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«marketing»: top viewed presentations in english
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Lnternational marketing. The global economic environment. (Chapter 3)
Customer-based equity and brand positioning (chapter 2)
The success story of Nike company
The Аpple company
Brands and brand management (chapter 1)
C3510 and C3100 introduction and software operation. Mindray
Customer statisfaction
What is marketing ?
Managing brands. Lecture 7. Portfolio strategy and brand positioning
Facts about brands
A business marketing perspective
Product concepts
A brand case study Adidas
Criteria of Brand Essence
Lnternational marketing. Global competitive strategy. (Chapter 7)
Louis Vuitton: history of a brand and it's way to success
Gold stock development
Marketing: creating and capturing customer value. Chapter 1
Nike`s mission. Vision, Goals and Objectives of Nike
Balenciaga. History of the brand
Segmenting the business market
Advertising and public relations
Marketing channels: delivering customer value
Louis Vuitton
History of brand. Statistics and facts on Nike
Branding. Product difference and brand
iPhone Apple
PreSales Training
Strategic marketing management
Brand and product decisions in global marketing
Brand management
Toyota Camry 3.5
Target Markets and Customer Behavior. (Chapter 10)
The McDonalds franchise
Lnternational marketing. Global product decision. (Chapter 8)
Lnternational marketing. Global price decision. (Chapter 9)
Defining marketing for the new realities
Marketing strategies and marketing planning
Marketing in the Internet environment
Company Profile
Communicating customer value: integrated marketing communications strategy
The marketing environment. (Chapter 3)
Lnternational marketing. Social and cultural environment. (Chapter 4)
Principles of marketing. Consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior
Marketing concept
The Marketing Mix
The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
Marketing. Management. Marketing strategies and marketing planning
Publicity as a way of promotion of the product
Смазочно-охлаждающие жидкости (СОЖ)
Lnternational marketing. Introduction. (Chapter 1)
Tesla, inc. Marketing plan
Product concepts
Managing Marketing Information. (Chapter 4)
Developing and managing products
Product decisions
Creating and capturing customer value. (Chapter 1)
Consumer buying behavior
Creating and pricing products that satisfy customers
Customer Decision Making
The rules of communication operator of the call center with the customer
Marketing strategy
Nike. How the brand survived until today
Branding. Advance of the goods on the market
The global environment and social and ethical responsibilities. Global markets and international marketing
Promotion decisions. Integrated marketing communications. (Chapter 18)
Integrated marketing communications
Products and services. (Chapter 5)
Demand function and elasticity of demand
The differences between PR and advertising
What is promotion?
How to promote the company effectively
Intercultural Communication: Semiotics and reading brands
Global marketing economic environment
Menu Italian Cuisine «Victoria»
Technology in our life
Product decisions
Principles of Marketing. Retailing and Wholesaling
P3 Business Analysis
PreSales Training
Global marketing channels and physical distribution. (Chapter 12)
Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships. Chapter 1
E-Marketing and customer relationship management
Elasticity and Its Application
Creative advertising
The differences between PR and advertising
Organizatorial buying behavior
International marketing
Restaurant only wants the beautiful would you eat at this place
The pharmaceutical industry
Starbucks coffee
Communication with the custome
Marketing strategy and customer relationships. An overview of strategic marketing
Part four target markets and customer behavior
Products, new product development process, branding
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being