Country Profile! Policy Statement! Resolution!
Country Profile
Краткая информация о стране (1) - География
Краткая информация о стране (2) - Правительство
Краткая информация о стране (3) - Демография
Краткая информация о стране (4) - Экономика
Краткая информация о стране (6) - История
Краткая информация о стране (7)
Definition of key terms
Background of the topic
Previous attempts to solve the issue
Your country policy
Past international actions and documents
Possible solutions
The unofficial part of the policy statement
Sample resolution
General rules for writing your resolution
See you soon, resolution
What now?
Categories: policypolicy englishenglish

Country Profile! Policy Statement! Resolution!

1. Country Profile! Policy Statement! Resolution!


3. Country Profile

The main aim of the country profile is to get an overview of the
state in order to understand the main directions of its policy and
interests. General comprehension of the country’s current
position regarding the main problems of the today’s world
community is necessary for the conference.

4. Краткая информация о стране (1) - География

Location: (расположение, какими морями / океанами
омывается, горы и прочее)
Neighboring countries: (страны, с которым граничит по воде /
Area: (площадь)

5. Краткая информация о стране (2) - Правительство

Official name of the country: (полное официальное название
Capital: (столица)
Current leader: (текущий лидер)
Government type: (форма государства)
Independence: (дата обретения независимости)

6. Краткая информация о стране (3) - Демография

Population: (население)
Population growth rate: (естественный прирост населения)
Ethnic groups: (в процентах)
Languages: (какие есть в стране, какой является официальным)
Religions: (в процентах)
Average life span: (средняя продолжительность жизни)
Literacy rate: (уровень грамотности)
Education expenditures: (доля расходов на образование в % ВВП)
Health expenditures: (доля расходов на медицину в % ВВП)

7. Краткая информация о стране (4) - Экономика

Currency: (валюта)
Economic system: (экономическая система)
GDP per capita: (ВВП на душу населения)
GDP by sector: (ВВП по секторам)
Unemployment rate: (уровень безработицы)
Export partners:
Import partners:
Energy sources: (энергетические ресурсы страны)

8. Краткая информация о стране (6) - История

Recent History
(расскажите о важных событиях, происходивших в Вашей
стране в течение последних нескольких лет)

9. Краткая информация о стране (7)

Transnational issues
Year of joining the United Nations: (когда вошла в ООН)
Membership in international organizations: (самые важные)
Allies: (союзники вашей страны)
Enemies: (противники вашей страны)
International disputes and problems: (международные
конфликты, в которые вовлечена Ваша страна)

10. Extras

You may also add more information about your country if you feel
it may be necessary for your committee.
For example, if you are a delegate of the Environmental and
Cultural Committee, you may broaden the point about the
demographics of your country.
If you are a delegate of the Political Committee, you may
emphasize the Government section.
In other words – add anything you’d like as long as you mention
all the required points.



Your Policy Statement is the document which represents the
official position of your country regarding one of the questions of
the agenda.
You Policy Statement should also include information on the
factual situation in your country and in the countries related to the
issue of the agenda.

13. Definition of key terms

This part of the Policy Statement includes any terms you believe
are important when discussing the stated issue.
For example, if the question of your committee is connected with
deforestation, you should say what deforestation is.

14. Background of the topic

In this section you should speak about the brief history behind
the issue – how and when it emerged, which countries are

15. Previous attempts to solve the issue

Have any actions been taken to prevent this problem? In this
section you will need to explain what has or hasn’t been done to
solve the issue.

16. Your country policy

Here you should name the official position of your country
regarding the issue. Does your government approve of the
situation or is it against it?
Don’t forget which country you are representing: give the
position of your country, not your own view!

17. Past international actions and documents

If any documents have been adopted by the UN or other
international bodies, please specify those in this section.

18. Possible solutions

What should be done to solve the issue? Give three to five
possible solutions.
And again!
Don’t forget you are representing a specific country, not giving
your own opinion. Think about how these possible solutions will
correlate with the policy of your country.

19. The unofficial part of the policy statement

Factual situation in your
Say what the real situation in your
country is when it comes to this
specific question.
This information may be useful
during the debates and when
working on your resolution.
Do your research properly, as the
official position of your country may
differ from the actual situation.
Factual situation in
countries related to the
Talk about what these countries may
want to hide.
This information may be useful
during the debates.


21. Sample resolution

Preambulatory Clauses
Say what actions have been taken in the past
to solve the issue, and why it needs to be
Operative Clauses
Give ways of solving the issue

22. General rules for writing your resolution

Each clause in the resolution must begin with a specific word (ex. “Taking into account”,
Each clause-opening word must be underlined
Each operative clause must be numbered
Sub-clauses must be lettered ( a), b), c) etc.)
Sub-sub-clauses must be numbered in Roman numbers ( i), ii), iii), iv) etc.)
No clause-opening words should not be repeated

23. See you soon, resolution

More detailed information will be available soon!

24. What now?

Задание на каникулы:
Написать Country Profile
Написать Policy Statement (как минимум 1!)
Зачет по Country Profile – 18.01.2020


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