An ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standards in the field of ICT.
ICT in Education
ICT in Public Sector Management
ICT in Health
ICT in Agriculture and Food Security

An ICT role in key sectors of development

1. An ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standards in the field of ICT.

Kurmanova Diana
106 group
Faculty of general medicine

2. Plan:

I. Introduction
II. Main part
1. ICT definition. The subject of ICT and its objectives. The role of
ICT in the development of society.
2. Standards in the field of ICT. Communication between ICT and
achievement of the objectives of a sustainable development in
the Millennium Declaration.
3. ICT in Key Sectors:
Public Sector Management
Agriculture and Food Security
III. Conclusion

3. Introduction

Head of the state, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, initiated a Nation
plan "100 specific steps",
oriented to production
modernization, increasing of
investment activity, prevention
of reduced income and creating
new vacancies. All this will
promote employment of
population, including ICT field.
This means that, ICT is very
common in the modern world.
And everyone should know the
subject and purpose of the


Information and communication technologies
(ICT) - a set of methods, workflows and software
and hardware tools that are integrated with the
aim of collecting, processing, storage,
distribution, display and use of information for
the benefit of its members
To date, the concept of IT includes
microelectronics, development and production of
computers and software, connection and
telephony, mobile services, providing Internet
access, providing information resources of the
Internet, as well as a variety of cultural
phenomena associated with these areas of
activity and rules (both formal and informal) that
govern these areas of activity.


The potential of ICT as a development tool rests on
its ability to improve the way people do things. The
rapid changes and advancements in modern
technology present a unique opportunity for
developing countries to leapfrog intermediate steps in
development while improving the quality and
broadening the reach of public services.
The strategic and effective use of ICT—combined with
a reform-oriented mindset, necessary set of skills,
institutional structure and capacity, appropriate
business models, as well as policy and regulatory
environments—can facilitate fast and efficient delivery
of public services in key sectors.



ICT-standards system - a set of normative
and technical and regulatory guidance
documents, including a set of interrelated
standards and other documents in the field of
standardization related to ICT, documents
defining the methodology of development,
coordination, approval, modification,
deployment, use and replacement, including
a methodology to assess facilities for
compliance with these standards and other
documents in the field of standardization.


ICT industry - as a specific field of
activity, which includes research, creation,
development, evaluation, procurement,
acquisition, implementation, operation
and utilization of ICTs. It covers thus work
as a developer and ICT suppliers and
customers and users of ICT, including the
activities for the implementation,
operation and utilization of ICTs.


Industry Standard (IS) - standard related
to processes, products and other aspects of a
particular field of activity (whether
commercial or not aimed at profit). In this
document, under the industry standard it
refers to a standard or other document in the
field of standardization, designed for the use
of ICT. The procedure for the development
and application of established IS specialized
body of public administration.


Standard - a document in the field of
standardization, standardization of
relevant principles, covering categories
such documents as the standard of
organization, the standard non-profit
association, the industry standard or set
of rules (the industry), the national
standard, international standard.


International standard - a standard adopted
by an international organization.
National standard - a standard adopted by a
national authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for Standardization.
Non-profit association Standard - a standard
non-profit professional organization (union,
association, etc.), designed for wide application
by different stakeholders. The order of
development of the standard and non-profit
association established this association and is
harmonized with the state and industry
standards development orders.


Organization Standard - a standard
developed and approved by the
organization itself, based on the necessity
of its use to improve production and
quality assurance of products, works and
services, as well as for the dissemination
and use of knowledge in different fields of
research results (the test), measurement
and development.

13. Telecommunications

ADB support for telecommunications and ICT is
changing lives across the region. Farmers and
fisher folk receive timely weather forecasts
through their mobile phones, remote village
schools connect to educational resources through
internet -enabled computer labs, and citizens
transact with their governments more efficiently
through online systems. ADB is also helping to
expand telecommunication networks, provide
shared ICT access facilities like Community eCenters (CeCs), and develop innovative and
relevant ICT applications.

14. ICT in Education

ICT can improve the efficiency and quality of
education at all levels. Part of ADB's strategy to
support its education policy principles is
promoting "experimentation with, and
dissemination of, innovative strategies and
technologies in education." This involves
developing appropriate e-applications to help
DMCs leapfrog conventional means of learning
and teaching . For example, Uzbekistan’s
Information and Communications Technology in
Basic Education Project, supported by a $30million ADB loan, is bringing education to remote
rural areas and benefiting 540,000 students.

15. ICT in Public Sector Management

ADB encourages governments to adopt
both innovative approaches and modern
technologies to promote good governance.
This is done not just by shifting from
manual, paper-based processes to
automated systems, but also by creating
new skills, building human and
institutional capacity, and creating an
enabling policy and regulatory
environment to facilitate public sector

16. ICT in Health

ICT can be a powerful tool for improving
health and related services. ADB projects
are helping to improve dissemination of
public health information, bridge the gap
in consultation, diagnosis, and treatment
between resource-rich and resource-poor
hospitals, facilitate learning, enhance the
ability to monitor diseases and other
health issues, and make health
administration more efficient.
ICT in Health


18. ICT in Agriculture and Food Security

ADB’s ICT efforts are raising agricultural
productivity and the quality of life of
farmers and the rural poor by improving
information flows, communication, and
access to reliable, up-to-date information.
This enables strategic decision-making by
farmers and prevents or mitigates losses
caused by natural disasters.
ICT in Agriculture and Food

19. Conclusion

Over time, emphasis on technologydominated structures should be lessened
and ICT should be highlighted more. ICT
are people who understand and have
expertise on both the technicalities of ICT
and the intricacies of development.
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