State of texas
Geographical position
Category: englishenglish

State оf Texas

1. State of texas

2. Geographical position

The largest rivers of Texas:
Red River, Triniti, Brazos,
Colorado and Rio Grande;
set of the small rivers in the
central and western parts
often dry up.
The most part of Texas
(the center and the north)
represents the plains
covered with a bush, more
and more thinning to the
West where steppes and
deserts begin. In the east
and the southeast savannas
and dubovo-pine woods
have remained.


For Texas frequent tornadoes in
the central part and incidental
tropical cyclones at the coast,
leading to a serious damage.
Texas is rich with a variety of
fauna and flora. The most
numerous animals are coyotes,
deer, battleships.


San Antonio
Fort Worth
El Paso

5. Education

Texas has over 1,000 school districts.
In Texas, there are two leading universities of
the country - University of Texas at
Austin and Texas A&M University in
College Steyshene. Also in Texasare a lot
of medical institutions of high level.
Texas A&M University in College Steyshene
University of Texas at Austin


Houston is one of only five American cities with permanent
professional resident companies in all of the major performing arts
disciplines: the Houston Grand Opera, the Houston Symphony
Orchestra, the Houston Ballet, and The Alley Theatre.
Houston Grand Opera
Amon Carter Museum
Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House
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