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ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Вариант 2
ВАРИАНТ 2Время выполнения работы 3 часа 10 мин ( 190 минут)
Работа состоит из четырёх разделов:
«Аудирование», «Чтение", "Грамматика и лексика», «Письменная
Раздел 1 («Аудирование») содержит 9 заданий. Рекомендуемое
время на
выполнение заданий раздела 1 составляет 30 минут.
Раздел 2 («Чтение») содержит 9 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на
выполнение заданий раздела 2 составляет 30 минут.
Раздел 3 («Грамматика и лексика») содержит 20 заданий.
время на выполнение заданий раздела 3 составляет 40 минут.
1Задание 1
Прослушайте шесть высказываний. Установите соответствие
между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями,
данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение,
обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В
задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Занесите свои
ответы в таблицу.
1.Russian nature really attracts foreign tourists.
2.Practicing Russian is a reason to visit the country.
3.Russia can offer green style holidays for tourists.
4.Small towns in Russia are as good as big cities.
5.Visiting Russia can help me with my future career.
6.You can do many sports while on holiday in Russia.
7.Tourists visit Russia because of its cultural heritage.
2Задание 2
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых
утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True),
какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то
есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни
отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер
выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись
A. The tourist has visited England before.
B. There is a number of sightseeing attractions in Windsor besides Windsor
C. The tourist hopes to see the Queen in Windsor.
D. The Household Cavalry Museum occupies a part of Windsor Castle.
E. The tourist wants to see Windsor Great Park on a separate day.
F. The receptionist claims that most tourists need more than one day to
spend in Windsor.
G. The tourist wants to buy postcards with the town views.
е диалогу
Задание 3Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа
цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Вы услышите запись дважды.
Maggie says that an actor must …
1) plunge into the person he plays.
2) be aware of other people’s opinion of him.
3) communicate with people as much as possible.
In Maggie’s opinion, Instagram could be …
1) addictive.
2) destructive.
3) discouraging.
Why does Maggie think she’s good at her job?
1) She can do what is required in profession.
2) She is never vulnerable or insecure.
3) She studied culture.
Which of the following is TRUE about Maggie’s current project?
1) It’s set in a haunted house.
2) It’s based on a reality show.
3) It brought the actors closer together.
Why, according to Maggie, are most actors’ friends also actors?
1) They never compete with each other.
2) They quickly get intimate with each other.
3) They are bound to spend a lot of time together.
Why does Maggie like working with Steven Spielberg?
1) He allows her to repeat scenes.
2) He is very famous.
3) Because of his behaviour with actors.
Why does Maggie agree to work with young directors?
1) They have unlimited budgets.
2) Their work could be very original.
3) She feels that she has to sacrifice some of her time.
10Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и
текстами A–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Используйте каждую цифру только один раз.
В задании один заголовок лишний.
1.Don’t forget to rest
5. Set realistic
2.Write down and revise
6. Study plans per
3.Information and technology
7. Find a place to your
4.Never put off till tomorrow
8. More important at
A. Today’s young generation will also need to master a new skill – digital
literacy. Digital literacy can be defined as “the ability to find, evaluate, utilize,
share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet”.
Digital literacy, by this definition, encompasses a wide range of skills, all of
which are necessary to succeed in an increasingly digital world. Students who
lack digital literacy skills may soon find themselves at a disadvantage. As
technology changes, students also need to keep updated.
B. The key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter,
not harder. This becomes more and more true as you advance in your
education. An hour or two of studying a day is usually sufficient to make it
through high school with satisfactory grades, but when college arrives, there
aren’t enough hours in the day to squeeze all your studying in if you don’t
know how to make your study efficient without skipping sleep or meals. The
vast majority of successful college students achieve their success by
developing and applying effective study habits.
C. Ever find yourself up late at night expending more energy trying to keep
your eyelids open than you are studying? If so, it’s time for a change.
