Transport and inventions

Transport and inventions

1. Transport and inventions

2. What does mean transport?

Transport (Latin trans - «through» and portare - «bear")
- may refer to:
1) transport passengers and cargo
2)collection of all types of communications, technical
equipment to ensure the process of moving people and
goods for various purposes from one location to another
3)a set of technical systems for movement of people,
goods and information from one place to another.

3. Transport category

weather or air
ground, underground
water, underwater
rail and trackless

4. Water

Transportation: court
Means of communication: Seas and oceans, rivers,
lakes and canals
Signaling and Control: lighthouses, buoys
Transport: sea and river ports

5. Pack

Transport using work of animals or humans. It is
the oldest known to man kind of transport. It is
used usually in the mountains, deserts, wooded
and swampy terrain when it is impossible to use
other vehicles because of off-road terrain or
weather conditions, as well as in areas with weak

6. Animal drawn

Cartage - view of Road Transport, which is used
as a traction force of animals. People can ride a
horse or some animals harnessed singly or in
groups of wagons (wagons, carts) or sleds for
transportation of goods or passengers, or pack

7. Automobile

The car - a "means trackless vehicle with its own engine." The
trucks now carry virtually all types of goods. Transport is
superior to other forms of transport for flexibility and
versatility. The main areas of application. Basically effective
vehicles for the carriage of people and goods over short
distances, including: hydrating and supply of goods to the main
modes of transport,intercity transportation, transportation of
goods for trade and construction.

8. Cars

The most wasteful transport compared with other
modes of transport in terms of the costs involved
in the movement of one passenger.
Vehicles: cars, buses, trucks;
Means of communication: roads, bridges, tunnels,
overpasses, flyovers;
Transport: bus station, bus stations, parking lots,
Technical support: Station car service (SCS),
Parks (bus, trolleybus), road service.

9. Railway

Rail transport was both a product and a motor of
the industrial revolution. Originating in the early
XIX century. By the end of the XIX century the
total length of railways has passed for one million
Vehicles: locomotives and wagons
Posts Path: Railway track, bridges and tunnels
Transport: railway stations and railway stations

10. Air

Vehicles: airplanes and helicopters
Posts Path: air corridors
Transport: Airports
The main sphere of air transport - passenger
transport over distances of more than a thousand
kilometers. Also carried and freight transport, but
their share is very low.

11. Inventions

The invention ( creativity) - a new solution of the
problem , the technical implementation of the idea ,
which is the result of technical creativity . The invention
is aimed at meeting the urgent needs of society, and
ensuring the rise of the prior art , cause its progressive
historical development .

12. Telephone

Phone ( from the Greek τῆλε -. « Away " and φωνή - « voice" , "sound" ) a device for transmitting and receiving sound (mainly - of human speech ).
Modern phones at a distance is transmitted via electrical signals.
Telephone, patented in the US in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell , who
is called " speaking telegraph " . Bell tube served by one for
transmitting and receiving human speech. A. Bell’s phone did not ring ,
and later it was invented by a colleague A. Bell - T. Watson ( 1878) .

13. Computer

Computer (English computer, IPA : [kəmpjuː.tə (ɹ)] - «
calculator ." ) - A device or system capable of
performing a given well-defined variable sequence of
1941 - Konrad Zuse produces the first computing
machine Z3, has all the properties of the modern
computer .

14. TV

TV ( novolat televisorium –far-seeing, from the ancient
Greek τῆλε -. Far and Latin video -. See) - electronic device
for receiving and displaying the image and sound transmitted
wirelessly or via cable
In July 25, 1907 Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute of
Technology Boris Rosing filed an application for the
invention "Method of electrical transmission distance image”,
proving the possibility of using a cathode- ray tube for
converting an electric signal into a visual image point .

15. Calculator

Calculator (Latin calculātor « counter " . ) - Electronic
computing device to perform operations on numbers or
algebraic formulas .
1643 : Pascal's calculator - adding machine invented by the
French scientist Blaise Paskalem.1961 : Start of production of
the first mass calculator - ANITA MK VIII ( England , on
discharge lamps , full keyboard to enter the number + ten
keys for entering the multiplier )


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