Capstone Topics for Your Consideration
Topic 1: Feasibility Study & Business Plan for Commercial Implementation of The Short Intramedullary Nail in Armenia
What Is Done – Redesigned Model
What Is Done – Fabrication of Prototypes
Topic 2: Exploration of the 3D Laser Scanner Faro Edge and Promotional Demo for One Application
Topic 3: Exploration of the 5/01 Vario Vacuum Casting Machine and Promotional Demo for One Application
Topic 4: Design of an optimized IESM schedule of classes for the entire period of studies.
Category: businessbusiness

Feasibility Study & Business Plan for Commercial Implementation of The Short Intramedullary Nail in Armenia

1. Capstone Topics for Your Consideration

September 4 – 8, 2017

2. Topic 1: Feasibility Study & Business Plan for Commercial Implementation of The Short Intramedullary Nail in Armenia

Topic 1: Feasibility Study & Business
Plan for Commercial Implementation of
The Short Intramedullary Nail in

3. What Is Done – Redesigned Model

4. What Is Done – Fabrication of Prototypes

5. Topic 2: Exploration of the 3D Laser Scanner Faro Edge and Promotional Demo for One Application

How it works?

6. Topic 3: Exploration of the 5/01 Vario Vacuum Casting Machine and Promotional Demo for One Application

How it works?

7. Topic 4: Design of an optimized IESM schedule of classes for the entire period of studies.

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