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Новочебоксарский химико-механический техникум


Новочебоксарский химико-механический
техникум Минобразования Чувашии
Автор: Радионова Карина Олеговна,
Студентка группы 19 – ХО – 123


The Great
Patriotic War
is a huge
emotional distress
for many people.
It’s hard to find
a family in our country
which didn’t lose somebody in this awful war.


The Great Patriotic War
was the most horrible war in human history.
Thousands of courageous soldiers have died,
leaving their children orphaned and wives


People sacrificed
their lives to save
the country from
outer invasion, to
save their comrades
and families.


Today every family keeps
and honors the photos of their
ancestors, who fought
at that inhuman war.


Every year thousands of
people countrywide take
part in procession
«Immortal regiment»
People who want to leave
a memory of the Great Patriotic War.


My great-grandmother Andreeva
Zinaida Ivanovna took part in this
war. She was born on the 25th of
December in 1929 in village Yurakovo
of the Chuvash Republic in a poor
family. She was the eldest child in the
family and lost her parents early. The
war began when my greatgrandmother was 11 years old. She
was a rear worker.



The tragic event started in 1941
in the month of June and lasted
for almost four years. The 9th of
May, 1945 is considered to be the
end of the murderous war. Each
year Russian people celebrate this
day as a Victory Day with
numerous commemorative
processions, fireworks and
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