Definition-mooring system
Types of mooring line
Anchor loads
Drag embedment anchor
Suction piles
Vertical load anchors
Catenary mooring system
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Category: industryindustry

Different types comparison of anchors for floating structures


Different types comparison of
anchors for floating structures
Gridyaev D.,
Master of M3219e
Vladivostok 2018

2. Definition-mooring system

mooring line
A mooring system
used for station
keeping of a ship
or floating
platform in all
water depths.

3. Types of mooring line

fiber rope
D> 2000 m
Chain or
steel wire rope
D>100 m

4. Anchor loads

5. Drag embedment anchor

mainly used for
catenary moorings

6. Suction piles

Can be used in
sand, clay and
mud soils.

7. Vertical load anchors

It is used
primarily in taut
leg mooring

8. Catenary mooring system

The most used
system in shallow
water, as water
depth increases,
this system
become noneconomical.

9. Thank you for your attention

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