Successful students typically space their work out over shorter periods of time
and rarely try to cram all of their studying into just one or two sessions. If you
want to become a successful student, then you need to learn to be consistent
in your studies and to have regular, yet shorter, study sessions, with periods
of rest in between. That will give your brain time to process the new
D. Successful students schedule specific times throughout the week whenthey are going to study – and then they stick with their schedule. Students
who study sporadically and whimsically typically do not perform as well as
students who have a set study schedule. Сreating a weekly routine, where
you set aside a period of time a few days a week, to review your courses will
ensure you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your education
long term. You won’t get stressed or overwhelmed by portioning your
E. It is very easy, and common, to put off your study session because of lack
of interest in the subject, because you have other things you need to get
done, or just because the assignment is hard and needs effort and
perseverance. Successful students do not procrastinate studying. If you
procrastinate your study session, your studying will become less effective and
you may not get everything accomplished that you need to. Procrastination
also leads to rushing, and rushing is the number one cause of errors.
F. Always make sure to take good notes in class. Before you start each study
session, and before you start a particular assignment, review your notes
thoroughly to make sure you know how to complete the assignment correctly.
Reviewing before each study session will help you remember important
subject matter learned during the day, and make sure your studying is
targeted and effective. Successful students also look through what they have
written down at their lectures and seminars during the week over the
G. Everyone gets distracted by something: TV, or maybe family. Some people
actually study better with a little background noise. When you’re distracted
while studying you lose your train of thought and are unable to focus – both of
which will lead to very ineffective studying. Before you start, find a place
where you won’t be disturbed. For some people this is a quiet cubical in the
recesses of the library. For others it is in a common area where there is little
background noise. For some it may be a park or a garden – there are so
many options to choose from!
11Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями
предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в
списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие
соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.
Chinese tea house in Moscow
The bright building on Myasnitskaya Street in Moscow stands out among others and
attracts the attention of passers-by with its non-typical elements for Russian architecture.
The tea house resembles a Chinese pagoda and it is considered to be the real office of a
company that was involved in tea trade.
This house in the Chinese style was built for the tea merchant Sergei Vasilievich
Perlov (A) ______ in order to establish his own business. He bought the land on
Myasnitskaya Street in the centre of Moscow in 1875, (B) ______ in 1891. The construction
was finished by 1893. The first floor was for Perlov’s tea shop, (C) ______ profitable
apartments for rent and the host’s own family.
The front side of the newly built house was redecorated in the Chinese style after several
years. A little tower in the form of a pagoda appeared (D) ______ molded dragons, snakes,
Chinese umbrellas and lanterns. Some materials for decoration were even brought directly
from China. It was made before the visit of the Chinese Ambassador Li
Hongzhang, (E) ______ Nikolai II and Alexandra Fyodorovna coronation. The merchant
Perlov thought that it might be useful for his tea business (F) ______ at this house. He
preferred the house of Perlov’s brother and competitor. But thanks to this case now there is
a beautiful exotic building right in the city centre, as if it came right from another part of the
1.who was going to visit Moscow for
2.who left the family tea trade company
3.and the other two floors were used for
4.and began to build the new house on it
5.and the front side was decorated with
6.which was imported mainly from China
7.but the Ambassador did not in fact stay
Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания 1–7. В каждом заданииобведите букву A, B, C или D, соответствующую выбранному
вами варианту ответа.
iGeneration: teenagers affected by phones
One day last summer, around noon, I called Athena, a 13-year-old who lives in Houston,
Texas. She answered her phone – she has had an iPhone since she was 11 – sounding
as if she’d just woken up. We chatted about her favorite songs and TV shows, and I
asked her what she likes to do with her friends. “We go to the mall,” she said. “Do your
parents drop you off?” I asked, recalling my own middle-school days, in the 1980s, when
I’d enjoy a few parent-free hours shopping with my friends. “No – I go with my family,”
she replied. “We’ll go with my mom and brothers and walk a little behind them. I just
have to tell my mom where we are going. I have to check in every hour or every 30
Those mall trips are infrequent – about once a month. More often, Athena and her
friends spend time together on their phones, unchaperoned. Unlike the teens of my
generation, who might have spent an evening tying up the family landline with gossip,
they talk on Snapchat, a smartphone app that allows users to send pictures and videos
that quickly disappear. They make sure to keep up their Snapstreaks, which show how
many days in a row, they have Snapchatted with each other. She told me she had spent
most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That is just the way
her generation is, she said. “We didn’t know any life other than with iPads or iPhones. I
think we like our phones more than we like actual people.”
Some generational changes are positive, some are negative, and many are both. More
comfortable in their bedrooms than in a car or at a party, today’s teens are physically
safer than teens have ever been. They are markedly less likely to get into a car accident
and, having less of a taste for alcohol than their predecessors, are less susceptible to
drinking’s attendant ills.
