Youth interests in Great Britain
Category: culturologyculturology

Youth interests in Great Britain

1. Youth interests in Great Britain



The Outward-Bound Trust is the longest
established and most experienced
organization in Britain based on outdoor
pursuits, personal development, and training.
It has five centres in the English Lake District,
Wales, and Scotland. It operates in 38 other
countries of the world. It has centres in
Belgium, France, Germany, and the
Netherlands. This organization is based on
two simple principles: firstly, that everyone is
capable of achieving more than he might
imagine, and, secondly, that too few people
have a real appreciation of what can be
achieved by team-work and mutual support.


There are hundreds of voluntary youth groups and organizations in Britain at local, regional
and national levels. They play an active role in the life of young people.


Some young people and girls join organizations
that give them the opportunity to devote
themselves to learning useful knowledge and
skills for their fellow citizens. These
organizations include primarily the English red
cross Society and the St. John ambulance
Brigade. They learn the skills of first aid, nursing
at home, etc. Are boys and girls in their free
time are on duty in hospitals, in theatres,
concert halls, crowded places, on the occasion
of any event or care for the sick at home. 7,000
children participate in the youth organization
for the protection of animals in nature and
nature in General. The boy scouts and girl-guide
organizations also do a great deal to help
neighbors, and most youth clubs can be said to
have members regularly doing work to help the
elderly, on duty in hospitals, or helping disabled


Youth clubs not only provide a space where
young men and women can meet, dance and
drink coffee. They give much more. Many
clubs have exceptionally diverse cultural,
sporting and non-curriculum educational
activities. Many of them have well-equipped
classrooms crafts, stage platforms with
equipment, orchestras, choirs, projection
apparatus for the demonstration of films, and
in some places and filming cameras. In
addition, there are other opportunities for a
wide variety of activities. In the summer, very
often open camps, for a small fee organized
trips around the country or abroad, Hiking in
the mountains, trips on bicycles or
motorcycles and, of course, swimming and
other sports.


There is a certain type of football called
rugby. The game is called so because it was
originated at Rugby — a well-known English
public school. As well as common football it
is a game played by two teams of fifteen
players each. The game takes place on a field
100 metres long and 80 metres wide. There
are goal posts at both ends of the field. Rugby
is played with an oval or egg-shaped ball
which can be carried by hands and kicked.
The ball is passed from hand to hand in order
to be thrown across the goal line. It is a rather
violent game, that is why the players must be
big and strong. Another requirement for the
players is to wear helmets, masks and chest
and shoulder padding.


Cricket is a popular summer sport in Britain.
There are many cricket clubs in the country.
Cricket players wear a certain uniform — white
boots, a white T-shirt and white trousers. One
cricket game takes a terribly long time. There
are two teams of 11 players each and test
matches between national teams can last up
to 5 days. The spectators have to be very
patient. The game is played on a pitch with a
wicket at each end. The rules of the game have
changed over the years. It is a game which is
associated with long sunny summer
afternoons, the smell of new-mown grass and
the sound of leather ball beating the willow
cricket bat. Cricket is more popular among
men, but it is also played by women and girls.


Tennis is another favorite sport of the Englishmen.
People all over the world know Wimbledon which is the
centre of lawn tennis. It is the oldest tennis tournament
in the world considered by many people to be the most
prestigious. It takes place over two weeks in late June
and early July. Wimbledon is known for its traditions —
strict white dress code for competitors, the absence of
sponsor advertising around the courts and some others.
Every tennis player dreams of taking part at this
Golf is a game of business community. In Great Britain it
is very common to establish good business relations
playing golf. The equipment for this game is quite
expensive as well as the entrance to a prestigious golf
club, so not everyone can afford it. Golf is a ball and golf
stick game played on a natural field. In this game one
has to knock a ball into a hole.
There are a lot of other popular sports in Great Britain,
for example, horseracing, croquet, swimming, running,
cycling and rowing.


It is a pity, but only a few young
people attend youth clubs and
organizations. Most of them are
more interested in activities that do
not cost money and can be picked
up with ease. Of course, this means
that most of their time they spend
with friends, Cycling or skating.
Many teenagers try to find
"Saturday jobs" as assistants in
shops, cafes or restaurants. They
need money and it is quite normal.
There are so many things that
young people want to buy as we
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