Kazakh National Medical University by name S.D. Asfendyarova
Types of weakness in the labor force
During childbirth
Contraindications to induction of labor
Category: medicinemedicine

SW : The weakness of labor

1. Kazakh National Medical University by name S.D. Asfendyarova

ISW : The weakness of labor


• The uterine activity is insufficient in
strength, duration and frequency of
uterine activity due to its hypotonic

3. Еtiology

• 1) excessive mental stress
• 2) violation of neurohumoral factors that
regulate the process of childbirth.
• 3) infectious diseases, endocrine diseases,
metabolic disorders, organic diseases of the
nervous system
• 4) pathological changes of the uterus of
congenital and acquired nature, infantilism,
impaired biochemical processes in the


• 5) mechanical barriers to the
advancement of the fetus.
• 6) polyhydramnios, multiple
pregnancy, untimely rupture of the
water, post-term pregnancy
• 7) unreasonable use rodosthenous
and painkillers


• The weakness of labor is
characterized by the low tone of the
myometrium, with rare frequency of
contractions, low amplitude of
contractions. It is noted the
predominance of cool-down period of
the reduction that slows down the
cervix and the promotion of the fetus
through the birth canal.



8. Types of weakness in the labor force

• The primary weakness in the labor
force -appears with the onset of
labor, secondary -occurs after a
period of regular labor.


• When primary weakness in the labor
force for some time may be so-called
preliminary fights.They are regular,
but rare and weak, cause no
smoothing cervical or uterine OS of
the disclosure.


• A secondary weakness in the labor
force is observed on the background
of normal tonus of the uterus. At first
they were regular, and then
constantly diminish, become less
frequent and shorter. Disclosure of
the pharynx, reaching 4-6 cm, more
happens and the promotion of the
fetus through the birth canal.


12. During childbirth

• During labor with primary weakness
of labor has several features:
increases the duration of labor, water
often pours out in a timely manner.
This causes the slow advance of the
fetus through the birth canal , there
is a risk of birth trauma
mothers(ischemia, necrosis, urinary
fistula formation) and fruit, there are
often bleeding.

13. Diagnosis

• Based on a careful observation of the
woman in labor for 5-6 hours, with
the weakness of attempts - within 1
h, repeated vaginal examination.

14. Contraindications to induction of labor

• A mismatch between the size of the
fetus and the pelvis, the presence of
uterine scar after cesarean section,
husking myomatous nodes, surgery
for perforation of the uterus, with
symptoms of threatening rupture of
the uterus prior to septic diseases of
the genital organs.

15. Literature

• Pereginske A. А. «Normal and abnormal
uterine activity», 2011
• VI, Bodyagina, K. N. Zhmakin, A. P.
Kirshenkov «Obstetrics», 2010
• http://krasgmu.net/publ/zdorove/beremen
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