Psychologically, however, they are more vulnerable than Millennials were: rates of teen
depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011. It is not an exaggeration to
describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Much
of this deterioration can be traced to their phones.
However, in my conversations with teens, I saw hopeful signs that kids themselves arebeginning to link some of their troubles to their ever-present phone. Athena told me that
when she does spend time with her friends in person, they are often looking at their
device instead of at her. “I’m trying to talk to them about something, and they don’t
actually look at my face,” she said. “They’re looking at their phone, or they’re looking at
their Apple Watch.” “What does that feel like, when you’re trying to talk to somebody
face-to-face and they’re not looking at you?” I asked. “It kind of hurts,” she said. “It hurts.
I know my parents’ generation didn’t do that. I could be talking about something super
important to me, and they wouldn’t even be listening.”
Once, she told me, she was hanging out with a friend who was texting her boyfriend. “I
was trying to talk to her about my family, and what was going on, and she was like, ‘Uhhuh, yeah, whatever.’ So I took her phone out of her hands and I threw it at the wall.”
Though it is aggressive behavior that I don’t support, on the other hand – it is a step
towards a life with limited phone use. So, if I were going to give advice for a happy
adolescence, it would be straightforward: put down the phone, turn off the laptop, and do
something – anything – that does not involve a screen.
According to the author, in her childhood she used to …
A) do the shopping with her friends.
B) go to the mall with her family.
C) call her mother every half an hour.
D) watch TV a lot.
Which of the following does Athena do monthly?
A) Invites friends to her place.
B) Uses the Snapchat.
C) Goes to the mall with her family.
D) Changes her iPhone.
For Athena’s peers spending time alone in their rooms seems …
A) natural.
B) difficult.
C) awkward.
D) soothing.
15Which of the following is NOT true about iGen teenagers, according
to the author?
A) They prefer loneliness to company.
B) It is easy to hurt them psychologically.
C) Most of them feel extremely unhappy.
D) They have more physical health problems.
That in “I know my parents’ generation didn’t do that” (paragraph 5)
refers to …
A) behaving in a mean way.
B) discussing their problems.
C) listening attentively to friends.
D) being glued to their phones.
The fact that Athena threw away her friend’s phone proves that …
A) her friend thought she was doing the right thing.
B) smartphones make teenagers more aggressive.
C) teenagers know the problems caused by phones.
D) smartphones can cause mental health problems.
What does the author suggest in her article?
A) Smartphones are not safe.
B) Phone use by young people should be limited.
C) Smartphones cause violent behavior.
D) There are good and bad sides in using smartphones.
Прочтите текст ниже. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанныезаглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных цифрами 19-24,
чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Заполните пропуски словами, которые вы получили. Каждый проход
соответствует отдельной задаче из группы 19-24.
Yakutia is right in the middle of Russia’s far eastern
region. Probably Yakutia is one of the ______ parts COLD
of Russia. Still, it’s a beautiful place. Tourists love
______ Yakutia because it is a perfect place for
photography tours and spending quality time
outdoors. You only have to remember that winter
______ a good time to visit the area as winters here NOT/BE
are very cold there.
The print brush
As its name suggests, the print brush is a printer that
acts like a paint brush. The print brush ______ to DEMONSTRA
public in 2011. It immediately _____ the attention of TECATCH
If you want to use it, you just swipe it over any flat
surface and in less than 10 seconds it prints over it.
It is very small and has a digital camera ______.
You can connect it to your laptop and literally print
any image from it. Isn’t it amazing?
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавнымибуквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному
заданию из группы 25-29. Впишите слова в поле ответа.
White monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal
The ancient city of Vladimir was founded in 1108 by the
Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomach. It contains an
important group of monuments. The Cathedral of the
Assumption was intended to be the ______ centre of RELIGION
all Russia.
It was built in the town Kremlin as a single-domed
structure with the fa?ade _____ for its carved reliefs.
Most of the 12th-century frescoes were destroyed by
Mongols, but new mural ______ were added in 1408 by PAINT
Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chernii, in particular the
famous Last Judgment.
Suzdal, which lies some 25 km north of Vladimir, was
the site of a _____ in the 9th and 10th centuries, which SETTLE
became a fortress. A posad, which was housing
craftsmen and shopkeepers, developed around it.
