Category: informaticsinformatics

Most important addition


Most important addition
● Exporting spreadsheet with metadata of selected images
○ Each row should correspond to an image, and columns should be the
metadata for that item, only the facet metadata or all associated
○ Initially just include metadata: name, _id, and the selected facet
metadata. Final functionality should include a pop-up menu to fine-tune
which metadata to add using toggles


First priority required changes
Export CSV
● Exporting spreadsheet with metadata of selected WSIs


Secondary addition
● Toggle to show spreadsheet view (i.e. webix image organizer app) vs


Secondary changes
Toggle for spreadsheet
or thumbnail view


Secondary changes
Toggle for spreadsheet
or thumbnail view


Bug Fixes
● Clicking on thumbnail brings up pop-up large image viewer that does not
show image
● When uploading folders to database, there is no checkmark on the folder to
signify that the folder has been uploaded
● When uploading folder to metadata, the app warns that something went
wrong and an error is thrown on the console, but seems to work
● When adding new folders after facets have been set, new error occurs but
again, seems to work


Bug Fixes
● Clicking on thumbnail brings up pop-up large image viewer that does
not show image
● When uploading folders to database, there is no checkmark on the folder to
signify that the folder has been uploaded
● When uploading folder to metadata, the app warns that something went
wrong and an error is thrown on the console, but seems to work
● When adding new folders after facets have been set, new error occurs but
again, seems to work


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes
● Clicking on thumbnail brings up pop-up large image viewer that does not
show image
● When uploading folders to database, there is no checkmark on the
folder to signify that the folder has been uploaded
● When uploading folder to metadata, the app warns that something went
wrong and an error is thrown on the console, but seems to work
● When adding new folders after facets have been set, new error occurs but
again, seems to work


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes
● Clicking on thumbnail brings up pop-up large image viewer that does not
show image
● When uploading folders to database, there is no checkmark on the folder to
signify that the folder has been uploaded
● When uploading folder to metadata, the app warns that something went
wrong and an error is thrown on the console, but seems to work
● When adding new folders after facets have been set, new error occurs but
again, seems to work


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes
● Clicking on thumbnail brings up pop-up large image viewer that does not
show image
● When uploading folders to database, there is no checkmark on the folder to
signify that the folder has been uploaded
● When uploading folder to metadata, the app warns that something went
wrong and an error is thrown on the console, but seems to work
● When adding new folders after facets have been set, new error occurs
but again, seems to work


Bug Fixes


User Improvements
● Generate thumbnails ahead of time for whole collection, to improve use of the
application (avoid waiting for thumbnails to load)
● Allow more options for view: currently only shows a lot or a few
● Allow whole collections to be uploaded to the database - not just folders
● Allow toggling all for a specific facet


User Improvements
● Generate thumbnails ahead of time for whole collection, to improve use of the
application (avoid waiting for thumbnails to load)
● Allow more options for view: currently only shows a lot or a few
● Allow whole collections to be uploaded to the database - not just folders
● Allow toggling all for a specific facet




User Improvements
● Generate thumbnails ahead of time for whole collection, to improve use of the
application (avoid waiting for thumbnails to load)
● Allow more options for view: currently only shows a lot or a few
● Allow collections to be uploaded to the database - not just folders
● Allow toggling all for a specific facet


Notice how the button to upload
items is disabled, and also says only
for folders, change to allow
collections as well


User Improvements
● Generate thumbnails ahead of time for whole collection, to improve use of the
application (avoid waiting for thumbnails to load)
● Allow more options for view: currently only shows a lot or a few
● Allow collections to be uploaded to the database - not just folders
● Allow toggling all for a specific facet


Add a toggle all on or off option


Image Organizer


Metadata upload from spreadsheet


Metadata upload from spreadsheet
● Uploading metadata from file does not work on a nested folder (i.e. only on
folders that have images inside the first layer)
● Toggling a row that did not match, highlighted in red, causes the application
to hang (get stuck)
● Accepting an upload reports a count that does not match the number of
images available
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