Category: marketingmarketing

Scooter Story. Production Overview


YouTube Video: 1 - 2 Minute
Blog Post: Simple written story
Facebook: Simple written story
Instagram: Image w/ link to blog story
Twitter: Video w/ link to blog story
Email: Video embedded


Key Points for Video
Why did you decide to buy an electric scooter (story)
Why did you select ____________________ model?
What was your experience using that scooter? Good and Bad?
Why he chose to buy from fluidfreeride
What was your experience like with fluidfreeride?


Static Shot List
In front of fluidfreeride store - standing with “his” scooter
In front of white/green screen so we can show him in front of office building
Riding scooter down the street w/ helmet on (maybe backpack)
Video Shoot List
In studio with white background on tall chair
In front of fluidfreeride store - standing with “his” scooter
Riding scooter down the street w/ helmet on (maybe backpack)


Key Points/Locations for Video
Why did you decide to buy an electric scooter (story) - on stool / casual / telling his
Why did you select ____________________ model? - in studio with scooter / arm over it
What was your experience using that scooter? Good and Bad? - riding video/cut to studio
Why he chose to buy from fluidfreeride - in front of fluidfreeride door with logo
What was your experience like with fluidfreeride? - in front of fluidfreeride door with logo
Final Statement: Love my scooter - would always recommend buying from ffr because...


Scooter Stories
My Long Commute Scoot
by Alex Nelson
Why an Electric Scooter?
Hello my name is Alex and this
is my electric scooter story.
B-Roll to support his story.
Then back to him.


Why did you choose the Mantis?
B-Roll of rider on Mantis.
B-Roll of the Mantis - some up
close component shots
Why did you choose to buy your
scooter from fluidfreeride?


B-roll of Edgar showing Alex
A Scooter in Showroom
So….how does your story end?
Alex laughing/smiling/arms in
Love my scooter - would
always recommend buying
from ffr because...
Scooter Stories
Rated by Alex
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