
Flow without green boxes


User is not logged in.
*Display map with login
*Download Greeter on the
iphone store to signup.
User is logged in as a
Greeter Hub owner.
* Display button reading:
*If not logged in as a Ghub
owner hide the dashboard,
and instead display: button
“Register your cafe as a
Greeter Hub”
User is logged in
as a Greeter user.
compatible users
count for hubs. If
not logged in as
user hide this.
*Shows the email of the user that is signed in.
*Signout signs out the user, returns the sign in fields.
*Find me a Greeter Hub lets the user search for Greeter Hubs by address, city, state, country, or name. If a
name is selected, that Greeter Hub will be displayed in the map and selected.
*The scale zooms in and out, the magnifying glasses do the same.
* “Me” Shows the user's current location. Trigger the protocols to get the user's location.
*When a Greeter hub is clicked on the map, select it, when it is selected, display the panel below it: “101 coffee
shop etc...”This panel includes the Greeter Hub name: “101 Coffee shop” The distance from the user. And two
butons “Going” and “Maybe”. Only one hub may be selected at a time. -The counts below pertain to the
selected Greeter Hub. When a Greeter Hub is selected, it shows the number of compatible people there, the
number of Greeter's there, the number of people on the way, and the number of people considering going. This
must update in real time.
*The number of compatible people there =number of people who are using Greeter within 200 feet of this
location and for which this user is compatible to and for which the other user is compatible to this user.
*The number of Greeters there = the number of people with Greeter on within 200 feet.
*The number of people “On the way” = the number of people that selected “Going” within the time frame. For
example, if someone clicked “Going” in 30 minutes, 25 minutes ago, add them to the count. If they clicked
going in 30 minutes 45 minutes ago, remove them from the count.
*The number of people “Considering Going” = the number of people that clicked “Maybe” within the time frame.
*Find me a
Greeter Hub
*Click Going or
*Click Register your
cafe/restaurant/bar-club as a
Greeter Hub
*Or the plus sign
*User can fill the fields. If continue is clicked and
a field is not filled, or a set of checkboxes has
less than one selection, or if no photo is
uploaded, or if hours were not provided, then
display the according text for when information is
not given.
*radio buttons may be clicked.
*Ok sends the selected time frame to
the backend along with the current
time. Then transitions to the next
page. Add this user to the count if
* If maybe was clicked, then change
the text to “I might be going in”
*Make the X in the top corner darker
*Shows the email that is signed in at top right.
*Chart shows number of customers sent by length
of time.
*Number of people sent to your hub is = the total
people sent in the time span being viewed.
*Amount you paid for customer change to
“Average amount you paid for customer.” add up
all payments per customer, divide by total
*Visitors chart get information from the backend.
*Print lets the viewer print the chart and the graph.
*Greeter press links to Greeter press.
*Add an email and a phone number to the
comment box.
If all the information is provided when the user
clicks continue, send the information to the
backend associated to the user: Transition to the
next page.
*If the yelp rating is below 4, then the user may
not continue past this page.
*Selected bar/club
*Selected cafe
*The bar-club, and restaurant both use a
checklist. A bar incurs a fee of $25 a month for
every item less than 3 that they choose. A
restaurant incurs a fee of $25 a month for every
item less than 2 that they choose. Tally these
fees in the bottom box “1/6 promotions selected
etc...”. (Note the bar has coasters as an option,
the restaurant has a hostess stand pamphlet
holder instead).
*if the user already selected Going or
maybe for a place, then display This
to the user.
*X shows a popup: returns the user to
the page above so the user can
adjust the time according to their
* If the employee standards item is not selected,
hide the “Joke field.”
*When the user clicks “Next” transition to the
next page if a joke is provided OR if the joke field
is hidden.
*When the user clicks submit save the card
information associated to this user's account and
charge the card accordingly: The current fees.
*Transition to the next page.
*If not all the information was given, do not
transition and instead show which fields were not
*Apply promo codes. (Mustafa must create a
dashboard for me to create promo codes. )
*The news logos are links to news articles about
Greeter, If 0 are provided, omit the entire
section. If 1 is provided, show 1 logo. If 2 are,
provide 2.
*The Greeter Press provides the first part of the
text, a photo from the article, and clicking the link
transitions to the Greeter press article.
*This is the admin view, I (Scott) will go on here
to verify Greeter Hubs. After the user fills out the
whole form, then their information will appear in
a box here. 2 photos scraped from their yelp
page will appear here.
Greeter hub
applicant applies
then logs back on to
the website.
*Admin clicks
*After I or another admin
click “accept” automatically
send an email to that user's
email with this image
*Confirm transitions into the
user's dashboard.
Mustafa will
make a
dashboard that I
can provide
dates for.
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