Category: historyhistory

Life in my country 50 years ago


Life in my country 50 years ago


And so it will be about the 70-x years.
at that time on the site of Russia and countries nearby
was the Soviet Union


The term October has arisen in 1923-24, when in
Moscow began to arise the first groups of October,
in which were taken children - peers of the Great
October socialist revolution.


In the USSR, pioneer the organization was formed
May 19, 1922 of the year. Until 1924 pioneer
organization bore the name of Spartacus, and after
the death of Lenin got his name.


In the 1970s in the USSR, all industries were actively developing. Were built
new enterprises (including VAZ and KAMAZ). From 1970 to 1985, the country was built
3200 new factories. An extensive development model prevailed in the USSR
economics i.e. building factories across the country and increasing their numbers.


In the 1970s scientific and production associations were created in the USSR,
high-tech industries (with the introduction of robotics, microelectronics,
computer science and biotechnology). In search of more flexible planning
long-term and comprehensive plans. The city of Zelenograd becomes one of
main research and production centers of electronics and microelectronics
USSR and Russia. More than 5,000 research institutions worked.


Domestic architecture of the 1970s. made a huge leap in her
development. More sophisticated in functional,
Constructively and aesthetically, building types. Progressive
the orientation of Soviet architecture manifested itself in construction
large residential complexes in all cities, in a sharp increase
housing construction and in a qualitative change in the nature of housing.


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