketing department, 15) products and services, 16) had the desired effect on sales.
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменном виде.
Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the
theme «The Advertising Campaign». Послушайте их диалог.
1. Can you prove that a
large advertising budget
guarantees a successful
advertising campaign?
1. Look here! Two advertisers can
spend the same amount on advertising
yet have very different results. Studies
have shown that creative advertising
messages can be more important to advertising success than can the number


2. I see. So advertising
can Succeedb only if
commercials gain attention and communicate
Am I right?
3. It is the fact that consumers are bombarded
with ads at home, at
work, and at all points in
between. Mind scores of
television stations, thousands of magazines,
a lot of radio stations,
countless barrage of catalogues, direct-mail ads
and out-of-home media.
4. But wait-things get
even worse! Until recently, television viewers
were a captive audience
for advertisers. They had
only a few channels to
choose from. With the
growth in cable TV
remotecontrol units, today’s
viewers can actually
avoid ads. They can
"zap" commercials by
pushing the fast-forward
of dollars spent.
2. You are quite right. No matter how
big the budget is, it must be invested in
effective advertising message. Good
advertising messages are specially important in today’s costly and cluttered
advertising environment.
3. By the way all this advertising clutter bothers not only consumers, but it
causes big problems for advertisers.
Let’s take network television advertisers. They pay $250000 seconds of advertising time during a popular primetime. TV program and their ads are
sandwiched in with a clutter of some
60 other commercials, announcements
per hour.
4. Yes. Advertisers take such "zipping"
and "zapping" very seriously. That’s
true. To gain and hold attention, today’s advertising messages must be
better planned, — more imaginative,
more entertaining and more rewarding
to consumers. Creative strategy will
therefore play an increasingly important role in advertising success.


button during taped programs or "zip" around the
channels to see what else
is on.
5. What must advertisers 5. The first step is message generation.
go through to develop a Creative people have different ways of
creative strategy?
finding advertising message ideas.
Many creative people start by talking
to consumers, dealers, experts and
competitors. Others try to figure out
the benefits consumers seek when buying and using the product.
6. But although advertis- 6. The second step is message evaluaers create many possible tion and selection.
messages, only a few will
ultimately be useful.
7. How must the adver- 7. He is to know, that the appeals used
tiser evaluate the possible in messages should have three characmessages.?
teristics. First, they should be meaningful, pointing out benefits that make the
product more desirable to consumers.
Second, they should be distinctive —
they should tell how much the product
is better than the competing brands.
Finally, they must be believable. This
last objective is difficult because many
consumers doubt the truth of advertising in general.
8. Is there any other step 8. It is message execution.
in developing a creative
9. What is message exe- 9. The impact of the message depends
not only on what is said, but also on
how it is said. The advertiser has to


present the message in a way that wins
the target market’s attention and interest.
10. What does the adver- 10. He begins with a statement of the
tiser usually begin with? objective and approach of the desired
ad. The creative people must find the
best style, tone, words and format for
executing the message. Any message
can be presented in different execution
styles, such as: slice of life, lifestyle
and fantasy.
11. It’s so interesting,
isn’t it!
Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. Studies have shown that creative advertising messages can
be more important to advertising success than can the number of dollars spent.
2. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ..?
2. No matter how big the budget, it must be invested in
effective advertising message. Good advertising messages
are specially.
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ..?
3. To gain and hold attention, today’s advertising messages must be better planned ,more imaginative, more entertaining and more rewarding to consumers. Creative strategy
will therefore play an increasingly important role in advertising success.
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .?


4. First step is message generation. Creative people have
different ways of finding advertising message ideas. Many
creative people start by talking to consumers, dealers, experts
and competitors. Others try to figure out the benefits consumers seek when buying and using the product.
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .?
5. The second step is message evaluation and selection.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
How must the advertiser evaluate the possible messages?
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .. ...
2. What is the 3d step in developing a creative strategy?
2. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ...
3. What is message execution?
3. .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4. What does the advertiser usually begin with?
4. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... .... .... ... ...
Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “The Advertising Campaing” без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Рекламная компания» на
английский язык без словаря в письменной форме.
Вся рекламная деятельность рекламодателя является
совокупностью рекламных кампаний. Рекламная кампания является основным инструментом реализации фирмой своей рекламной стратегии, одним из элементов


тактического планирования рекламной деятельности.
Организация рекламной деятельности органично соединяет все элементы системы управления: планирование,
организацию, контроль, информационное обеспечение. В
ходе проведения рекламной кампании для достижения
поставленной цели используются приемы и методы таких форм маркетинговых коммуникаций: паблик рилейшнз, сейлз промоушн, выставки и т. п.
Из множества возможных классификаций рекламных
компаний целесообразно выделить следующие:
1) по преследуемым целям (поддержка конкретного товара, формирование благоприятного имиджа рекламодателя и т. д.);
2) по территориальному охвату (локальные, региональные, национальные, международные);
З) по интенсивности воздействия (ровные, нарастающие,
Проведение рекламной кампании проходит несколько
основных этапов.
1. На первом этапе рекламной кампании определяется ее
цель, дается четкий ответ на вопрос, для чего она проводится. При этом необходимо обеспечить соответствие
этой цели маркетинговой и рекламной стратегии фирмы.
2. Следующим шагом является определение и изучение
целевой аудитории рекламного воздействия. В подавляющем большинстве случаев она совпадает с целевым
рынком продукции рекламодателя.
3. Рекламодатель обязательно должен определить ответственных за проведение рекламной кампании. Одновременно принимается решение о привлечении к проведе158


нию кампании внешних рекламных агентств и функциях,
осуществление которых им поручается.
4. Определяется рекламная идея, основная мысль, стержень, вокруг которого объединяются все мероприятия
рекламной кампании. На ее основе разрабатывается концепция рекламной кампании.
5. Определяются средства рекламы и оптимальные каналы коммуникации, которые будут использованы в ходе
6. Разрабатываются рекламные обращения и мероприятия других форм маркетинговых коммуникаций: коммерческой пропаганды, сейлз промоушн и т. п.
7. Осуществляется закупка места и времени в средствах
массовой информации.
8. Формируется смета расходов на проведение кампании,
которая. сопоставляется с предварительными ассигнованиями.
9. Составляется детальный развернутый план основных
мероприятий с указанием сроков их проведения.
Таким образом, рекламная кампания представляет собой комплекс рекламных мероприятий, направленных на
достижение конкретной маркетинговой цели в рамках
маркетинговой стратегии рекламодателя.
Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Yves Rocher
на английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос
Name the elements corresponding to the definition of intellectual property of this brand! What role do they play in rising the product or service evaluation?


Оборот there + to be.
a book
on the table.
Оборот there + to be употребляется для указания на наличие или пребывание в определенном месте лица или
предмета. Глагол to be согласуется с последующим именем существительным. Оборот there + to be имеет значение: есть, находится, имеется.
Глагол to be в обороте there + to be может употребляться
в разных временных формах.
В вопросительном предложении глагол to be ставится
перед there.
Отрицательная форма оборота образуется с помощью
местоимения no или not, если перед существительным
стоят местоимения any, much и т.п.
Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• Ordinarily there will be no question of legality when a
manufacturer agrees to sell to only one retailer or wholesaler
in a given territory.
• Previously, a cease and decease order could be issued, but
if there was no compliance, the Commission had the burden
of seeking enforcement.
• Lately there have been far fewer media through which advertising messages may be carried than there have been personal salesmen.


• There are some four thousand advertising agencies in the
country, and in total they employ about sixty thousand people.
• In either case, there is a good chance that all these executives will read a journal which carries the ads.
Exercise 2. Образуйте вопросительную форму.
• There was complete flexibility in geographic coverage.
• Today there are probably no more than 400,000 jobs directly connected with advertising.
• There is no opportunity to present lengthy copy.
• If friction develops in the company there will be no real
spirit of cooperation.
• There were no standards for determining what must be included in an ad to ensure success
Exercise 3. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
• For many years there has been considerable dissatisfaction
with the straight-commission system.
• There is no possibility to show much detail in the pictures.
• Essentially there are only two parts of an advertisement.
• Prior to the Robinson-Patman Act, there were many abuses
in the handling of promotional allowances.
• There was the intensity of market coverage within the area.
Exercise 4. Поставьте предложения в: а) прошедшее
время б) будущее время
• Today there is a definite trend toward the use of the fee
method or a combination of commission and fee, although
the straight-commission method is still probably the most
widely used.


• There is also a community of interests in what each organization—manufacturer and middleman—expect from the
other in terms of support an effective total marketing program.
• Even when a company has a good advertising department,
there are several reasons why it may be interested in using an
• By the very nature of the marketing mix, all elements—
including advertising—are so intertwined, and there are so
many variables, that measurement of any one by itself is impossible.
• There are four widely used organizational arrangements
employed to facilitate the work done in an advertising program.
Exercise 5. Раскройте скобки и образуйте от глагола to
be соответствующую видовременную форму.
• There (to be) no standards for determining what must be
included in an ad to ensure success. (Present Simple)
• In general, however, there (to be) still a long way to go before really effective evaluation tools and techniques are developed for advertising. (Future Simple)
• There (to be) no certain evidence of what this salesman has
said. (Present Perfect)
• When a firm adopts a selective distribution policy at the
retail level, there ... normally (to be) a reduction in the number of wholesalers used. (Future Simple)
• On the other hand, there ( to be) a few serious competitive limitations to this distribution policy. (Past Simple)


Компания iriver была основана в
2001 году корпорацией Reigncom с
целью концентрации усилий в области электронных продуктов для развлечения и отдыха. Reigncom была
создана в 1999 году в Корее как инженерная компания по созданию полупроводниковых решений. В 1999 году одной из ведущих компаний в области
портативной аудиотехники в США потребовалось спроектировать CD-MP3 плеер с поддержкой различных аудиоформатов. Reigncom была в то время единственной в мире
компанией, которой такая задача оказалась по плечу. Спустя год, заказчик отказался от одной из разработанных
Reigncom моделей CD-MP3 плееров, которая показалась
ему непривычно тонкой. Этот продукт был выпущен корпорацией в 1999 году под специально созданным брэндом
iriver, который всего за два года стал символом электронных продуктов для развлечения и отдыха во всем мире.
Iriver всегда стремится реализовывать новейшие технологические достижения
В настоящий момент iriver занимает более 22% мирового рынка цифровых портативных плееров. На родине компании, в Корее, доля iriver составляет более 55%, а в России
iriver уверенно лидирует более чем с 40% рынка цифрового
портативного аудио. На долю iriver приходится более 65%
российского рынка плееров на основе flash-памяти и половина всех плееров с жестким диском. Причина лидерства
компании — не только выдающееся качество продукта и
лучший в сегменте дизайн, но и эмоциональная привязанность к <своему плееру>, возникающая у потребителей.
92% покупателей iriver планируют и в следующий раз приобрести плеер той же марки.


