Categories: englishenglish ConstructionConstruction

LLC «Steelconstruction» is a modern construction company



LLC «Steelconstruction» is a modern construction company that performs all the design and construction works
such as:
-Architectural and structural design
-Design of supporting frames by categories and
industrial welfare
-Specific project sections design
-Construction projects engineering
-Steelwork production and assembling
-Supporting frames and enclosures building
-Building and installation of engineering and
transportation networks (for new building,
reconstruction and overhaul)
-Installation of inboard pipelines and networks,
systems, devices and gage devices.
-Protection of engineering units, equipment and
-Installation of manufacturing equipment
-Finishing works
The enterprise has its own production plant with railway lines approach that produces 5000 tons of metal
constructions per year. This department equipped with sheer legs crane with carrying capacity of 30 tons and
tower crane with carrying capacity 9 tons. LLC «Steelconstruction» has 11 caterpillar cranes with carrying
capacity of 25-63 tons, 4 pneumatic cranes with carrying capacity of 12-70 tons, engineering motor transport.
Employees of the enterprise (620 workers and engineers) are highly skilled specialists qualified according to
regulations of Government Board of Labor Protection Control.
The following modern technologies are used in manufacturing:
-Plasma metal cutting
-Automanual welding in carbon dioxide medium
-Laser monitoring on production of the metal construction
The above-listed current technologies make it possible to carry out the whole complex of building and

3. LLC «Steelconstruction» it is a leading building company of the Kharkov region and Ukraine on the whole, by the best proof

there are constructionworks it conducted by a company in city Kharkiv at preparation to
realization of EURO 2012
Reconstruction of stadium «Metallist».
Reconstruction all of the tribunes of
Construction of coverage Stadium.
Manufacturing and installation of
General construction works.
Tribunes of stadium


Reconstruction of sports
base of FC «Мetallist» in
the village Visoky,
Kharkov region.
Construction of a building Design works, fulfillment of the
foundations, installation of a
Children's football academybuilding skeleton, fulfillment of
a ventilated facade, painting and
decorating works
«МЕТАLLIST» Kharkov,
Plehanovsky, 65.
Construction of a new building
for players of the basic sport
team with a swimming pool,
construction of a new building
of an exercise room, general
construction works,decoration
of facades.

5. In connection with the intensifyed military situation in a country, company LLC “Steelconstruction" as organization with

In connection with the intensifyed military situation in a country,
LLC “Steelconstruction" as organization with enormous experience,
was brought over to building of soldiery strong points and non-loadbearing buildings in the Lugansk area

6. A company successfully participates in building of objects of a transport infrastructure of region

Reconstruction of adjoining
square, with building of the first
passenger airport terminal in
General construction works,
fulfillment of internal and external
engineering networks decoration of
facades, accomplishment of
adjoining territory.
Construction of a
second airport
terminal in
General construction
works,fulfillment of
internal and external
engineering networks
decoration of facades,
accomplishment of
adjoining territory.
Reconstruction of
VIP terminal International
Airport "Kharkov".


Square in front of the “suburban termin
of “Kharkov-Passazhirsky”
Railway Station
Erection of skeleton constructions of the building
of “the suburban terminal” of railway station, of
station ”Kharkov-Passazhyrsky”. Erection of
metalwares of transitive galleries.

8. The basic profile of work of our company is designing and building of industrial objects

Joint-Stock Company
“Donetskstal metal works”
Construction of concentrating
factory in Krasnoarmeysk.
Manufacturing and installation
of metalwares and non-standart equipment.
of a
plant in
Capital repairs. Construction of the
cement-packing department.


Joint-Stock Company “Kharkov tiled
factory”. Manufacturing and installation
of metalwares.
Joint-Stock Company “Kharkov tiled
factory”. Installation of the process

10. Our company produced enormous experience in building of transport and pedestrian transitions and bridges

Pedestrian Cable-stayed bridge across the river of
Kharkov, Kharkov. The length of bridge is 54 m, the total weight of
Construction of the pedestrian bridge over pr.
metal constructions is 62 t: the height at the highest point: 30 m. The
term of work is 3 months
Overall length 70m. The transition is located at a height of 8,5m.
Bridge is equipped with ramps with fencing and 2 lifts for people with
Construction of the pedestrian bridge at the
station Lozovaya. Southern railway.
Bilding of pedestrian bridge over the river
Severskiy Donets.

11. Objects of social infrastructure

Reconstruction of Constitution square in
Improvement of territory.
Reconstruction of square near KAOBT
Improvement of territory.


Building five-star hotel in a center of the
Kharkiv city.The arrangement of the bases,
general construction works.
Complex reconstruction of “Gorky park”
on the Sumskaya str. 81 in Kharkov.
Installation of metalwares Improvement of territory

13. The recognition of our professionalism and our reputation, evidenced by the fact that our company has won the tender for

general contractor an unique object, "accelerating of neutrons"
experimental nuclear power plant. Building was conducted under
patronage of Ministry of Energy the USA
Installation of the hall neutron sour
The facade of the hall neutron source
Hardware cooling tower

14. Our company has a wide experience of constructions and reconstructions of industrial and civil objects. Having highly skilled

employees, modern
industrial base, we carry out
the building and installation
works on a high technological
level. We invite all mutually
advantageous operation in
construction, reconstruction
and designing of objects of
any complexity
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