Within, dominating the whole town stands the Cathedral
of the Nativity with its five-domed top and Golden
Doors. The interior ______ is important in Russian art. DECORA
The buildings in Vladimir and Suzdal have been the
centre of cultural tourism for several decades and a
good deal of restoration has been carried out.
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30 – 36.Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30 - 36, в которых
представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, B, C, D).
Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.
At the office
The following morning I visited our local newsagent Mr. Bales. He always seemed
to know exactly what was going on in the neighbourhood and was only too happy
30_______ his knowledge with anyone who wanted to pass the time of day.
to (1)
Then I (2)
31_______ at the office of John D. Wood in Mount Street. I had to wait for
some time, but eventually one of four assistants came over, introduced himself to
me as Mr. Palmer and asked how he could help. After a closer inspection of the
young man, I doubted that he could help anyone. He must have been about
seventeen and was so pale and thin he looked as if a gust of wind might blow
32 _______. “I’d like to know some details concerning Number 147 Chelsea
him (3)
Terrace,” I said. “Would madam please excuse me?” he (4)
33 _______ and walked
over to a filing cabinet. He (5)
34 _______ no attempt to invite me in or even to offer
me a chair. He placed the single sheet on the countertop and studied it closely.
“A greengrocer’s shop,” he said. “Yes. What price is the owner asking for the
property?” I asked. I was becoming more and more annoyed by being so obviously
ignored. “One hundred and fifty guineas is being asked for the shop,” (6)_______
the assistant, his eyes fixed on the bottom line of the schedule. The shop turned
out to be ridiculously expensive. I made my (7)
36 _______ back to Chelsea, only too
aware that I had no intention of buying a shop in the neighbourhood.
A) divide
A) arrived
A) about
A) spoke
B) split
D) separate
B) reached
C) achieved
B) over
D) away
B) said
D) told
37You have received an email message from your English-speaking
pen-friend Orlando:
From: Orlando
Subject: Natural disasters
…My aunt lives in Texas and last week her house was ruined by a tornado. What
do you think are the most horrible natural disasters? Which of them are typical
of the place where you live? What can people do to protect themselves from
I got a new smart watch for my birthday this year!…
Write an email to Orlando.
In your message:
- answer his questions;
- ask 3 questions about the smart watch.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Subject: Natural disasters
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или38.2),
укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно
данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите
Imagine that you are doing a project on top 5 dishes among people in
Rusland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the
opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the
subject of the project.
Number of respondents (%)
Russian salad
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise while making traditional dishes and
suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on teaching children how to
Imagine that you are doing a project on ways of learning English in Zetland.You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see
the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of
the project.
Ways of learning English
Reading English books
Using special programs for PC
Engaging with English media
Taking language classes
Watching videos
and TV programs
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that one can face learning English and suggest a way
of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of
learning English.
KEYSЗадание 1
Тексты для аудирования
Speaker A: You see, it has always been my dream to visit Russia. I’m a future artist, and I study at
the art school. That’s the reason why I want to go to Russia. The thing is, there are so many Russian
painters, both in the past and present, and their pictures are a must-see for anyone who is an aspiring
painter. I’d love to see the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Hermitage. Watching the originals of these
masterpieces may give me some hints about my future works.
Speaker B: I have planned a trip around Russia — from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. I know this is
such a huge distance to cover, and it’s quite a challenge because of the difference in climate in the
regions. I’m gonna pass, and because I don’t know any Russian…well, maybe just a couple words.
What I want to see is the Russian nature — the Baikal, or the Urals. I’m just not very much into arts
and architecture. In Russia, I hope to take the best landscape photos ever.
Speaker C: When I tell my friends that I’m going to spend my next summer holiday in Russia, they
feel very skeptical about that, because they know Russia is such a cold country. I’ve been learning
Russian for a while, and though I’m not planning to connect my future career with the language, I’m
still very much interested in it. I’ve a pen pal in Russia who is eager to put me up and be my guide for
a couple of weeks, so why not?
Speaker D: I regularly visit Russia, because some of my relatives still live there, in really different
parts of the country. Of course I’ve been to Moscow and St. Petersburg, and I was impressed by the
beauty of these two major cities in Russia. But I love smaller places, like faraway towns, where life is
not as busy and hectic as in the capitals. Provincial places in Russia are just charmingly beautiful.
Sometimes still with just wooden houses — peaceful and quiet.