Phonetics: “e (es)”.
Speciality Language: Agency Compensation
Grammar: Modal Verbs.
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Объясните правила чтения окончаний
“s” u “ es”
picks, pumps, hooks, moths, fifths, cats, seats, dates, kites,
sites, books, crooks, clocks, weeks, hopes, leaps, pipes,
capes, parts, clocks, checks, gnats, thinks, fingers, eggs,
feeds, gains, swims, burns, lies, knives, bottles, jobs, clings,
phones, ties, boys, trays, cars, writers, teachers, brings,
waves, knows, writers, doctors, ladies, babies, skies, pies,
wives, sofa edges, buzzes, fetches, catches, clashes, dresses,
horses, faces, cages, wages, foxes, taxes, roses, noses, nurses,
dishes, matches, places, benches, pages, papers;
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
course-курс, minute-минута, building-здание, comfortableудобный, health-здоровье, microscope-микроскоп, transparent-прозрачный, basic-основной, improve-улучшать.


Speciality Language
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст “Agency
Compensation” с помощью “Language Commentary”.
The economics of advertising can be examined on two
levels. First, the total industry must be looked at and expenditures in the various mass media must also be traced, and
only then how an ad agency makes money must be examined.
Hundreds of billion are spent on advertising in the
United States every year. Newspapers account for the biggest
share of advertising volume. TV rank second followed by direct mail, radio, magazines, newspapers outdoor advertising.
To give some idea of the dollar amounts involved, in 1999
approximately S31 billion was spent on TVads compared to
$40 billion spent on newspapers. About S31 billion is spent
on direct mail. So newspapers have shown a siight decrease
in their relative share of advertising volume, as have direct
mail and magazines. Television has shown a significant increase while radio and outdoor advertising have shown modest growth from 1960 to 1999. How an advertising agency
makes money is not well known outside the agency and media community. There are two common methods; (1) media
commissions and (2) retainers.
Historically, the major mass media have allowed advertising agencies a 15 percent commission on the time and
space that they purchase. This practice came about because
the media recognized that agencies saved them a great deal of


expense in making sales and collecting fees. In simplified
form, here's how the commission system works. Let's assume
you have a new product and have enlisted the services of an
agency to help you market it. You wish to run an ad in a particular magazine that will cost $1000. Your agency places the
order, prepares the ad, and sends it to the magazine. After the
ad appears, the magazine sends the agency a bill for $1000.
The agency passes this bill on to you. You send $1000 to the
agency, which then deducts its 15 percent commission ($150
in this case) and sends the remainder ($850) to the magazine.
If the total ad charges were $10,000, the agency would retain
$1500 in commission. Recently, however, the traditional 15
percent commission fee has come under fire. Some advertisers feel the figure is too high and negotiate for a lower percentage. The big three automakers, for example, pay about a
12 percent commission. Other advertisers are putting agencies
on a sliding scale that's tied to the performance of the advertised product. If sales go up, the agency gets more money. If
they go down, the compensation is reduced. Other companies
are opting for a fixed fee plus reduced commission arrangement. In fact, by the late-1990s, only about half of all advertisers were using the straight commission arrangement.
The retainer system is somewhat similar to the retainers
paid to lawyers or accountants. The agency and the advertiser
agree on a minimum monthly or annual fee that the agency is
to receive for its services. Sometimes any commissions
earned by the agency during this period are charged against
this fee. In other instances, the services performed by the
agency for the client may not produce commission income
(e.g., research, annual report preparation), in which case the
flat fee is charged.


Language Commentary
— the people who live in a particular area:
the local/
international community
— an official group of people to control
sth: the European Commission; a commission on human rights, commission of
inquiry; an amount of money which increases with the amount of goods that are
— a sum of money that is paid to sb to
make sure they will be available to do work
when they are needed:
— money spent for a particular purpose:
living / household / medical / legal expenses
— to take away money, points, etc. from a
total amount
— an amount of money that you pay for
professional advice or services: legal/
membership fees, fee-paying schools, an
entrance fee
— to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action
— an agreement that you make with sb that
you can both accept: to make/ come to arrangements; living / security / special arrangements
— the amount of money that sb asks for
goods and services: free of charge


— used when you are comparing two
— the money that a person, a region, a
country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business: people on high /
low incomes; disposable/ national income;
higher / middle / lower income groups
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. There is a strong sense of community in this town.
2. You get a 10% commission on everything you sell.
3. The agency will pay you a monthly retainer.
5. Can I give you something towards expenses?
6. The cost of your uniform will be deducted from your
7. Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account?
8. Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a
pay cut.
9. You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the
10. Calls are charged at 36p per minute.
11. You must weigh the benefits against the cost.
12 They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of
goods and services.


Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. Tourism is a major source of income for the area.
2. Limit your expenditures to what is essential.
3. She is too poor to buy a warm coat.
4. Rich food is food with a lot of fat, oil, sugar, etc. in it.
5. It takes a lot of practice to speak English.
6. You can’t do without theory while learning physics.
7. In his private life, the boss likes to play golf.
8. Public schools are free of charge.
9. She finished before I did because she writes quickly.
10. He walked slowly up the hill.
11. I was right and he was wrong.
12. He dropped a stone into the river and it sank to the bottom.
13. Can you swim across the lake?


Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. There is the Polish community in London.
2. English belongs to the Germmanic group of languages.
3. He earned £2 000 in tax last month.
4. In this job you work on commission.
5. Ten points will be deducted for a wrong answer
6. The accountant will subtract the commission from the salary this month.
7. After graduating she chose a career in music.
8. After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.
9. The children watched the TV programme when parents
were out.
10. The trainer observed the players as they trained on the
11. They came to a broad river.
12. The road is 20 meters wide.
13. He worked hard on the project.
14. Farm workers labour hard in summer.


Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1.Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. Name all the mass media in order of expenditures increase
on their advertising!
2. What is advertising volume in various media?
3. How does an advertising agency make money?
4. What is a percent commission allowed by the major mass
media to advertising agencies?
5. Who saves the media a great deal of expense in making
sales and collecting fees?
6. How does the commission systems work? Analyze the example given in the text!
7. Why has the traditional 15 percent commission fee come
under fire?
8. What does the reduction or increase of the compensation
depend on?
9. What is more convenient: a sliding scale of compensation
or a fixed fee plus reduced commission arrangement?
10. What is the straight commission arrangement?
11. What are the retainers?
12. What is the character of the retainer system?
13. What are advantages and disadvantages of the retainer
14. In which case is the flat fee charged?


Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Финансирование-это своего рода искусство, здесь успех приходит с опытом. 2) Полезно основательно разобраться с денежными проблемами, относящимися к рекламному делу.
3) Суть метода конкурентных затрат в том, чтобы не отставать в затратах на рекламу от своего основного конкурента. 4) Агентство и клиент обычно обсуждают соглашение о гонораре. 5) На протяжении последних десяти лет объём спонсорской поддержки вырос на 12%.
6) Передовые технологии лишили большие популярные
женские журналы трети доходов от рекламы.
7) Объём рекламы в кино занимает 5% в СМИ. 8) На долю прессы приходится около 60% общих расходов на
рекламу. 9) Коммерческие результаты сами по себе не
всегда обеспечивают точность оценки. 10) Существенное
изменение национальных газет с точки зрения рекламы
— это новые возможности цветной печати. 11) Наружная
реклама — 70% дохода в рекламном бизнесе.
12) Юридический статус агентства предполагает, что он
действует «от лица заказчика» и несет финансовую ответственность в СМИ.
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1. How an advertising agency makes money is …
2 … have allowed advertising agencies a 15 percent commission on the time and space...
3 … the media recognized that agencies …
4. The traditional 15 percent commission fee ...
5. Some advertisers negotiate for…


6 …, the agency gets more money.
7 …, the compensation is reduced.
8 … is somewhat similar to the retainers paid to lawyers or
9. The agency and the advertiser agree on …
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) make sales and collect fees, 2) a fixed fee, 3) reduced
commission , 4) the straight commission arrangement, 5) the
retainer system, 6) to charge against this fee, 7) services performed, 8) commission income to perform services
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.
Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the
theme «Agency Compensation». Послушайте их диалог.
1. What is revenue?
1. It’s the money that a government receives from taxes, or that an
organization receives from its business.
2. But how do you un- 2. You see, advertising revenue fiderstand
advertising nances the commercial television
channels. To say more it comes from
our separate sources.
3. What are they?
3. They are: national advertising; local
advertising; classified advertising; and


4. I’ve heard that local
retail advertising is the
most important source of
newspaper income, accounting for about 40-50
of all revenue.
5. Who does national advertising originate with?
6. What are the businesses that buy large
amounts of local advertising space?
7. What is classified advertising?
8. What do buyers as
well as sellers purchase
classified ads for?
4. That’s right. Classified ads come
next, followed by national ads and preprinted inserts.
5. With manufactures or products who
need to reach a national market on a
mass basis. The majority of these include cigarette and tobacco products,
automobiles, food, and airline services.
6. Local advertising is purchased by
retail stores and service establishments,
that is, department stores, supermarkets, auto dealerships, and discount
7. It is bought by local business and
individuals and is, generally run in
special section at the back of the paper.
8. You see, local governments publish
official legal notices in the classified
ads; individuals place personal ads to
exchange greetings. That is why the
ads are grouped by content and contain
diverse elements.
9. What are preprints?
9. They are supplements put together
by national, regional and local business
that are inserted into the copies of the
10. Who is responsible 10. Usually the paper charges the adfor the distribution of the vertiser. However the newspaper inpreprints?
dustry has realized that the market for


the advertising dollar is becoming
more competitive. That is why it has
taken three steps to maintain its favoured position with advertisers.
11. What are they?
11. First, the newspaper industry
adopted the Standard Advertising
Unit(SAU) in 1984. the use of the SAU
makes it easier for advertisers to buy
standardized space for their ads.
12. I see. Before the
12. You know, in response to it many
SAU, advertisers had to newspapers send out free weekly pacope with different page- pers, containing articles ads from the
size and column widths. daily, to all non subscribers, thus helpAnd I am aware of adver- ing advertisers achieve more market
tisers’ complaints that
not all homes in a market
are exposed to
a newspaper.
13. So, what goes next? 13. Since newspaper recognized that
direct-mail advertising was becoming a
significant competitor, they started a
concerted lobbying effort for higher
third-class postal rates and soon the
U.S. Postal Service approved higher
third-class rates.
14. That’s enough! I
think we have managed
this theme.


Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. It’s the money that a government receives from taxes, or
that an organization receives from its business.
2... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...?
2. Advertising revenue finances the commercial television
channels. To say more it comes from four separate sources.
3. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .?
3. Classified ads come next, followed by national ads and
preprinted inserts.
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....?
4. With manufactures or products who need to reach a
national market on a mass basis.
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ?
5. It is bought by local business and individuals and is
generally run in special section at the back of the paper.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. What are the businesses that buy large amounts of local
advertising space?
1 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
2. What do buyers as well as sellers purchase classified ads
2. ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
3. What are preprints?
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4. Who is responsible for the distribution of the preprints?
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
5. What are three steps to maintain the favoured position
with advertisers?
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... … ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ..


Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “Agency Compensation”
без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Как рекламное агентство делает деньги» на английский язык без словаря в
письменной форме.
Существует две основные формы платежа рекламным агентствам: комиссионные и гонорары
Исторически агентство получало комиссионные (в
сумме 15%) от средств массовой информации за размещение в них рекламы. Изначально они покрывали услуги
по написанию рекламных текстов и работе с клиентом.
Клиенты и агентство могут условиться об отношениях, при которых размер комиссионных не будет превышать 15%. В общем, это правило применяется к крупно-бюджетным заказам: чем больше бюджет, тем меньше тариф агентства. Когда достигается уровень затрат,
размер комиссионных уменьшается (возможно, до 14% с
первых $20 млн., потраченных клиентом, и до 7% со
следующих $15 млн.).
Агентство и клиент обычно обсуждают соглашение
о гонораре. Гонорар бывает фиксированный и скользящий. Фиксированный гонорар — согласованная выплата,
основанная на типе выполненной работы, например, написание рекламного текста оплачивается по часовому
тарифу, оплата художественных работ базируется на


зарплате участвующих сотрудников. Скользящий гонорар базируется на ряде согласованных параметров. В некоторых случаях это комиссионные и гонорар.
Комбинации комиссионных и гонорара бесконечны.
Такие услуги как подготовка печатной, радио-, телевизионной продукции, макетов, буклетов, каталогов, материалов для прямой почтовой рассылки, коммерческих
представлений, дизайн, и др. оплачиваться по месячным
гонораром на основе почасовой ставки.
Вот примерный почасовой тариф агентства:
Креативный директор Компьютерный дизайн $130 $150
Автор рекламных текстов Набор и композиция $130 $100
Арт-директор Художественные работы
Производственный на компьютере $130 $100
супервайзер Исследования/планирование $95 $130
Отсутствие последовательной связи между производимым доходом и стоимостью предоставляемых клиенту
услуг может стать причиной разногласия. Эта проблема
не исчезнет даже при развитии новых медиа-технологий.
Агентства должны согласовывать свои комиссионные с
исполняемыми ими ролями продавцов (а не покупателей
места и времени в СМИ) и связывать цели получения
прибыли агентством с согласованными стандартами работы.
Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Iriver на
английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос:.
What principles must one keep to in creating a brand?


The Modal Verbs (Модальные глаголы)
настоящее прошедшее
shall/will be able to
shall/will be allowed to
had to
shall/will have to
Модальные глаголы — выражают отношение лица к
действию или состоянию, выраженному инфинитивом.
К модальным глаголам относятся глаголы can, may,
must и др. Инфинитив, с которым сочетаются модальные
употребляется без частицы to (кроме инфинитива, который следует за модальным глаголом).
В вопросительной форме модальный глагол ставится
перед подлежащим. В отрицательной форме частица not
ставится после модального глагола (can и not пишутся
слитно: сannot).
Глагол can имеет значение — обладать физической
или умственной способностью и переводится, на русский
язык словом может. Глагол can в отрицательной форме
обычно переводится на русский язык нельзя.
Глагол may имеет следующие значения:
a) разрешение.b) возможность.c) предположение, сомнение, неуверенность со стороны говорящего в возможности действия, выраженного последующим инфинитивом.
Глагол must выражает a) необходимость,
b) моральную обязанность и переводится на русский
язык словами должен, нужно, надо а так же имеет значение c) вероятности, возможности действия и переводится на русский язык должно быть, вероятно.


Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.
• A small retail store often has one person who is responsible for advertising and marketing and who may also have
other job functions.
• If any advertiser wanted to reach teenage girls, he or she
could choose among several publications designed for that
audience segment.
• The cost of magazine advertising tends to be relavaly high,
but this cost must be evaluted againist its efficiency in reaching a target group.
• The account executive must represent the viewpoint of the
agency to the client but at the same time must keep abreast of
the needs of the advertiser.
• TV ads are short and cannot be used to present a great deal
of technical information.
Exercise 2. Поставте предложения в а) прошедшее и
б) будущее время.
• At a basic level, we can distinguish two different types of
advertisers: national and retail.
• Advertisers can range from the small bicycle shop to huge
international corporations.
• In other areas it may be in the thousands.
• In some industries the audience may number in the hundreds.
• There are several basic functions that must be attended to
by all advertisers.


Exercise 3. Образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
• An error of a penny or two on a large purchase can cost the
company thousands of dollars.
• A magazine ad must be in full color and must present a
large amount of data.
• Other products and services may call for a program of
steady advertising.
• At a basic level we must distinguish two different types of
advertisers: national and retail.
• Agencies can be classified by the range of services that
they offer.
Exercise 4. Раскройте скобки.
• Competition, in turn, encourages product improvements
and can (to lead) to lower prices.
• The roots of the modern-day agency can (to be traced) to
Volney B. Palmer of Philadelphia.
• Magazines that aimed at specialized audience attracted
more advertisers, but general-interest publications could (not
to complete) with TV and eventually went under.
• Perhaps the only situation in which the identity of the advertiser may (not to be self-evident) is political advertising.
• The growth of advertising from the end of war in 1945 to
the late 1980’s could only (to be described) as spectacular.
Exercise 5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами: (can, must, have to, to be able to, may) и (to create
and prepare, to appear, to employ, to produce, to be trying)
• Some large advertisers have departments that ... ... all advertising materials.


• Moreover, sales and marketing personnel keep a close
watch on the type of advertising that is planned and where
the advertising ... ... .
• A company that uses a creative boutique will ... ... another
agency to perform the planning.
• Manufacturers with the aid of newly invented machines ...
... ... mass ... their products.
• At the same time, he ... ... to earn awards for having the
best copy or use of color in his advertisements.


Корпорация Canon Inc., головной
офис которой расположен в Токио
(Япония), — один из мировых лидеров в области создания цифрового оборудования для пользователей
офиса и дома. Со времени основания в 1937 г. компания Canon заняла уверенные позиции в сферах фото-,
видеотехники и информационных технологий и в настоящее время осваивает высокоперспективный сектор ИТ, предлагая ценные коммерческие решения.
2001 год ознаменован началом нового пятилетнего плана для всей группы Canon, которая стала безусловным мировым лидером в основных отраслях, связанных с информационными технологиями (ИТ).
По всему миру группа Canon объединяет
198 компаний, совокупный товарооборот которых
превышает 29 млрд. долл. в год. Наибольшая часть
продаж приходится на два ведущих сегмента продукции Canon: принтеры и компьютерную периферию
(34.1%) и копировальные аппараты (33.2%). На телекоммуникационное оборудование приходится 3.9%,
фото — и видеокамеры 20.4%, а на оптику 5.1% от
общего объема реализации. В ведущем ассортименте
продукции Canon, которую отличает высокое качество, используются новейшие технологии, отвечающие
современным потребностям пользователей.


Phonetics: “ed”
Speciality Language: Business-to-Business Advertising.
Grammar: Conditional Clauses
Phonetic Training.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Объясните правила чтения окончания
camped, packed, pumped, tacked, looked, joked, typed,
smoked, hoped, walked, wiped, worked marked, talked,
placed, washed, pro'nounced, dressed, ragged, turned,
seized, opened, seemed, fired, robbed, a’ greed, stayed,
en'joyed, followed, entered, hurried, carried, ex'plained,
differed, com'piled, handed, painted, shouted, mended,
ended, rested, de'fended, added, founded, skated,
waited, rounded, listed, in'listed, con'corded, con'creted,
sacked, watched, finished, adviced, crashed, begged,
called, failed, listened, composed, started, acted.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
dozen-дюжина, move-двигать, among— среди, weatherпогода, minute-незначительный, measure-измерять.


