Diapositivo 1
Diapositivo 2
Diapositivo 3
Diapositivo 4
Diapositivo 5
Diapositivo 6
Diapositivo 7
Diapositivo 8
Diapositivo 9
Diapositivo 10
Diapositivo 11
Diapositivo 12
Category: englishenglish

Present perfect. Simple activities

1. Diapositivo 1


2. Diapositivo 2

have joining
have joined
has joined
John ______ the army.

3. Diapositivo 3

has had
has having
have having
have had
She______ a great

4. Diapositivo 4

have sweeping
has swept
have swept
I______ the floor.
has sweeping

5. Diapositivo 5

have landed
has landed
has landing
They ______ on
the Moon.
have landing

6. Diapositivo 6

have walked
has walking
have walking
has walked
They______ to school.

7. Diapositivo 7

has playing
has played
have played
He ______ alone.
have playing

8. Diapositivo 8

have rained
have raining
has rained
It______ a lot.
has raining

9. Diapositivo 9

has sold
have sold
have selling
He ______ some
has selling

10. Diapositivo 10

have solved
has solving
have solving
has solved
We______ the case.

11. Diapositivo 11

have finishing
have finished
has finishing
I ______ my
has finished

12. Diapositivo 12

has played
have played
has playing
You _____ football.
have playing
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