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Building Apps with HTML5
1. Building Apps with HTML5: What You Need to Know
Землянухин Михаил2. Under consideration:
is HTML 5
What’s new?
HTML5 in different browsers
Compatibility with previous versions
3. History
HTML2.0 –1995
HTML 3.2 –1997
HTML 4.0 –1997
HTML 4.01 – 1999
HTML 5.0 - 2014
4. What is HTML 5
5. What’s new?
NewHTML tags
Scalable vector graphics
Audio and video
6. HTML5 in different browsers
MicrosoftThe single largest suite of test cases
7. Compatibility with previous versions
Paul Irish (a developer on the jQuery andModernizr projects) :
“Polyfill is a shim that mimics a future API,
providing fallback functionality to older
8. Why should I use HTML5?
15years since HTML4
More than 100 HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Set of new possibilities
Cross-browser compatibility
Compatibility with previous versions
9. Building Apps with HTML5: What You Need to Know
Землянухин Михаил