Speciality Language
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст “Business-toBussiness Advertising” с помощью Language Commentary.
As its name suggests, business-to-business advertising is
designed to sell products and services not to general consumers but to other businesses. This type of advertising is not as
visible as consumer advertising since business advertising is
typically confined to specialized trade publications, direct
mail, professional journals, and special display advertising
planned for trade shows. Recently, however, some businessto-business ads have turned up in the mass media,
Although its visibility might not be high, busmess-tobusiness advertising is big business, ringing up about S100
billion in revenue every year. Some students ignore a career
in business-to-business advertising because they feel it's not
as glamorous as consumer advertising. There may be some
truth to this: Selling a chemical solvent, bench-top fermenter,
or blast furnace is not as flashy as designing a campaign for a
sleek new sports car. In its own way, though, business advertising poses greater creative challenges. Coming up with a
theme to sell the sports car is probably a lot easier than coming up with a winning idea for the chemical solvent.
There are some obvious differences between advertising
directed at consumers and business advertising. This section
will list four.
First, the target audience in business advertising is much
smaller. In some industries, the audience may number in the


hundreds. Companies that manufacture storage tanks for petroleum products have determined that there are only 400
people in the United States authorized to purchase their
product. In other areas, it may be in the thousands. This
means, of course, that the media used to reach the target
market must be selected carefully. In the nuclear reactor
business, perhaps one or two publications are read by everyone in the market.
Second, most of the products that are advertised tend to
be technical, complicated, and high priced. For the advertiser, this means that the ads will probably contain a great
deal of technical information and will stress accuracy.
Third, the buyers will be professionals. Unlike the consumer market where anybody can buy the product, the targets
in business-to-business advertising are usually purchasing
agents whose only job is to acquire products and services for
their company. Generally speaking, the decisions of the purchasing agent are based on reason and research. An error of a
penny or two on a large purchase might cost the company
thousands of dollars. Consequently, business advertising
typically uses the rational approach. Additionally, it's important for the advertisers to know exactlywho makes the buying
decision, since most purchases in large businesses are generally made in consultation with others in the company.
Fourth. personal selling plays a greater role in the business arena and advertising is frequently seen as supporting
the sales staff in the field. As a result, ad budgets in the business sector may not be as high as their consumer counterparts.


There is a long list of the main differences between business
— to — business and consumer advertising provided by
Yolanda Brugaletta
Business — to — business advertising:
has complex and multitiered buying influence.
is generally ‘support’ to the sales influence.
Purchase decisions are long-range and considered
immediate. (measurable sales results rarely occur)
Product usage cycle is long.
If purchase is not satisfactory, buyer is challenged
less ‘marketing’ planning — so less result oriented.
Little ‘test’ marketing.
Advertising budgets are based on ‘last year’s sales
— and historical spending levels.
Reliance on ‘readership scores’ and ‘did you buy?’
to evaluate success of advertising.
Advertising is technical/factual in copy content.
(Often potent, very informative and persuasive)
11. Editorial environment is naturally business oriented.
12. Attitude of ‘catching up’ to marketing world.
Consumer advertising:
Is simple one: person or family influence.
Advertising is the major sales influence.
Purchase decisions are more spontaneous, i.e. if you
need it, buy it; immediate, measurable sales results often occur.
Product usage cycle is short for most items.
If purchase is not satisfactory, repercussions are
Marketing system is based on results.
‘Test’ marketing is the norm.


Advertising budgets are based on ‘task’ or ‘need’
from test results.
Communications, recall, and image measurements.
10. Advertising emphasis is on ‘brand image’. Sometimes
even dumb sell vs. smart sell — often persuasive.
11. Editorial environment tends to be personal fulfilment /
12. Great confidence. “Knows everything” attitude.
Language Commentary
— the activity of making, buying, selling
or supplying goods or services for money
business contacts / affairs / interests/ investment; to have / run/ set up/ do/ be in—
/ make/ go out of -/ start a business
— a thing produced, usually for sale: dairy
/ meat / pharmaceutical, etc. products;
product development; to launch a new
product; end/ by/ waste product; gross national product
— the act of printing sth in a newspaper,
report, etc. so that the public knows about
it: the publication date; specialist publications
— money that a government receives from
taxes or that an organization, etc. receives
from its business: the Inland Revenue
— to create a threat, problem, etc. that has
to be dealt with: to pose a threat / challenge / danger / risk


— having the skill and ability to produce
sth new: creative writing /thinking /team
— the art or process of deciding how sth
will look, work, etc. by drawing plans,
making models, etc.:
— the amount of money that you have to
pay for sth: rising / falling / high / reasonable / low /right / beyond / full /small
price; to rise / increase / cut/ charge price;
asking / cost/ cut— /half— / market/ list/
purchase/ selling/ house / retail / oil /
share price
— the ability to do sth skillfully without
making mistakes.
— of a profession: professional qualifications/ skills / standards / development /
advice/ conduct / misconduct
— a cause or an explanation for sth that has
happened: for some/ no/ whatever reason;
by reason of , for reasons of
— a careful study of a subject medical /
historical / scientific/ market/ operational
etc. research; to do / conduct / undertake
research; a research project / grant / student; to research a problem / topic / market
— (pl. pennies or pence) a small British
coin and unit of money.
— the money that is available to an organization and a plan of how it will be spent
over a period of time: a monthly / annual /


family / advertising /education / defence
budget; budget cuts/ deficit
— a person or thing that is the most important part of sth and enables it to exist or be
— a general study, view or description of
sth: to conduct / carry out a survey
— attractive or interesting.
— to attract or interest sb: to launch/ make
an appeal
— to provide the things that a particular
person or situation needs or wants (especially things that you do not approve of).
Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The new regulations will put many small businesses out of
2. We need a new product to sell.
3. The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the
4. Advertising revenue finances the commercial television
5. The task poses no special problems.
6. Creativity and originality are more important than technical
7. The magazine will appear in a new design from next
8. It’s amazing how much computers have come down in
price over the past few years.
9. They questioned the accuracy of the information in the


10. You must not let your personal reactions interfere with
your professional judgment.
11. She complained, with reason, that she had been underpaid.
12. I’ve done some research to find out the cheapest way of
promotion the product.
13. She’s on a high salary but I’m sure she deserves every
14. The work was finished on time and within budget.
15. Cocoa is the country’s economic mainstay.
16. A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in
favour of the plan.
17. Spending the holidays in Britain wasn’t a prospect that I
found particularly appealing.
18. The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.
19. They only publish articles which cater to the massmarket.
Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните


Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. Candidates are judged on technical accuracy as well as
artistic expression.
2. She hit the ball with great inaccuracy.
3. Brightly coloured packaging made the pens especially appealing to children.
4. The room looked unappealing because of the things scattered around.
5. After he won the amateur championship he turned professional.
6. An amateur is a person who paints pictures, performs music, acts in plays for the love of it, not for money.
7. Don’t sit on that chair — it’s not very strong.
8. The benches in the park were all week.
9. The warm time of the year is called summer.
10. The cold time of the year is called winter.
11. I had an argument with my boss.
12. You can’t buy things without money.
13. He gave a negative answer.
14. Are you positive that you put the key in your pocket.
Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните


Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. She works in the computer business.
2. They were both in the same line of commerce.
3. He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.
4. Many of the performers were very competent.
5. A shortfall in tax revenue will be soon stabilized.
6. The company’s annual receipts rose by 30%.
7. This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European
8. The next morning we inspected the damage caused by the
9. This result gives us all the more reason for optimism.
10. We can’t get rid of war until we get rid of the causes of
11. Your behaviour is not sincere, it is nothing but affectation.
12. This show of concern is just a pose.
13. The tiles come in a huge range of colours and pattern.
14. The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models.
Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. Give the definition of business-to business advertising!
1. What is business advertising typically confined to?
2. Why do some students ignore a career in business-tobusiness advertising? Motivate your answer!
3. Do you agree that in its own way business-to-business advertising poses greater creative challenges, though?


4. What are obvious differences between advertising directed
at consumers and business advertising?
5. Why must the media used to reach the target market be selected carefully? Give some examples and motivate them.
6. Is it easy to advertise the products that tend to be technical,
complicated, and high priced?
7. Compare the targets in business-to-business advertising
and consumer market advertising!
8. What are the decisions of the purchasing agent based on?
9. What approach does business advertising use typically?
10. Who makes the buying decision?
11. Why is advertising often seen as supporting the sales
staff in the business arena?
12. Compare ad budgets in the business and consumer sectors!
13. Look at the list of differences! What is in your opinion a
minor difference between business-to-business and consumer
14. What is the most important difference between businessto-business and consumer advertising?
Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Деловые предприятия адресуют свою рекламу деловым предприятиям. 2) Реклама обращена непосредственно к предпринимателям. 3) Промышленная реклама, в
сущности, похожа на другие типы торговой рекламы.
4) Промышленная реклама влияет на принятие решений
потребителей приобрести товар. 5) Реклама попадает непосредственно к тем, кто пользуется продвигаемыми товарами и услугами. 6) Деловые издания рассчитаны на
деловых людей. 7) Если журналов для потребителей в


стране — сотни, то тех, которые нацелены на различные
виды промышленности — тысячи. 8) Деловые издания
схожи с потребительскими и действуют примерно теми
же способами. 9) Специализированные рекламные материалы адресуются представителям конкретной сферы.
10) Планирование рекламы в деловых изданиях представляет серьёзные трудности. 11) Некоторые предприниматели недооценивают место бизнес рекламы на информационном рынке. 12) Специализированные издания
предоставляют хорошие возможности рекламодателям,
производящим товары и услуги конкретных целевых
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1. Business-to-business advertising is designed to…
2. This type of advertising is not as visible as …since
business advertising is typically confined to…
3 … have turned up in the mass media.
4 … is big business, ringing up about S100 billion in
revenue in 1987.
5. They feel …is not as glamorous as consumer advertising.
6… in business advertising is much smaller.
7. The media used to reach the target market must be …
8. Most of the products that are advertised tend …
9. … will be professionals.
10. The targets in business-to-business advertising are …
11. The decisions of the purchasing agent are based …
12 An error of a penny or two on a large purchase …
13…typically uses the rational approach.
14. It's important for the advertisers to know exactly…


