Tyumen state University, Tyumen

Tyumen state University, Tyumen

1. Tyumen state University, Tyumen

2. Courses are taught

preparatory courses for the exam and GIA for pupils
of 8-11 classes;
individual consultations on General subjects for
students 1 and 2 courses;
courses B. A. Kutuzov : "Computer technologies in
translation", "Corpus linguistics", "Automated
methods of collective translation." In his courses he
implements the most advanced educational
technologies and innovative techniques, such as, for
example, the collective translation, which is very
important in the training of linguists-translators.

3. The degrees that you can get

At Tyumen State University you can earn your degree
master and bachelor.
Also Master of Business Administration (MBA)" is a
fundamental program for the training of senior and
middle management of the company in the field of
business management.
Tyumen state University opens the recruitment for
international master's double degree program
"International business and Finance" . The program was
developed by city University in the UK and Tyumen State
University. Upon completion of the program graduates
receive the academic degree — English ("Master of
Laws") and the Russian "Master of law".

4. The structure of the University:

Educational institutions:
Financial and economic Institute (FEI);
The Institute of state and law (IGIP);
Institute of mathematics and computer science (Imin);
Institute of chemistry (Inhem);
Physico-technical Institute (PTI);
Institute of Earth Sciences (ISEM);
Institute of biology (INBio);
Institute of Philology and journalism (Ifej);
Institute of history and political science (IIIP);
Institute of psychology and pedagogy (IPIP);
Physical culture Institute (IFK);
Institute of distance education (IDO);
Regional Institute for international cooperation

5. Other academic units TSU:

Academic gymnasium;
Center for environmental education;
Center of linguistic education;
Center network educational programs;

6. The structure of the University:

As well as research institutes and innovation
Information and media division TSU:
Departments — Branches 88 — 12
Missions — 20
Museums, Sports facilities: 6 halls, 2 gyms, centre
winter sports, shooting range, swimming pool, 4

7. the history of the University

1 January opened in Tyumen State University. It was
created on the basis of the Tyumen pedagogical
Institute, which existed for 43 years.

8. The number of students, professors, mentors

The educational process provides 1,200 faculty
members, of whom 511 candidates and 145 doctors of
Sciences, professors.

9. Projects involving University

3 international projects under the TEMPUS
programme with the participation of the Tyumen
state University:
1)"the Training of teachers and managers in
education to work with heterogeneous groups"
2)Project "Development of master programme for
training teachers of European languages on the basis
of modern technologies"
3)the Third project of Tyumen state University in the
field of jurisprudence on a theme "Development of
master program in European and international law
in Eastern Europe"

10. the quality of education, the University rating in Russia and in the world

Tyumen state
University is one of the
three most popular
higher education
institutions in the
South of the Tyumen
region. It is the sixth in
Siberia and fifty ninth
in the country

11. Notable alumni

Degtyar, S. A. - Deputy
Governor of the Tyumen
region, member of the
Presidium of the
government of the Tyumen
Kuklev, Galina Alekseevna
(1972) is a Russian biathlete,
Olympic champion and
three-time world champion.
Rakov, Anastasia
Vladimirovna – Deputy
Mayor of Moscow
Nemiroff, Miroslav
Maratovich (1961) —
Russian poet, prose writer,
essayist, activist
contemporary art.
Hulin I. N. - Chairman of the
Electoral Commission of the
Tyumen region.
Cheboksary, Vladimir –
champion of the USSR,
Europe and world, Olympic
medalist in Greco-Roman.
Szewczyk, N. A. - first
Deputy Governor of the
Tyumen region.
Yakushev Vladimir
Vladimirovich (1968) — the
Governor of the Tyumen
Notable alumni
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