
Economics and Ecology


Economics and Ecology
Monakhova E.E. Ec/b-18-5o


Economics and Ecology
The aim of my presentation is to
tell how the ecology,
environmental problems affect the
global economy as a whole and on
Russia separately.
1. Types of environmental
2. The impact of environmental
issues on the economy.
3. The situation in Russia.
4. What can we do?


Economics and Ecology
1 Types of environmental problems
1. Land crisis
2. Reduction of energy reserves
3. Deforestation
4. Air pollution
5. Pollution of water bodies and reduction of fresh
water reserves
6. Demographic problem.


Economics and Ecology
2 The impact of environmental issues on
the economy
1. The reduction of land resources and the decline in
their quality is reflected in food production.
2. The problem of the mismatch between demand
and supply of energy resources became global in the
second half of the 20th century, especially affecting
countries with underdeveloped economies.
3. The decrease in forest area entails a reduction in
food supplies, energy resources and other forest
products, which affects the economy of many
4. Reducing air pollution refers to materially costly
5. Economic growth is inextricably linked to the
growth of industrial water consumption.


Economics and Ecology
3 The situation in Russia
The main environmental problem affecting the
economies of all countries is global warming.
In Russia, it occurs 2 times faster than the world’s,
the area of ​sea ice in the Arctic decreases, droughts
and floods are increasingly occurring.


Economics and Ecology
4 What can we do?
For example, taxes on pollution and emissions are
applied, as a result of which it becomes
unprofitable for companies to harm the
Another option is to set emission limits, which are
accompanied by the possibility of buying and selling
permits for these emissions - the so-called quota
trading system. And the main option is to build
environmental enterprises, from which there will
be no toxic emissions and wastes.


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