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Theme: Extraordinary jobs
1. Theme: Extraordinary jobs
Done by: Alieva S.Checked by: Otyzbaeva K.Zh.
2. Introduction
Choice of work is a crucial step. Everyone earns moneyas he can. People work wherever he wants to work.
Let's talk about no ordinary work
3. Professional bridesmaid
A professional bridesmaid at the wedding performs all thefunctions of a true girlfriend - helps in preparing the bride,
organizing a celebration, actively participates in the
celebration, etc. You can get a job in a specialized or wedding
agency, and the average salary is $ 300-2,000 for one
4. Chocolate Taster
The duties of a chocolate taster include an aesthetic and tasteassessment of chocolate products, as well as an assessment of
their smell and level of compliance with existing standards.
Experienced tasters, working with major chocolate makers,
earn between $ 30,000 and $ 60,000 per year.
This is a man which checks the height of the slidesdescent speed is it enough water flows down slide as
far as comfortably falling into water and safety on
water slides.
6. Animal feed taster
In order to control the quality and safety ofpet food, they are tasted by ... people! Such
specialists earn about $ 24,500 a year.
7. Conclusion
In general, this list of extraordinary vacancies can becontinued indefinitely. And if for other countries this is
quite a common occurrence, then say in our country or
in the CIS countries, such vacancies are not very
popular and quickly lose it. Maybe the mentality is
different, and many more different reasons.
Nevertheless, in the 21st century, anyone can find a job
to their liking, even if not quite standard.