Speaker E: I love Russia, and most of all, I love Sochi. This city was chosen as a host city for the
Winter Olympics 2014. Not by chance, I must say. It’s stunning in both winter and in summer. I’m a
sports man, you see, and I love many kinds of sports — from skiing and snowboarding…to
swimming. Sochi is perfect for any of these, and the landscapes are just gorgeous. The hotels are
clean and comfortable. So for me, Sochi is a number one destination for active rest.
Speaker F: I’ve never been to Russia, but some of my friends have, and they loved every minute of
it. You see, my friends and I lead a green life – we are vegetarians and things like that. In terms of
eco-holidays, Russia seems the best choice, as it has such territories as the Baikal, with fresh clean
air, where the nature is truly unique. Russia is perfect for hiking and camping. Next year, I’m planning
to join my friends in their trip to the Russian Far East.
A — 5: Visiting Russia can help me with my future career.
B — 1: Russian nature really attracts foreign tourists.
C — 2: Practicing Russian is a reason to visit the country.
D — 4: Small towns in Russia are as good as big cities.
E — 6: You can do many sports while on holiday in Russia.
F — 3: Russia can offer green style holidays for tourists.
KEYSЗадание 2
Тексты для аудирования
Receptionist: Hello, Windsor Travel Company, how may I help you?
Tourist: Hello, I was just wondering if you could offer me a tour of Windsor. This is my first visit to
England and I want to make the most of it. I’ve been dreaming of visiting Windsor for quite a long
time, so …
Receptionist: And may I tell you that you have phoned the very right place! We’re the oldest
company in Great Britain to offer a variety of guided tours to Windsor.
Tourist: So you have several routes? I’m surprised to hear that as I thought Windsor’s a really tiny
Receptionist: Windsor isn’t big but there’s so much to see and do there. Would you like me to list
some of the opportunities?
Tourist: Yes, please.
Receptionist: Well, the most famous attraction in Windsor is certainly the magnificent Windsor
Castle – the most romantic castle in the world. When the Queen is in residence, her presence is
marked by the flying of her personal standard from the Round Tower. You may be lucky to see that.
Tourist: I guess Windsor Castle is a must for a tourist like me. What can I see there?
Receptionist: First you go to St George’s Chapel – one of England’s most beautiful ecclesiastic
structures – and move forward to Queen Mary’s Doll’s House a perfect miniature palace with working
lights and lifts, and even running water in all its 5 bathrooms!
Tourist: That must be amazing! Anything else I could see apart from Windsor Castle?
Receptionist: You may stroll to the Household Cavalry Museum. Inside is a comprehensive
collection of the Regiment’s uniforms, weapons and armour as used from 1600 to the present day.
One more thing absolutely worth seeing is Windsor Great Park and Smith’s Lawn.
Tourist: Is it possible to combine all these things into one day’s tour?
Receptionist: Most people feel one day isn’t enough for them but you’ll have a general impression
and can come back next time you’re in England.
Tourist: And what about shopping opportunities? I’d really love to buy some souvenirs for my family
and friends.
Receptionist: Windsor Royal Station will suit you. The covered shopping area combines modern
store design and user-friendly facilities.
Tourist: Good. I think I’ll order a tour now.
A. The tourist has visited England before. — 2: False
B. There is a number of sightseeing attractions in Windsor besides Windsor Castle. —
1: True
C. The tourist hopes to see the Queen in Windsor. — 3: Not stated
D. The Household Cavalry Museum occupies a part of Windsor Castle. — 2: Flase
E. The tourist wants to see Windsor Great Park on a separate day. — 2: False
F. The receptionist claims that most tourists need more than one day to spend in
Windsor. — 1: True
G. The tourist wants to buy postcards with the town views. — 3: Not stated
KEYSЗадания 3-9
Тексты для аудирования
Interviewer: Hello everybody, and welcome to our daily program ‘Stardom.’ Today is a very
special day, as in our studio we’ll be talking to Maggie Smith, a famous actress. Good
afternoon, Maggie.
Maggie: Good afternoon. It’s a great pleasure to be here. Thank you for inviting me.
Interviewer: What do you think is special about the job of an actor?
Maggie: For me, the people who chose me early, helped me to know as a teenager that the job
of an actor is to immerse oneself fully in this human, your personage, and never look back at
what people are going to think of me. But I see that people get burdened by it all the time. I feel
really lucky that Instagram didn’t exist when we started. I don’t think it’s easy for beginners
trying to immerse themselves in a role and then being told: ‘You don’t have that many followers.
