Today we are solving problems
Learning objective
Strategies During Complete the Conceptual Map
Take a look at the image and form appropriate phrases or sentences
Activity: Use the symbols and sentences bellow to fill up the table.
b) Do Correction
Some sample examples
Category: mathematicsmathematics

Recall the definitions of position, distance, displacement, velocity and acceleration

1. Today we are solving problems

2. Learning objective

recall the definitions of position,
distance, displacement, speed, velocity
and acceleration and distinguish
whether these are scalars or vectors.


Strategies Before
Linking to Previous Knowledge and Predicting
Do you know about vectors and scalars?
Do you know what is displacement?
What is velocity vs. Time graph?
What is acceleration?
Do you know difference between velocity and speed?

4. Strategies During Complete the Conceptual Map

5. Take a look at the image and form appropriate phrases or sentences

Strategies After
Take a look at the image and form
appropriate phrases or sentences

6. Activity: Use the symbols and sentences bellow to fill up the table.

7. b) Do Correction


9. Some sample examples

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