15. Personal selling plays …
16. … is frequently seen as supporting the sales staff in
the field.
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) business-to-business advertising, 2) general consumers,
3) specialized trade publications, 4) direct mail,
5) professional journals, 6) special display advertising,
7) trade shows, 8) obvious differences, 9) advertising is directed at, 10) to be complicated, 11) to be high priced,
12) purchasing agents, 13) rational approach, 14) ad budgets,
15) the buying decision, 16) consumer counterparts.
Exercise 5.Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменной форме.
Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the
theme «Business–to–Business Advertising». Послушайте
их диалог.
1. Now, let’s discuss 1. All right.
Media for business advertising.
2. Here is a question to
you: How can you prove
that the media mix for
business advertising is
different from consumer
2.You know that since the target audience tends to be small, personalized
media are best. Business publications
tend to be the mainstay of a lot of


3. I`ve read that one
study suggested that
about 60 percent of industrial advertising dollars went to business and
trade publications.
4. What can you tell
about direct mail in
We known that a large
percentage of direct mail
material is thrown out
unopened by the general
5. Can you give an example of a company that
has used business-tobusiness advertising to
great effect?
6. Is there any risk of
3. It`s true and trade publications can
be horizontal, dealing with a job function without regard to industry, or vertical, covering all jobs types in an entire industry.
4. It is a valuable tool. Researches
show that direct mail is better accepted among business people. They
read or at least scan their direct mail
ads. Advertising in trade catalogues is
particularly important to those companies that sell through distributors
rather than their own sales staff. Since
a catalogue is a direct reflection of the
company, extra care is taken to make
sure it is up — to — date, accurate,
and visually appealing.
5. Federal Express, for example, found
that its business increased more than 40
percent after it had started to advertise
in consumer media ,though business-tobusiness advertising in the mass media
used to be rare. And it was the same
with Xerox and IBM and others.
6. Surely, there is. That is why purchasing time and space in the mass
media must be done skillfully because
of the expense and the chance of
wasted coverage, if the right decision
makers are not in the audience. Besides some publications, have special
editions that go to the business community.


7. Am I to think that the
copy in business-tobusiness
must be paid some special attention.?
7. While a consumer copy tends to be
brief and can cater to the emotions,
business copy tends to be longer, more
detailed, and more factual. A premium
is placed on accuracy and completeness.
8. What if the ad con- 8. In this case creditability of the
tains technical inaccu- product is compromised.
racy or unsubstantiated
9. What are the most 9. They are testimonials, case histoused formats in business ries, new product news, and demonadvertising?
strations. This is not to say, however,
that all industrial ads should be stodgy
and dull. In recent years several ad
agencies specializing in business ads
have introduced warmth, humor, and
creativity into their messages.
10. I see, the philosophy, 10. Here is an example, the headline
behind this movement is in an ad for New Zealand Kiwi fruit
that business people are promised to tell grocers "how to rid
also consumers and that your store of these ugly little brown
they respond as con- things". The body copy stressed the
sumer to business and importance of displaying the kiwis
trade ads.
next to traditional fruit such as strawberries and peaches, which would encourage shoppers to snap them up.
11. Could one expect 11. Why not?
such result?


Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ..?
1. Since the target audience tends to be small, personalized
media are best. Business publications tend to be the mainstay
of a lot of campaigns.
2 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .?
2. Trade publications can be horizontal, dealing with a job
function without regard to industry, or vertical, covering all
jobs types in an entire industry.
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ..?
3. Federal Express, for example. And it was the same with
Xerox and IBM and others.
4. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... .. ..?
4. In this case creditability of the product is compromised.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы.
1. What percent of industrial advertising dollars went to
business and trade publications?
1.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .
2. What can you tell about direct mail in business advertising?
2. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
3. Am I to think that the copy in business-to-business advertising must be paid some special attention.?
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
4. What are the most used formats in business advertising?
4. ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “Business — to — Business Advertising” без подготовки.


Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Промышленная реклама»
на английский язык без словаря в письменной форме.
Промышленная реклама является средством
внедрения продукта и обеспечения осведомленности о
торговой марке. Промышленная реклама направлена на
очень специализированную и относительно маленькую
аудиторию. Тексты промышленной рекламы пишутся
для экспертов, зачастую включают спецификации и детали, понятные только профессионалам в конкретной отрасли промышленности.
Цель business-to business рекламы — продвижение
непотребительских товаров и услуг. Это могут быть сырье, детали и дополнительное оборудование, производственные мощности и техника, а также особые услуги.
Подобную рекламу можно встретить в торговых и технических журналах, специальной литературе и каталогах, на промышленных выставках, салонах и семинарах.
В этом случае большое внимание уделяется работе с
клиентами с использованием PR-технологий.
Профессиональные медиа наиболее типичны
для промышленно развитых стран, чьи специальные торговые и технические журналы являются международными изданиями, и если бы они не имели читателей за рубежом, то едва ли они могли существовать.
Профессиональная реклама делается специализированными агентствами, клиентами которых являются
представители производственно-технической сферы.
Здесь работают иные художники, которые могут пред200


ставить технические объекты, и другие авторы рекламных текстов, умеющие писать не только увлекательно,
но и технически грамотно.
Иной является и стоимость профессиональной рекламы. Основные затраты составляет творческая часть.
Агентство получает от владельцев СМИ меньше комиссионных, поэтому основным источником его доходов
являются гонорары за разработку рекламы.
Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Canon на
английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос.
Why do seventeen brands out of twenty brands not justify expenses? Give reasons!


The Adverbial Clauses of Condition
(Обстоятельственные условные предложения)
Обстоятельственные условные предложения
присоединяются к главному предложению союзами: if
если, unless если не, и др.
Первый тип условных предложений выражает вероятные, осуществимые предположения, относящие к настоящему, прошедшему и будущему времени. В главном
предложении глагол-сказуемое употребляется в будущем
времени, а в придаточном в настоящем времени.
Второй тип условных предложений выражает маловероятные, малореальные предположения, относящиеся
к настоящему или будущем у времени. В придаточном
предложении используется форма Past Indefinite (were
для всех лиц), а в главное предложении — should
(would)+Indefinite Infinitive без частицы to.
Третий тип условных предложений выражают неосуществленные предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени. В придаточном предложении используется форма Past Perfect, а в главном предложении —
should (would)+ Perfect Infinitive без частицы to.
Обратный порядок слов имеет место в бессоюзных
условных предложениях, если сказуемое придаточного
предложения выражено глаголом to have или to be или
если в состав сказуемого входит вспомогательный


Exercise 1 Определите тип условного предложения и переведите на русский язык.
• If he does not carry competitive lines, he will increase his
rate of stock turnover in the exclusive product line and also
reduce his investment in inventory.
• If the manufacturer has a prospective retailer in mind for a
selective or exclusive dealership, he probably will talk with
the retailer's suppliers and competitors
• If there is a limited number of a middleman, they are expected to display the products more prominently and to promote them more aggressively.
• A manufacturer who does a considerable amount of national advertising will have a great deal of waste circulation
if his advertisements reach many people who do not live in
the vicinity of his dealers.
• The retailer is often at the mercy of the manufacturer: it is
a one-sided arrangement in this respect, particularly if the
brand is strong and the franchise is valuable.
• If the executives in a firm decided to follow a selective distribution policy, special requirements would fall upon the
chosen outlets.
• The arrangement would be questionable, however, if a
supplier forced a dealer or a distributor to take slow-moving
• Unless the manufacturer were successful, the welfare of
the dealer could be under the question conversely.


• If such an analysis were not made, however, management
would have no sound foundation for judging channel expenses.
• Some risk would be involved in using exclusive selling
agreements if they wanted to secure initial distribution.
• The dealer would have prospered, if the manufacturer had
done a good job with the product.
• If the manufacturer had failed, the dealer would have been
powerless to do anything but sink with him.
• If the agreement had been then canceled, he would have
stood to lose a major investment.
• The exclusive distributor would have carried a manufacturer's full line if the supplier had so desired.
• There would have been no question of legality provided
there had been no limitations on competitive products.
Execise 2. Введите придаточное предложение без
• If the cost for reaching a thousand viewers were calculated, it would be relatively low.
• If a firm had adopted a selective distribution policy at the
retail level, there would had been a reduction in the number
of wholesalers used.
• They would be expected to display the products more
prominently and to promote them more aggressively if distribution were unlimited.
• If the prospect had not been reached the first time, it would
have been lost forever.
• Manufacturers could have sold their products to retail


only if the goods had been presold through heavy advertising.
Execise 3. Раскройте скобки и переведите на русский
• Even the slickest and most imaginative advertising message ... ... ... (to have failed) if it ... (to have been delivered)
to the wrong people.
• If he ... (to refuse) to sell to middlemen who carry a competing line, then he ... (to have to seek) outlets which have no
such line.
• Exclusive dealing contracts ... (to have been declared)
unlawful if the volume done by the exclusive dealers ... (to
have been a significant percentage) of the total business in an
• If he ... not ... (to reach) the manufacturer's desired market,
the manufacturer's products ... (to induce) him to change his
customer list substantially.
• Unless it ...(to have been) a specialized publication aimed
at a certain ethnic group, the newspaper ... (not to have
scored) high on the selectivity dimension.
• If the client ... (to have agreed), the agency ... then (to have
launched) the execution phase.
• The arrangement ... (to be questionable) if a supplier ... (to
force) a dealer to take less attractive items in order to acquire
the really desirable products.


