Category: industryindustry

Installation and operation of power lines


Installation and operation
of power lines


Who is an Electrician?
An electrician is a qualified specialist responsible for the creation of
intermediate installations conducting electricity from generators to the
final consumer (including the installation of transformers, electric motors
and other equipment, laying of overhead and ground lines).


Important information
Specialty code: 13.02.09
Level of education: secondary vocational (basic level)
Duration of study: 3 years 10 months
Qualification: Electrical Technician


Objects of production activity:
- power lines;- technical and technological documentation;
- processes of organization and management of production work on installation;
- adjustment, repair and operation of power lines;
- primary labor collectives


Types of professional activity:
- Installation of power transmission aircraft.
- Operation and repair of power lines.
- Reconstruction of power lines.
- Personnel management of the production unit.
- Performance of work on one or identified professions of workers, positions of
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