Machines in Road Construction
Categories: englishenglish industryindustry

Machines in road construction

1. Machines in Road Construction

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• ГБОУ СПО «Уфимский

2. Machines in Road Construction

3. Phonetic Drill

backhoe -
mixer -
grader -
bulldozer -
compactor loader -
sweeper -
scraper -

4. A machine that combines water with cement, sand or gravel to form concrete.


A construction vehicle that travels on
tracks with a large blade on its front to
push large amounts of material.


A vehicle that has a joint about which it
can pivot , allowing it to turn sharply.


A vehicle used to flatten soil, gravel, rock
or asphalt when constructing a road.


A construction vehicle used to lift dirt off
the ground and move it.

9. Ivanovskaya marka

10. The crane «KS Ivanovets» has a capacity from 16 up to 80 tons.It is a machine with excellent functionality, modern design and is characterized by a high level of security.

11. One of the main road machine is a vibratory asphalt compactor “Raskat”

12. The main purpose of this special type- layered seal laid mixture is to give it the required strength, evenness, and also to ensure a watertight seal. Machines of this type are used in the repair and construction of roads, sidewalks, driveways to garages a

The main purpose of this special type- layered seal laid mixture is
to give it the required strength, evenness, and also to ensure a
watertight seal. Machines of this type are used in the repair and
construction of roads, sidewalks, driveways to garages and
gardens, small sites.



• Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant is one of the leading suppliers of
construction machinery solutions providing products such as
bulldozers, track loaders, pipe layers as well as forestry
equipment, diesel engines and engine components.


• Highly professional designers and engineers resolve the
complex tasks of designing, testing and serial production of
new machines. Nowadays Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant provides
the global industrial market with the machines used in the oil,
gas, metal mining, construction and other industrial sectors.


• Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant presents the leading company on
Russian and CIS markets in the field of construction
machinery. Quality, demand and long-term cooperation are
the values that form ChTZ common base and they are
important components of corporate culture.


18. A plant of “Ufa road maсhine” is a leading producer of road-building equipment .”Ufa road maсhine” produces more than 10 000 names of products for multigrade maintenance of municipal and main roads.

A plant of “Ufa road maсhine” is a leading producer of roadbuilding equipment .”Ufa road maсhine” produces more than
10 000 names of products for multigrade maintenance of
municipal and main roads.

19. Building and repair of routes: asphalt plants by the productivity from 80 to 160 tons/hour.


21. “Ufa road machine” is also a distributer of the Korean firm DMI on the territory of Russia.

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