Today's youth
Yourth today.
The youth of today have little or no guidance. Providing them with mentors could change this. Sometime the youth don’t listen
The human civilization is a product of centuries of evolution. Every generation contributes towards the development of the
Mavlonova Ozoda

Today's youth

1. Today's youth

2. Yourth today.

Youth are the key to the future. One of the most
vibrant segments of the country, there is great hope
from them. With the right mindset and ability, youth can
contribute to the development of the nation


Children are the future of every country. What is
good for the youth, is good for the future of that
country. Everyone loves their children and wants the
best future for them. For that reason, people everywhere are interested in peace, security and a good,
stable economy.


Much attention is paid to the positive
development of young people and their
preparation for employment. Teachers try to
do their best to educate young people arid to
bring them up in the spirit of democratic ideals
and internationalism. They try to teach
children good morals and ethics.


The government of Uzbekistan pays great
attention to the education and upbringing of young
people. They have every opportunity to study. The
uni-form system of public, education in our republic
makes it possible to proceed easily from lower level
to higher education. Graduates can enter any type
of specialized secondary or higher school.

6. The youth of today have little or no guidance. Providing them with mentors could change this. Sometime the youth don’t listen

to their parents, because their
parents don’t listen to them. Many parents live by “what I
say goes,” they don’t ever try to listen to their children.
Putting a mentor in a teenager’s life gives them someone to
listen to him or her while sharing with them past experience
and giving them good advice. Building recreation centers
and more places for teenagers to “hangout” gives them a
place to go other than the streets. Finally parents should
spend quality time with their children instead of making
them a last priority.


It is the young people who will take the
world's future in their hands. That is why it is
necessary for them to develop their own interests
and goals and to recognize and understand the
problems of today. What attracts young people to
these projects? Surveys suggest that the desires to
do something of value for society, a wish to see
new places and to test themselves in different
conditions are the three main motivating forces.

8. The human civilization is a product of centuries of evolution. Every generation contributes towards the development of the

society with its set of
ideas and opinions. Despite this, the human mind has
grown very impatient over the years. Despite its
potential, youth today can also be seen as impatient
and impulsive. Youth today are eager to learn and
explore new things. Although they may seek the
counsel of their elders from time to time, they don’t
want to follow their wisdom on every step.

9. Mavlonova Ozoda

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