Categories: internetinternet softwaresoftware

Celtic Games Studio




A card game set in Yu Gi Oh universe that utilizes style and mechanics borrowed from autochess
The game is 1v1 card duel, each match consists of two sides having game panel in front of them.
Game panel consists of their cards and fields where cards can be placed.
In-Between them there is „arena” which is combination of both card fields in a bigger scale.
Whenever a card gets placed on a card field, a corresponding field on the arena is being occupied
by a 3D model of character presented on the card.
Its the 3D models that interact with eachother, mainly by attacking eachother with animations.
The game has tours, although cards possess „speed” quality which allows some of them to be
activated during the enemy turn.




Design of the board
The board consists of two elements: HUD
with cards and the arena.
The card fields correspond with the fields on
the arena.


Design of the board
Once card played, a 3D model attached to it
should appear on teh corresponding field on
the arena.
Cards have abilities and except that can deal
damage with normal attacks.
Except monster cards; trarp cards,
enviroment cards, spell cards, item cards
and special monster cards can be played as


Mechanics of the game
Each player starts with 8000 HP.
Whoever gets to 0, loses.
Monsters have attack points themselves. If
attack points of one moster are greater than
attack points of other. One that has more
points wins and the reamaining attack
damage points are being reduced from
players HP.


Advantages / Disadvantages
•Card game based on popular anime with huge
player base and potential for further growth.
•Reguirement of a funcntioning prototype before
•Aleardy created mechanics that exist, only
implementation required.
•Licnese might not be obtained, in such
scenario, there will be need for either aquiring
license from antoher popular anime or creating
our own cards/characters.
•Pretty basic, easy to engage and hard to
•Iconic cards and characters that people will
likely try to get.
•Can expand profit further into merch, VR,
mobile or even create next tv series
•Lootbox system, therefore there must be an
empasis on good quality skins/animations.


Possible route
We might risk and instead of trying to aqure
lincesne, start creating our own
characersfrom the beginning etc. This
process might be exchausting and difficult,
however we will not have to share profit with
license owner.


•Stage 1: Create graybox prototype of HUD with
cards and arena with basic models
•Stage 2: Keep adding mechanics, effects,
interactions between cards and figures. Add
basic textures and animations
•Stage 3: Create Client-Server, user accounts
and basic matchmaking. Possibly outsource
other server providerr.
•Stage 4: Create company and apply for
grants/lincense – use your prototype
•Stage 5: Hire more specialists. Focus on gamer
experience. Keep adding more characters,
interactions, effects, animations, better textures.
Possibly outsource companies.
•Stage 6: Once the game is playable. Release
alpha and keep improving game while getting
feedback. Start working on character
•Stage 7: Release beta and start worrking on
lootbox and ranking system.
•Stage 8: Marketing campaign and game release.
Translate game to importat languages.


The Universe


The Universe
The universe consists of anime and manga
series. Many reckognizable and likable
characters. Iconic cards and monsters. The
universe has faithful hand of current users
but also has potential for further expansion.
In case of not obtaining lincese an
alternative anime universe could be used
with many characters and easy reckognibility
around the world.
Possibly: Naruto, Bleach, Shaman King,
HunterxHunter, Bakugan, Dragon Ball,
Requirement: Many unique characters and
reckognition among the world.
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