1) 1927г. Ади и Руди Дасслер арендуют свои первые помещения
и называют их "Обувная фабрика братьев Дасслер" ("Gebrьder
Dassler Schuhfabrik"). Теперь 25 человек выпускают 100 пар обуви в
2) 1928г. Олимпийский дебют
Шиповки братьев Дасслер (получившие патент D.R.P. — "Немецкого
патентного бюро"), разработанные совместно с Джозефом Вайтцером (тренером немецкой Национальной сборной) впервые попадают
на Олимпийские игры в Амстердаме.
3) 1929г. Первая обувь для футбола
Ади Дасслер производит свои первые футбольные бутсы на кожаной
подошве с шипами, "украшенные заклепками".
4) 1961г. Одежда и мячи adidas
В средине 60-х adidas начинает выпуск спортивной одежды для соревнований и тренировок. Производство мячей налажено в 1963 г., а
с 1970 г. мячи adidas становятся официальными мячами на всех
важных футбольных соревнованиях.
5) 1962г. Три Полоски на одежде
На рынке появляются первые тренировочные костюмы с Тремя
Полосками adidas.
6) 1989г. Статус корпорации
adidas становится корпорацией ("Aktiengesellschaft"), хотя и продолжает
оставаться во владении членов семьи.
7) 1990г. Возврат к прежним временам
После сложного переходного периода adidas возвращается к своим
корням и к своей первоначальной цели. Ведущим принципом снова
становится производство продукции высочайшего качества.
8) 1991г. Выпуск 'EQUIPMENT'
В компании adidas налажен выпуск продукции серии "EQUIPMENT".
Функциональная обувь и одежда для активного образа жизни отныне
выпускаются под новым логотипом.


U N I T 10
Phonetics: Трехсложные слова
Speciality Language: Careers in Advertising.
Grammar: Sequence of Tenses
Phonetic Training.
Exercise 1. Объясните правила чтения трехсложных слов.
visitor, creditor, modesty, forestry, family, vanity, citizen, tapestry, synonym, metaphor, cavity, gravity, origin, miracle, spherical, sanity, criminal, probable, bigotry, canopy, benefit, tenement, elephant, magical, visible, clinical, orifice, mirable, ligament, canister, salary, galaxy, militant, lateral, phisical, document, parallel, character, mariner, spherical, miracle, critical,
sediment, cynical, amulet, ominous, enemy, misery, verity,
panel, parapet, parable, divident, reverend, A'merica, , a'pology,
o'riginal, solicitor, bo'tanical, mo'nopoly, ve'locity, e'conomy,
phi'lology, verity, amity, ca'lamity, policy, tyranny, so'lidity,
calibre, chemistry, melody, memory, general, holiday, palatal,
orator, register, veteran, salary, minister, monitor, animal, element, novelist, satisfy, specify, logical, chemical, agony, amulet,
cholera, camera, colony, parody, tradegy, energy, feminist, citadel, fixity, mystery, misery, dynasty, typical, capital, denizen,
brevity, vinegar, mineral, pediment, progity, opera, arabel, perilous, capacity, rapidity, mimicry, penalty, lyrical, verify, clinical,
political, liberty, nominal, radical, element, novelty, modify.
Exercise 2. Запомните произношение следующих слов.
touch-касаться, thorough-тщательный, machine— обрабатывать, piece-кусок.


Speciality Language
Section 1.
Vocabulary Presentation
Exercise 1. Прочтите и переведите текст “Careers in
Advertising” с помощью Language Commentary.
Although exact figures are hard to determine, there are
more than 200,000 people working in the advertising business, with approximately 85,000 of those employed at advertising agencies. Job prospects appear bright for the future.
The increasing amount of consumer goods being produced
along with more intense competition among existing companies will create a sustained need for advertising specialists in
the years ahead. Many experts think that opportunities will
be the greatest in the advertising departments of large to medium size companies. No matter where a person intends to
work, there are certain guidelines that are helpful in providing an overall view of the field.
Most advertising departments or advertising agencies rarely hire generalists; they prefer people with some degree of specialization. Consequently, a job applicant must
make some basic decisions early in his or her professional
training. Probably the first decision is whether to concentrate
on the creative or the business side of the industry.
The creative side, as mentioned earlier, consists of the
copywriters, art directors, graphic artists, photographers, and
broadcast production specialists that put the ads together. Entry -level jobs would include junior copywriter, creative
trainee, junior art director, and production assistants. In most
of these positions, a college degree in advertising or the vis208


ual arts is helpful, with a secondary concentration in marketing, English, sociology, or psychology are also a benefit. For
those preferring to work in the creative area, you need to develop a portfolio, a collection of the best examples of your
professional work. This work might have been done while
you were still in school or on the job. Most employees expect
to see such a sampling of your work during the job interview.
Working on the business side of the industry refers to
choosing a career as an account executive, a media planner,
market researcher, traffic manager, or business manager.
Proper preparation for this career includes extensive course
work in both advertising and business with particular emphasis on marketing. Common entry-level positions in these
fields are assistant media buyer, research assistant, junior account executive, account service trainee, or a position in the
traffic department. One of the most common entry-level jobs
is that of traffic coordinator, the person who makes sure that
all production work gets to the proper place at the proper
time. Since this job provides a good experience with all of
the various departments in the firm, it is a good place for a
newcomer to gain valuable experience. Some advertising
agencies have training programs and other sponsor internships that make the initial jump into the business a little easier for the newcomer to master.
Finally, agency and advertising departments in private
companies are not the only places to look for potential employment. There are a significant number of opportunities
available in companies that supply their goods and services
to advertisers, for example, freelance artists, photographers,
Jingle writers, film and video tape producers, sound recording specialists, and casting specialists are just some of


the people needed by media suppliers. And, as has been
pointed out, many people work for the various media in their
advertising departments. These include copywriters at radio
stations, people who sell newspaper and magazine space or
radio and TV time; market researchers, sales promotion experts, and many others.
Opportunities for advancement in advertising are excellent. Outstanding performance is rewarded quickly, and
many young people progress swiftly through the ranks. Beginning creative people typically become senior copywriters
or senior art directors. Eventually, some may progress to become creative director, the person in charge of all creative
services. On the business side, research assistants and assistant buyers can hope to become research directors and media
directors. Account trainees, if they perform according to expectations, move up to account executives and later may become management supervisors. The climb to success can occur rapidly; many agencies are run by people who achieved
top status before they reached forty.
Language Commentary
— to discover the facts about sth;
— the people who are competing against sb:
music / photo/ stiff, etc. competition; to
enter / win / lose/ assess / a competition
— to pay money to borrow sth for a short
time: for/ on hire
— a person who has knowledge of several
different subjects or activities


— to spend more time on one area of work,
— a person who makes a formal request for
a job, a place at a college or university etc.:
— the process of learning the skills that you
need to do a job: pre-season /staff training
; a training course; to be in training for
— a set of shares owned by a particular person or organization: an investment / share
portfolio; a portfolio manager; the defence portfolio; a ministerial portfolio; a
portfolio of wines
— the activity of presenting, advertising and
selling a company’s products in the best
possible way: a marketing campaign ; direct marketing sales and marketing
— a period of time during which a student
gets practical experience in a job, during
the summer holiday/vacation:
— earning money by selling your work or
services to several different organizations
rather than being employed by one particular organization: a freelance journalist ;
freelance work; to go/ start/ work freelance; to freelance as
— a short tune that is easy to remember and
is used in advertising on radio or television.
— a person who is being taught how to do a
particular job: a management trainee / a
trainee teacher


Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Age and experience will be determining factors in our
choice of candidate.
2. We are in competition with four other companies for the
3. He does the hiring and firing in our company.
4. We need some generalist advice.
5. Many students prefer not to specialize too soon.
6. There were over 500 applicants for the job.
7. Few candidates had received any training in management.
8. He was asked to join as a minister without portfolio.
9. Persuasions is one of the most valuable skills in marketing.
10. His internship at a television station was a success.
11. He freelanced for several companies.
12. She jingled the coins in her pocket.
13. Few candidates have become trainees in management.
Section 2.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Exercise 1. Найдите антонимические пары и запомните


Exercise 2. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. Generalist is a person who has knowledge of several different subjects or activities.
2. You need same specialist advice in advertising.
3. She had decided to settle permanently in France.
4. We regret this service is temporarily unavailable.
5. There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
6. She was kept in ignorance of her husband’s activities.
7. This software is much friendlier than the previous version.
8. The speaker got a very hostile reception from the audience.
9. The success or failure of the plan depends on you.
10. This attempt was doomed to success.
11. He had a moustache as his upper lip and a beard under
his lower lip.
12. Open the windows, so that fresh air can come into the
13. He shuts his dog in the flat when he goes to work.
Exercise 3. Найдите синонимические пары и запомните
Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык без словаря.
1. We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.
2. A date for the meeting has yet to be established.


3. We rented a car for the week and explored the area.
4. They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.
5. By 37 she’d reached the apex of her career.
6. This decision came right from the top.
7. Please return the completed form with your remittance.
8. If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money
9. Modem forming methods can have an adverse effect on
the environment.
10. The failure of the company was a direct result of bad
11. I think the company places too much stress on cost and
not enough on quality.
12. His emphasized the importance of a good education.
13. Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to
14. You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.
Section 3.
Vocabulary Training.
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы, процитировав текст.
1. How many people work in advertising business?
2.How many people are employed at advertising agencies?
3. What situation can create a sustained need for advertising
specialists in the year ahead?
4. Where will the opportunities for advertising specialist be
the greatest?
5. Why do most advertising departments and agencies prefer
advertising specialists to generalists?
6. What must be the first decision of a job applicant?


7. Do the copywriters, art directors, graphic artists, photographers and broadcast production specialists present the creative of the business side of the industry?
8. What specialists do entry-level jobs include?
9. What is a secondary concentration?
10. What positions is a college degree helpful in ?
11. What is a collection of the best examples of your professional work called?
12. What career can you choose if you want to work on the
business side of the industry?
13. What is particular emphasis made on?
14. What are common entry-level positions in these fields?
15. What is one of the most common entry-level jobs?
16. What is a good place for a newcomer to gain valuable
17. What can make the initial jump into the business a little
easier for the newcomer?
18. What specialists are needed by media suppliers?
19. Can people work for the various media in their advertising departments? What are they?
20. Are there any opportunities for advancement in advertising?
21. What may beginning creative people progress to become?
22. What can research assistants and assistant buyers hope to
23. What can account trainers move up to?
24. Isn’t it the climb to success of some people who achieve
top status before they reach forty?


