Презентация к уроку по учебному предмету «Английский язык» в 9-ом классе на тему «Youth subcultures»

«Английский язык» в 9-ом классе на тему «Youth subcultures»

1. Презентация к уроку по учебному предмету «Английский язык» в 9-ом классе на тему «Youth subcultures»

Верхнеуральский муниципальный район
МОУ Межозерная средняя
общеобразовательная школа
Презентация к уроку по учебному предмету «Английский
язык» в 9-ом классе на тему
«Youth subcultures»
Учитель английского языка высшей
квалификационной категории
Cагитова Гульсум Талгатовна.

2. Цели и задачи :

• учебная – познакомить учащихся с проблемами
молодёжи и молодежными субкультурами; знакомство
с ЛЕ по теме, совершенствование речевых навыков,
умения говорить на основе прочитанного,
• коммуникативная – высказывания по проблемам
молодёжи , o субкультураx, выражение своего мнения;
• воспитательная –формирование у учащихся
толерантного отношения к людям с другими
взглядами и потребности занимать активную позицию;
• компетентностная – осмысление чужого и
собственного опыта;
обобщение информации по молодежным

3. Методические рекомендации к презентации «Youth subcultures.»

• Данная презентация знакомит с
молодёжными субкультурами.
Работа использована при
изучении темы «Молодёжные
субкультуры» в 9 классе.
• Слайд 4 – даны гиперссылки,
чтобы учащиеся могли сразу
посмотреть изображения
соответствующие названиям
молодёжных субкультур.
• При нажатии на слово E m o .
ссылка направляет на 12 слайд с
• Нажав слово на картинку1 на
слайде, вы вернетесь на 4 слайд.
• Слова Rocker , Punk , Rapper
также являются гиперссылками,
направляющими на 10, 14, 16
• Слайд 7- даны ЛЕ к слайдам
8,11,13,15, 17. Учащиеся
определяют о каких
субкультурах пойдёт речь и к
какой субкультуре нет ЛЕ.
• Слайд 19 – учащиеся
определяют о каких
субкультурах идёт речь. Опрос
можно провести в виде

4. Youth subcultures

Footbal hooligan
Sloane ranger
Role – playing gamer


• Teenagers unite in groups, they create their own rules, policy and they
have the main idea that serves as base for the whole movement.
• Teenager opposes himself to society, the young people express their
identity and take their beliefs to extremes.
• A subculture is a group of people who have interests that are different
from those of the mainstream culture.
• А subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different
subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion and
favourite music.
• Аt the heart of any youth culture is the music.
• Subculture is formed on the base of music, art or cinematographic
adoration but creation of new masterpieces takes the second place and
the first place is occupied by exploitative aims.
• Subculture gives teenagers an opportunity to find those who will spend
time with them having fun and doing nothing except talking and
sharing their thoughts and feelings.
Do teenagers have problems?

6. Youth has a lot of problems.

• Self-actualisation
• School drop out
• Unemployment
Youth has a lot of
•Addiction [əˈdɪkʃn]
• Violance
• Juvenile delinquency
•Decision making
[ˈʤuːvɪnaɪl dɪˈlɪŋkwənsɪ] детская
•Exam pressure
•Generation gap

7. subculture [ˈsʌbkʌlʧə(r)] - субкультура

• appreciate [əˈpriːʃɪeɪt]
• passionate love [ˈpæʃənɪt
страстная любовь
• eloquent [ˈeləʊkwənt]
• depict [dɪˈpɪkt] изображать, рисовать
• graffiti [grəˈfiːtiː] граффити
• hang out [hæŋ aʊt] тусоваться,
• adorn [əˈdɔːn] - украшать,
• take shape [teɪk ʃeɪp]обретать форму
• a good attitude towards доброе отношение к…
• opposed to[əˈpəʊzd]
• discrepancy
[dɪsˈkrepənsɪ] противоречие
• frequently

8. Goths.

A goth is a style of rock music
popular in the 1980; that
developed from PUNK music.
The word often expressed ideas
about the end of the world, death
or the devil.
A goth or some who likes the darker
side of things. Goth wear black
clothes, and both girls and boys
use black and white make – up
and dye their hair black.
They worship Satan to warn them.
A lot of Goths are actually very
nice, interesting people.

9. Goths.

• Goths appreciate everything, connected with love and death.
• Their point of view on life can be called as «depressive romantism».
• They find loneliness, passionate love with a tragic end beautiful and
• Usually members of this subculture dye their hair and nails in black .
They have slim bodies, and a fantastic make-up.
• Sometimes Goths pierce their lips, noses or eyebrows.
• The main idea of their style is to look like vampires, witches or black
• Actually, Goths like different kinds of music. But they prefer listening
to black metal, gothic rock, or classical music.
• They enjoy different operas, musicals and songs, played by orchestras.
Music can be aggressive or soft and melancholy – it doesn't matter.
But it must be eloquent and full of deep sense. Lyrics are very
important for them.