It will be great to build that.’
Interviewer: Do you like your job?
Maggie: Yes, I do. I think I needed that very kind of job. I was born to do that. Acting is about
mirroring. We get to mirror what happens in a culture like that — the insecurity, or vulnerability,
or rage, or anything about being a woman…about aging, about men’s perception of women.
Not everybody can do that. I can.
Interviewer: What can you tell us about your current project?
Maggie: It will soon be released, and it’s a thriller. It was an exciting experience for me,
because the Director made us live together in the house we were shooting in. And the house
was a practical house, a real house, and this was our characters’ house too — our family
house. We all lived there as actors and we cooked together, and so on. The film has a special
atmosphere due to that. I felt as if in some kind of a reality show.
Interviewer: Are your friends actors as well? Or do you prefer to make friends outside of your
professional circle?
Maggie: With most actors, their best friends are also actors. Of course, there’s rivalry between
one actor and another, but generally, no. It’s hard to understand, but there’s something unique
about the feeling you can get when you do the theatre or are on a film set when you’re with a
company of actors, and you are all living in the same hotel, and you are going to the theatre
eight times a week, and going to the bar every night after the show together. You form this crazy
intimacy from the exertion of the intimate involvement of doing a great play after being on a film
set. We are family for the rest of our lives.
Interviewer: Who is your favorite film director?
Maggie: Oh, that’s a tough question. I guess it has to be Steven Spielberg. You can see him
cussing the entire film as you are shooting one take. He’s like ‘Can we do it again?’ because
then that’s going to cut into this and that. That’s its own kind of genius. Also, he’s totally not
afraid of the actor. He doesn’t have any fear. Some people, you see that they’re more
comfortable being around the crew, and dealing with the editorial, or the shot, or the
composition. Spielberg is right at home equally in both arenas. He loves actors.
Interviewer: You are so famous, but you easily agree to work with beginners in directing. How
Maggie: Yes. I work with these filmmakers and I think it’s the right thing to do. I know the
sacrifice of it. At the time, when you work on a Limsey Project…to work with these amazing
young filmmakers, who were doing something really different — that’s the goal for me. That’s
cinema history. We forever have the performances I’ve given them, and will continue to give.
Interviewer: Thank you for talking to us, Maggie.
KEYSОтветы 3-9
3. Maggie says that an actor must …
1) plunge into the person he plays.
4. In Maggie’s opinion, Instagram could be …
3) discouraging.
5. Why does Maggie think she’s good at her job?
1) She can do what is required in profession.
6. Which of the following is TRUE about Maggie’s current
3) It brought the actors closer together.
7. Why, according to Maggie, are most actors’ friends also
3) They are bound to spend a lot of time together.
8. Why does Maggie like working with Steven Spielberg?
3) Because of his behaviour with actors.
9. Why does Maggie agree to work with young directors?
2) Their work could be very original.
KEYSЗадание 10
A — 3: Information and technology
B — 8: More important at college
C — 1: Don’t forget to rest
D — 6: Study plans per week
E — 4: Never put off till tomorrow
F — 2: Write down and revise
G — 7: Find a place to your liking
Задание 11
A – 2: who left the family tea trade company
B – 4: and began to build the new house on it
C – 3: and the other two floors were used for
D – 5: and the front side was decorated with
E – 1: who was going to visit Moscow for
F – 7: but the Ambassador did not in fact stay
KEYSЗадание 12-18
2. According to the author, in her childhood she used to …
A) do the shopping with her friends.
13. Which of the following does Athena do monthly?
C) Goes to the mall with her family.
14. For Athena’s peers spending time alone in their rooms seems
A) natural.
15. Which of the following is NOT true about iGen teenagers,
according to the author?
D) They have more physical health problems.
16. That in “I know my parents’ generation didn’t do that”
(paragraph 5) refers to …
D) being glued to their phones.
17. The fact that Athena threw away her friend’s phone proves that
C) teenagers know the problems caused by phones.
18. What does the author suggest in her article?
B) Phone use by young people should be limited.
KEYSЗадание 19-24
Задания 25-29
30. C) SHARE
32. D) AWAY
33. B) SAID
34. A) MAID
36. D) WAY
Задания 30-36