Exercise 2. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, употребив слова и выражения из текста.
1) Карьера в рекламе начинается с колледжа. 2) Рекламное дело охватывает широкий спектр самых разных занятий.
3) Специалисту рекламного дела необходимо хорошо
разбираться в бизнесе, самых разных товарах и услугах.
4) Что вас привлекает работать в рекламном бизнесе?
5) Всякое новое предприятие и даже отрасль нуждаются
в рекламном обслуживании. 6) В рекламном агентстве
всегда есть возможность продвижения вверх по карьерной лестнице. 7) Работа промоутера заключается в том,
чтобы информировать каждого человека о проходящей
акции, спецпредложении, заинтересовать его тем товаром, который рекламируется. 8) Рекламный бизнес открывает большую перспективу для трудоустройства выпускников колледжей. 9) Каждый начинающий может и
должен стремится к должности менеджерa, супервайзера
и даже генерального директора. 10) Менеджер по персоналу отбирает и распределяет сотрудников по разным
рекламным акциям. 11) Рекламные менеджеры, в прошлом выпускники колледжей, покaзали хорошую начальную подготовку. 12) Для работы в рекламном бизнесе требуется творческая инициатива.
Exercise 3. Пользуясь фразами, перескажите текст.
1. There are more … working in the advertising business.
2 … will create a sustained need for advertising specialists
3 Opportunities will be the greatest in …
4 The creative side consists of …


5. Entry-level jobs would include …
6. English, sociology, or psychology …
7. Those who prefer to work in the creative area need to develop…
8 … refers to choosing a career as an account executive, a
media planner, market researcher, traffic manager, or business manager.
9. Proper preparation for this career includes …
10. Common entry-level positions are …
11. It is a good place for a newcomer to …
12. Some advertising agencies have …
13 … are not the only places to look for potential employment.
14. Freelance artists, photographers, jingle writers, film and
video tape producers, sound recording specialists, and casting specialists are …
15. Opportunities for advancement in advertising ….
16. Some may become …
17. Some may progress to become …
18. Account trainees move up to …
19. The climb to success …
Exercise 4. Составьте предложения, используя рекламную терминологию.
1) job prospects, 2) intense competition, 3) a sustained need,
4) advertising specialists, 5) certain guidelines, 6) overall
view, 7) hire generalists, 8) some degree of specialization,
9) a job applicant,10) basic decisions, 11) professional training, 12) The creative side, 13) assistant media buyer, 14) research assistant, 15) junior account executive,16) account
service trainee, 17) a position in the traffic department.


18) entry-level jobs, 19) traffic coordinator, 20) to look for
potential employment, 21) copywriters at radio stations, 22)
people who sell newspaper and magazine space or radio and
TV time, 23) market researchers, 24) sales promotion experts, 25) senior art directors, 26) creative director.
Exercise 5. Изложите своё видение изучаемой темы на
английском языке в письменном виде.
Section 4.
Conversational Practice.
Exercise 1. Student A and Student B are discussing the
theme «Careers in Advertising». Послушайте их диалог.
1. Today we'll speak about 1. Yes, it is, but at most, in the USA
advertising as a career. Is it only 35 colleges and universities
very attractive?
have affective programs of advertising education. Fewer than 10 offer
any truely significant amount of
graduate work in advertising.
2. Who may careers in ad- 2. For advertisers, media, advertising
vertising involve working agencies or suppliers and special serfor?
3. Is it convenient for the 3. It is. Because these people help to
company to have an adver- coordinate the company's advertising
tising manager or a brand program with its sales program and
with the company's advertising
agency. They must have aptitudes for
both advertising and management.
4. What do you know 4. Usually salesmen sell advertising
about salesmen that all space or broadcasting time. They
media use?
must be knowledgeable about business and skilled in salesmanship.


5. Let's speak of a variety 5. There are a lot of specialists. Some
of specialists working in an develop advertising programs, others
advertising agency.
prepare advertisements and place
them in media.
Those interested in advertising research and fact gathering should
know both statistics and consumer
6. What qualities are nec- 6. Competence in media planning
essary for a career in me- and evaluation are essential for a cadia?
7. What does the media 7. He must identify and determine
buyer do?
the most effective media in which to
expose the advertising messages, and
purchase space or time in these media.
8. What is the copywriter? 8. He is a developer of advertising
ideas and messages. Copywriting requires creative writing skills and
ability to visualize ideas.
9. What must print- 9. They must know printing, photoproduction
specialists engraving and typography. Layout,
typography and visualization are essential for those in art, both for print
advertising and for television commercials.
10. What does the televi- 10. First of all, experience in "show
sion producers do?
business", dramatics, photography,
music, playwriting and allied fields
are excellent backgrounds for him.
11. Are the persons who
11. They are involved in coordinatare responsible for traffic
activities as much important?


12. What positions can the 12. Do you mean: marketing reservices that support adver- search, organizations, television and
tising offer?
radio producers, art studios. They offer positions similar to those we have
already spoken about.
13. And do you know how 13. In the USA about 1/10 of 1 permany people work in ad- cent of the population work , but
their numbers are expected to grow
14. Are there any opportu- 14. Opportunities are generally
nities for advancement in
greater then in most other industries.
15. How rapidly does a
person move up in responsibilities and pay?
16. Who are preferred in
advertising: women or
15. It depends more on his own efforts than on age or length of employment.
16. For women opportunities in advertising agencies and in retailing
tend to be greater than in most other
business enterprises.
17. What is the rate of pay 17. It naturally varies with the kind
for advertising practitio- and size of organization, geography,
size of city and the worker's skills.
18. Can you be more exact 18. But only in general, the compenas to the payment?
sation is comparable to that of business executives and professional
men, such as physicians and lawyers
in the same community.
19. I think that'll do.
19. So do I.


Exercise 2. Вставьте пропущенные вопросы.
1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
1. In the USA only 35 colleges and universities have affective programs of advertising education.
2 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ?
2. These people help to coordinate the company's advertising
program with its sales program and with the company's advertising agency.
3. .... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
3. Competence in media planning and evaluation are essential for a career.
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
4. He is a developer of advertising ideas and messages.
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
5. They must know printing, photoengraving and typography.
6. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .?
6. They are involved in coordinating
7. ... ... ... .... ... .... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .?
7. They offer positions similar to those we have already spoken about.
8. ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ?
8. For women opportunities in advertising agencies and in retailing tend to be greater than in most other business enterprises.
Exercise 3. Вставьте пропущенные ответы
1. Who may careers in advertising involve working for?
1. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. .


2. What do you know about salesman that all media use?
2. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ... ..
3. What does the media buyer do?
3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...
4. What does the television producers do?
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ....
5. And do you know how many people work in advertising?
5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6. How rapidly does a person move up in responsibilities and
6. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
7. What is the rate of pay for advertising practitioners?
7. .. ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
8. Do you know the exact payment?
8. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ..
Exercise 4. Воспроизведите диалог.
Exercise 5. Побеседуйте по теме “Careers in Advertising” без подготовки.
Section 5.
Vocabulary Control.
Exercise 1. Переведите текст «Подготовка к рекламной
карьере» на английский язык без словаря в письменнй
Рекламный бизнес представляет для карьеры самые
широкие возможности. Рекламное дело охватывает широкий спектр самых разных занятий, каждое из которых
отличается своей спецификой. Какие требования они


предъявляют хотящему работать в рекламе, и с какими
ситуациями придётся ему столкнуться? Какими способностями надо обладать в этом случае? Ответ таков:
это — логическое мышление, умение решать самые
сложные и неожиданные проблемы, и иметь широкий
кругозор, но всему этому надо учиться. Обучение же начинается с момента поступления в колледж, где изучаются программа по рекламе, маркетинг, продвижение
товаров, коммерция, литературное мастерство или другие, связанные с рекламой предметы.
Специалисту рекламного дела необходимо хорошо
разбираться в бизнесе, самых разных товарах и услугах..
Как правило рекламные агентства, рекламные отделы и
средства коммуникации не отказываются взять стажера
(с оплатой или без нее). Если вакансий нет, невредно побегать и поискать их, соглашаясь работать даже без зарплаты и выделения вам собственного рабочего места.
Надо также пройти тестирование для определения того, какая область занятий вам больше подходит.
При любой возможности старайтесь побеседовать с
практиком рекламного дела. Если хотите, напишите в
известные вам рекламные организации, там вы получите
нужные сведения, а так же завяжите полезные знакомства и связи.
Таким образом, если вы выбрали рекламную карьеру, спланируйте свое дальнейшее образование так, чтобы
в наилучшей степени подготовиться к этому специфическому роду деятельности.


Exercise 2. а) Перескажите историю бренда Adidas на
английском языке.
б) Дайте письменный ответ на вопрос..
They say that “all branding elements are the components of
myth”. Comment this statement and enumerate these components! Prove that with the help of branding one can achieve
much. Give your arguments!


The Sequence of Tenses(Согласование времен)
Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одном из прошедших времен, то глагол придаточного дополнительного предложения должен стоять
также в одном из прошедших времен.
1. Если действие придаточного дополнительного предложения одновременно с действием главного предложения, в придаточном предложении употребляется Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.
2. Если действие придаточного дополнительного предложения, предшествует действию главного предложения,
то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в
Past Perfect или в Past Perfect Continuous.
3. Если действие придаточного дополнительного предложения является будущим по отношению к действию
главного предложения, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в одной из форм Future in the Past.
Изучив правила, переведите на русский язык следующие
1. a) We know that the manufacturer tries to get maximum
exposure for his product.
b) We knew that the manufacturer tried to get maximum exposure for his product.
2. a)They say that advertising made its way to the colonies
along with the early settlers from England.
b) They said that advertising had made its way to the
colonies along with the early settlers from England.


