
St. Valentine's Day


Produced by Maxim Naumovich and
Zhenya Ukrainez.

2. Welcome

Hi guys, today we will talk about
wonderful day – Valentine’ s Day.

3. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine's Day — a holiday which is celebrated on February
14 in many countries of the world. One of two early Christian
martyrs with a name Valentin — Valentin Interamnsk and
Valentin Rimsky is presumably called by name. Celebrating this
holiday give to favourite and dear people flowers, candies, toys,
balloons and special cards (it is frequent in the form of a heart),
with verses, love recognitions or wishes of love — Valentine's
Day cards.

4. The history of the holiday Origins

St. Valentine's Day exists more 15th centuries, but by pagan traditions
holidays of "Love" enjoyed popularity in antique times. So, in Ancient
Rome on February 15 every year celebrated an abundance holiday —
Luperkaly — in honor of god Favn (Luperk — one of his nicknames),
the patron of herds. And a day before Luperkaly the holiday of the
Roman goddess of marriage, motherhood and women Juno and god
This day girls wrote love letters which placed in a huge ballot box, and
then men pulled letters. Then each man began to look after that girl
whose love letter he has pulled out.
Data have remained that this day was designated also "A bird's
wedding" as was considered that birds form marriage couples in the
second week of the second month of year.

5. Our days

In Germany Valentin is considered the patron saint
not of lovers, and mentally sick. In honor of a holiday
Germans decorate psychiatric clinics with scarlet
tapes, in chapels hold a special church service.
In Poland on February 14 visit the Poznan
metropolitanate. There, on a belief, Saint Valentin's
relics are also based, there is his wonder-working
icon. Poles believe that this pilgrimage will help them
with love affairs.
Wales is nice for so-called "spoons of love". The
matter is that before a holiday lovers cut out from a
spoon tree, decorate them with hearts, keys, castle
cracks and solemnly give each other. Such gift in
literal sense means: "You have found a way to my
In Holland this day it isn't considered shameful if the
woman of the first approaches the man and will
politely tell him: "Marry me!". If the man doesn't
estimate this high gesture, he can expostulate on
himself as he has to present to the lady a dress now,
and, mainly silk.
Except cards hearts in France can give linen, candies,
chocolate mousses, romantic travel, the sausage cut
by hearts, "happy" lottery tickets, pink yogurts,
artificial flowers.
Residents of England congratulate not only favourite
people, but also favourite pets — dogs, horses. For
February 14 in Great Britain sweets in the form of
hearts, soft toys, especially favourite bear cubs of
Teddy in Britain, and, of course, invariable cards
Valentine's Day cards are considered as popular gifts.


In Italy from where on a legend St. Valentine's Day
Brightly and cheerfully this day is celebrated also in
also originates, this date is called "sweet" day.
Japan where there is an unusual custom: in the park
According to the name of a holiday clear that the
or on the square the big scaffold from which young
main gifts are various candies, chocolates and cookies people and girls cry out declarations of love is under
in the form of heart.
construction. And not beauty of the recognition,
namely its loudness is estimated. Gifts are presented
Americans earlier in love and Americans gave each generally to men, and not only "the" beloved, but also
other marzipans which were quite valuable present as colleagues, relatives, acquaintances here.
marzipan contained sugar which cost then very much.
Wide use of sugar beet has begun with the beginning
of the 19th century, and enterprising Americans have
arranged production of caramel. By tradition wish not
only those friends and girlfriends happy Valentine's
day with whom are in the romantic relations. This day
congratulate all who are just loved — mothers,
fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, friends.
In Denmark St. Valentine's Day can be celebrated
cheerfully. Here mass representations and concerts,
performances and exhibitions, noisy parties are
arranged. Send to darlings, friends, family members,
colleagues beautiful white flowers (live and artificial)
and also cards with ridiculous verses and love poems.

7. Despite some distinctions of celebration of St. Valentine's Day, there are main traditions: to give gifts, during a holiday to

be together with the
favourite halves. It is also accepted to give to the
darlings Valentine's Day cards. Now we will
understand what is Valentine's Day cards.


Valentine's Day card — usually a card, in the form of heart
which can be given to favourite people on St. Valentine's Day.
Traditional color of a Valentine's Day card — red or pink. They
symbolize love and devotion.
The oldest Valentine's Day card has been found in one of the
English libraries. It has been written in 1477. In the love
message the girl asks the young man to prove the love and
reports that she by all means will achieve for them a dowry
from mother.

9. Interesting facts

1. The first gift the Valentine's Day card
was sent by the Duke Orleans to the 6.
2. More than 50 million roses are on
sale every year for St. Valentine's Day 7.
around the world.
3. The St. Valentine's Day in Iran and
Saudi Arabia is forbidden, on disobeyed 8.
heavy fines are imposed.
4. On St. Valentine's Day of sale of
chocolate and candies reach the profit
of 1011 billion dollars.
5. Every year about 1000 letters come
to St. Valentine's Day to Verona where
there lived Romeo and Juliette of
Shakespeare, addressed to Juliette.
In Western Europe St. Valentine's Day
began to be celebrated widely since
the 13th century.
In the USA 9 million people buy gifts
for the pets for St. Valentine's Day as
they are more grateful than people!
At Japanese St. Valentine's Day
became a men's holiday. This day a
strong half is filled up with gifts and
congratulations. In a month Japanese
celebrate White day during which
women become objects of attention
and adoration.



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