10. Punks

Punk – a person who
likes punk music and
dresses like a punk
musician, for example
by wearing metal
chains, leather clothes
and having brightly
coloured hair.

11. Punks

• Punk is a culture, a way of life, and more importantly a
mind set that entails doing what makes you a happy unique
individual, with no concern of what others think of you.
• They are opposed to the values, norms and materialism in
the society.
• Punks are easy to identify among other movements
because of their hair-do. The typical hair-do for punk is
Mohawk. First Mohawks were combat hair-do of the
Iroquois Indians tribe and were used for frightening
• Style of dress of punks - to protest fashion.
• The main trend of punk style is discrepancy and
• They prefer loud and violent music, lyrics which
frequently contain oppositional themes 9 anti- romantic
love songs, anti-parents, anti- police, etc.

12. Emo.

13. Emo.

It derived from the English word “Emotion”.
A person who can express himself or herself freely. Expression of emotion is
a main rule of Emos. They can be sad or happy. They are sensitive and
they can be easily depressed.
They are thin, tall, with pale faces, black haired, hair should be straight a
fringe closing one eye.
A black eye-liner make – up, black nail polish.
Favourite colours are black and pink.
Tight jeans with holes and patches. Skin tight T-shirts. Rubber soled sports
Piersed ears, nose, tongue.
Scream is a keyword of Emos favourite music. Wispering and crying are
often heard in their songs. Texts are about unhappy love, unjustice the
world which is full of violence and agression

14. Rockers.

15. Rockers.

The term rockers (and subculture) appeared in 1960 in England.
Originally it was applied to the young people who traveled on motorcycles.
The origins of Rockers, began to take shape as early as 1950, when the
style of rock 'n' roll began to gain momentum, thanks to the legendary
artist Elvis Presley.
The image of the rockers subculture characterized by practicality, in
principle, it survives today.
They wear leather jackets adorned with various patches, iron keys, and
other attributes.
Of all the subcultures rockers stand a good attitude towards others and a
complete lack of aggression towards other youth trends.

16. Rappers.

17. Rappers.

• This is a way of life of thousands of young people of the
new generation
• Rappers listen to electro, rap and other progressive music.
• They wear baggy trousers and a cap (not required) at any
time of the year.
• Rappers dance bboying (breakdancing) in the street.
• They depict graffiti.
• Rappers are fond of extreme sports and aggressive skiers on
roller skates and snowboards.
• Hang out in nightclubs.

18. Choose the right answer.

Different subcultures have
their own
a) beliefs, value systems
b) fashion
c) favourite music
They create their own
a) policy
b) canapes
c) rules
Subculture is formed on the
base of
a) abilities
b) cinematographic
c) music, art
Teenager opposes himself to
a) society
b) thoughts and feelings
c) mainstream culture


1.They are thin,
tall, with pale
faces, black
2.They wear
leather jackets
adorned with
patches, iron
3. They wear
black clothes,
use black and
white make –
up and dye
their hair black.
4.They are
sensitive and
they can be
5.The main
trend of their
style is
6.They are
opposed to the
values, norms
materialism in
the society.
7. The main
idea of their
style is to look
like vampires,
witches or
8.They are fond
of extreme
sports and
skiers on roller
skates and
9. The typical
hair-do for
them is
10.Scream is a
keyword of
their favorite
11.They depict
12. They wear
baggy trousers
and a cap.
13. They travel
14.They stand a 15.They
good attitude
prefer loud and
towards others violent music.

20. Сonclusion.

• Youth has a lot of problems. Subculture gives teenagers an opportunity to
find those who will spend time with them having fun and doing nothing
except talking and sharing their thoughts and feelings.
• Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and
favorite music.
• Young people think that music is a means of getting away from daily stress.
• The problem of communication with right people and companies is very
• Teenagers are often influenced by so-called “bad guys” and others.
Somebody begins to smoke, take drugs and drink.
• But this problem is solvable and parents should be more attentive to their
children and correct their behavior where possible.

21. Использованная литература:

• Учебник «Английский язык" В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа,
Э.Ш.Перегудова и др.
• "Happy English.ru" К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман - учебник
английского языка для 9 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений.
Обнинск: Титул, 2012.
• Материалы из Интернета.
• Википедия.
• Личные фото и фото учащихся 9 класса МОУ Межозёрной СОШ.
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