3. a) We relize that unfair methods of competition will always have the effect of injuring a competitor.
b) We relized that unfair methods of competition would
always have the effect of injuring a competitor.
4. a) They tell that other advertisers are putting agencies on
a sliding scale.
b) They told that other advertisers were putting agencies on a sliding scale.
5. a) We understand that many of these firms were becoming marketing agencies offering services at that time.
b) We understood that many of these firms had been
becoming marketing agencies offering services at that time.
6. a) They think that the manufacturer will be trying to get
some "feedback” from his middlemen and final customers at
that time in the nearest future.
b) They thought that the manufacturer would be trying
to get some "feedback” from his middlemen and final customers at that time in the nearest future.
7 a) We state that many companies have just switched to selective distribution in order to achieve higher profit levels.
b) We stated that many companies had just switched to
selective distribution in order to achieve higher profit levels.
8. a) We know that television had shown a significant increase by the end of the 20-th centure.
b) We knew that television had shown a significant increase by the end of the 20-th centure.
9. a)They assure that the determination of channel will have
offered opportunities for maximum sales volume by the end
of the advertising campaign.
b) They assured that the determination of channel
would have offered opportunities for maximum sales volume by the end of the advertising campaign.


Exercise: a) переведите предложение,
б) используя одно из главных предложений (They say
that… We state that…, They think that…, We understand
that…) создайте сложно-подчиненное предложение,
в) измените предложения в соответствии с правилами согласования времен.
1. a) The wholesalers do not perform this service as a rule.
2. a) The producer selects a limited number of wholesalers
and/or retailers in a given geographic area.
3. a) The retailers open branch stores in suburban shopping centers.
4. a) Management often adopts an exclusive distribution policy.
5. a) The retailer usually carries a large inventory in order to ensure customers an adequate choice.
6. a) The amount of help depended upon the product itself and
the nature of the middleman's franchise.
7. a) These dealers demanded promotional allowances, displays,
or product demonstrators.


8. a) Also during that period several significant developments
took place.
9. a) TV’s growth had an impact on both radio and magazines.
10. a) This new profession, however, was not without its problems.
11. a) The media will bill the agency for $34,000 next week.
12 . a) His real aim will be to build an ad that will always sell
the most merchandise.
13. a) Thus he will use a slogan at first.
14. a) Another will every day show a chart of all the foods.
15. a) At first it will involve the same kind of selling procedure.
16 a) As in direct mail and radio, television advertisers are creating their own audiences at present.


17. a) Some trade associations are now censoring advertising
appearing in their trade or professional journals.
18. a) Its competitive environment is rapidly changing as contrasted with a stable environment.
19. a) Advertising has been around since people have been
20. a) Clay tablets traced to ancient Babylon have been found
with messages.
21. a) We have already known much about advertising.


Приложение 1.
Таблица неправильных глаголов
Infinitive Stem
arise возникать
awake будить, просыпаться
be быть
bear носить, выдерживать
beat бить
become становиться
begin начинать(ся)
bend гнуть(ся), сгибать(ся)
bind связывать
bite кусать
bleed истекать кровью
blow дуть
break ломать
breed выводить, разводить
bring приносить
broadcast передавать по радио
build строить
burn гореть, жечь
burst разрываться
buy покупать
cast бросать; отливать
catch ловить, схватывать
choose выбирать
cling прилипать, цепляться
come приходить
cost стоить
creep ползать
cut резать
deal иметь дело
dig копать
do делать
draw тащить; чертить
dream видеть сны; мечтать
drink пить
drive везти, приводить в движение
dwell обитать
eat есть, принимать пищу
fall падать
Past Indefinite
Past Participle
was (were)
broadcast, broadcasted
dreamt, dreamed
awoke, awaked
dreamt, dreamed


Infinitive Stem
feed кормить(ся)
feel чувствовать
fight бороться, сражаться
find находить
fiee бежать, спасаться
Past Indefinite
fling кидать, бросать
fly летать
forbid запрещать
forget забывать
forgive прощать
freeze вымерзать,
get получать; становиться
gild золотить
give давать
go идти, ехать
grind точить; молоть
grow расти, выращивать
рang висеть, вешать
have иметь
hear слышать
hide прятать
hit ударять, поражать
hold держать
hurt повредить, ушибить
keep держать, хранить
knit вязать
know знать
lay класть
lead вести
lean прислоняться
leap прыгать
learn учиться
leave оставлять, уезжать
lend давать взаймы,
let позволять; сдавать внаём
liе лежать
light зажигать, освещать
lose терять
make делать; заставлять
gilt, gilted
knit, knitted
leant, leaned
leapt, leaped
learnt, learned
gilt, gilted
hid, hidden
knit, knitted
leant, leaned
leapt, leaped
learnt, learned
lit, lighted
lit, lighted
Past Participle


Infinitive Stem
mean значить, подразумевать
meet встречать
mow косить
put класть
read читать
ride ехать (верхом, в автобусе и т. п)
ring звонить, звенеть
rise подниматься
run бежать
saw пилить
say говорить, сказать
see видеть
seek искать
sell продавать
send посылать
set помещать, ставить
sew шить
shake трясти
shave брить(ся)
shed проливать(слезы, кровь)
shine сиять, светить
shoot стрелять
show показывать
shrink сморщиваться, сокращаться
shut закрывать
sing петь
sink погружаться, тонуть
sit сидеть
sleep спать
slide скользить
smel пахнуть, нюхать
sow сеять
Past indefinite
smelt, smelled
Past Participle
mowed, mown
sawed, sawn
sewed, sewn
shaved, shaven
smelt, smelled
speak говорить
speed спешить, ускорять
spell писать или
произно сить по буквам
spend тратить
spill проливать
spin прясть
split раскалывать(ся)
spoil портить
spread распространяться
spelt, spelled
spelt, spelled
spilt, spilled
spoilt, spoiled
spilt, spilled
spoilt, spoiled


Infinitive Stem
sprind прыгать
stand стоять
steal красть
stick приклеивать
sting жалить
strike ударять; бастовать
strive стремиться
swear клясться; браниться
sweep мести
swell пухнуть, раздуваться
swim плавать
swing качать(ся), размахивать
ake брать
teach обучать, учить
tear рвать
tell рассказывать
think думать
throw бросать
thrust толкать
tread ступать
understand понимать
wake будить, просыпаться
wear носить
weave ткать
weep плакать
win выигрывать
wind заводить; виться
wring жать, выжимать
write писать
Past indefinite
woke, waked
Past Participle
woken, waked


Приложение 2.
Бренды появились в середине XIX века, как альтернатива огромному количеству товаров с невысоким качеством. Развивался бренд одновременно в нескольких странах, но основной вклад в его становление сделали Великобритания и США.
История американского брендинга разделена на периоды а) с 1870 по начало 1900-ых, когда некоторые товары массового потребления стали удачными брендами
и существуют до сих пор. б) с 1900 — 1915. Этот этап
становления брендинга ознаменовались борьбой внутри
корпораций между тем новым, что символизировали
бренды, и старой системой управления предприятиями.
К концу периода преодолено неприятие брендов некоторыми потребителями и сопротивление торговых партнеров, для которых брендированные товары обозначали
снижение доходов и усиление влияния производителей
в) с 1915 — 1929, когда лидирующие производители товаров массового потребления закрепили свой успех путем развития существующих брендов, а так же создавая
и внедряя новые. Этот этап становления брендинга ознаминовался борьбой внутри корпораций между тем новым, что символизировали бренды, и старой системой
управления предприятиями.
г) с 1930 — 1940. В это время появилось формальное понятие бренда, которое вводит в качестве системы управления своей деятельностью Procter&Gamble и некоторые
другие фирмы
Постепенное улучшение системы перевозок, производственного процесса, упаковки, изменения в законах,


усиление эффективности рекламы, новые способы продажи создали предпосылки для появления “бренда производителя” (manufacturer brand).
Появление брендов было встречено с одобрением со
стороны массового покупателя, поскольку новинка позволяла потребителю не подвергать себя риску, возникающему при покупке небрендированного товара, а в
случае неудовлетворительных качеств бренда, можно
было избегать его в дальнейшем.
Что касается формулировки бренда, то таковых много, начиная от «бренд — образ марки в сознании покупателя», «бренд — механизм дифференциации товаров»,
«бренд — средство индивидуализации», «бренд — добавочная стоимость товара», «бренд — правовой инструмент», «бренд –идентификация товара и кампании —
производителя покупателем». И спустя 40 лет в (1997 г).
бренду даётся определение «сущности, развивающейся
во времени» — от марки как концепции производителя
до воспринятых покупателем функциональных и эмоциональных элементов товара.
Сегодня бренд рассматривается как актив, а реклама
в связи с этим — не только как инструмент управления
продажами, но и как инструмент управления брендом,
который влияет не только на текущий денежный поток,
но и на будущее. Фактически бренд используется для того, чтобы внедрить его в сознание потребителей так,
чтобы он покупался даже в том случае, если реклама


Список литературы.
1. Грузинская И. В. Методика преподавания английского языка. М.,
2. Дейян Арманд. Реклама. М.: «Универс», 1993.
3. Дональд У. Джугенхаймер, Гордон И. Уайт. Основы рекламного
дела, ЮОТ. «Корпорация «Федоров», Самара,1997.
4. Джефкинс Ф. Реклама: Учебное пособие для вузов./.
Ф. Джефкинс, перевод с английского под ред.
Б.Л. Ерёмина — М. : Юнити — Дана, 2002.
5. Bovee, Courtland, and William Arens, Contemporary Advertising,
Homewood, ILL: Richard D. Irvin, 1982
6. Engel, Jack, Advertising: The Process and the Practice, New York: Mc
7. Dominick Joseph R., The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Mc
Grow-Hill Publishing Company. 1990.
8. Иванова К. А. Англо-русский и Русско-английский словарь по рекламе и PR. — СПб. : Питер, 2004. — 320 с.: ил.
9. Программа по иностранным языкам для вузов неязыковых специальностей., Московский государственный лингвистический университет, М., 1995.— 67 с.
10. Программа кафедры социологии и культуры по
специальности 350 700 — Реклама, Международный
институт рекламы, 2002.
11. A. S. Hornby with A. P. Corvie, A. C. Gimson: Oxford
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford
University Press, 1987
12. Русско-английский словарь. Под общим руководством
проф. А. И. Смирницкого. Государственное
Издательство иностранных и национальных
словарей. Москва — 1962.


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