
National parks and reserves of Belarus


National parks and
reserves of Belarus


We are a travel agency «Forest travel»
specializing in nature reserves and national
parks in belarus. We have thousands of
clients all over the world. Now we will
present you a number of places that you
can visit by contacting us.



National parks and reserves of Belarus
Narochansky National
Belovezhskaya Pushcha
Braslav Lakes
National Park
National Park
Berezinsky Biosphere
The Polesie State
Radioecological Reserve


Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve
The reserve is
located in the north
of the republic in
the Belarusian Lake
It was founded back
in 1925 to protect
and reproduce the
river beaver, which
was almost
exterminated by that
Since 1979 it has
been included in
the UNESCO list
of protected
biosphere reserves.


It was founded to protect and reproduce the river
beaver, which was almost exterminated by that time.


You can rest in the reserve for at least a whole month. All kinds of
recreation routes are well thought out here: pedestrian, automobile, water
- for every taste. If necessary, you can order a guide or translator.


Narochansky National Park
Narochansky National Park is located near
There are three groups of lakes in the
Naroch National Park: Bolduk, Naroch
and Myadel.
The central one is the Naroch Lake – the
largest lake in Belarus (its area is 80
square km).



There are the biggest in Belarus resort and wellness area – the
main health center of the country.
You can enjoy water rides, sailing on a boat or a catamaran.
Hiking is also popular.


Pripyatsky National Park is another
pearl of ecotourism in Belarus
The administrative center of the park is located in one of the oldest cities in Belarus –
One of the main values of the Pripyatsky National Park is its floodplain landscapes, where
you can see the alternation of vast open meadows and arrays of shrubs, swampy lowlands
and areas of sparse woodlands, single mighty oaks and ancient lakes.


The diversity of flora and fauna on the territory of
«Pripyatsky» is surprising. Here you can find 1744
species of plants and 356 species of animals. Some
of them are included in the Red Book of the
Republic of Belarus.


Braslav Lakes National Park
One of the most beautiful and unique places in
Belarus is the Braslav Lakes National Park. It is
250 kilometers away from Minsk.
The total area of the national park is 71500
hectares. About 17% is lakes and forests are 46%.


You can find a number of interesting monuments of nature,
history, and culture in the national park. They are:
glacial landforms,
islands in the lakes,
large boulders,
ancient settlements,
burial grounds and religious buildings.


The Polesie State Radioecological Reserve
It was established on July 18, 1988


The reserve hosts many rare and endangered
species, which thrive there thanks to the
virtual absence of humans.
They include:
European bison


Przewalski horse




Brown bear


Golden eagle


White-tailed eagle


Although the reserve was established for the
purpose of radiobiological and environmental
research, it is of interest to other biologists. Due to
the minimal human presence, it is possible to
observe the natural development of wildlife in the
conditions of Belarus.


Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the national symbol, the visit card
of our Republic and the pride of Belarusian people
Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the unique nature object with full diversity of
Belarusian forests. The average age of the forests is more than 100 years, the
maximum — 200-300 years, and individual giant trees live 300-600 years. The
good example is the Patriarch oak which age is about 600 years. This oak is 28,5
high and has more than 2 metres in diameter.


The fauna of Belovezhskaya Pushcha includes more than
10 thousand species. Of most interest is the bison which is
entered into the International Red Data Book. Bison is the
live monument of the European fauna, national pride of
Belarus and a special symbol of the National Park
Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Nowadays around 300 bisons
live in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.


Belovezhskaya Pushcha is not only the centre of scientific
research, it is also the large tourist centre of the Republic.


Well, as you can see, the choice of
nature reserves and parks in Belarus is
really great.
Contact us - and we will select the place
that best suits you!
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