ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ПО РЫБОЛУВСТВУ «Дальневосточное мореходное училище (филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного

Types of vessels

1. ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ПО РЫБОЛУВСТВУ «Дальневосточное мореходное училище (филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного

Types of vessels
Выполнили студенты 721 группы: Прохоркина Полина,
Позднякова Эльвира
Идрисова Эльмира
г.Находка 2018

2. Tanker - sea or river cargo ship. The tanker is designed for the carriage of bulk cargoes . The hull is divided by partitions

into a number of compartments, which are filled with bulk cargoes.
The hull consists of a frame to which is attached a metal sheathing.
The volume of one tank can be from 600 to 10 000 m³ .

3. Bulker - a vessel or transportation of bulk cargo. Bulker transports coal, grain, cement, ore. Its deadweight is over 360,000


4. Is a cargo vessel, it is used for transportation of goods on water.

Is a cargo vessel, it is used for transportation of goods on water.


Container ship
A specialized cargo vessel, for the carriage of goods in uniform enlarged cargo units. As a
rule, the crew of a container ship consists of 10-26 people, since such ships are extremely


Ice breaker
A self-propelled specialized vessel
designed for various types of icebreaking
operations in order to maintain navigation
in freezing basins.


Gas carrier
A specially constructed vessel for the transport of liquefied natural gas (as well as
liquefied petroleum gas - propane and butane) in tanks (tanks):


Trawler fishing vessel intended for fishing by
trawling fish and non-fish objects and their
primary processing.
Trawlers are equipped with refrigeration units
for freezing and storage of products in holds.


A boat used to transport passengers and
vehicles between two banks of a water obstacle
(a river, a lake, a strait and even a sea).
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